"Wenfeng has gone and gone! Long haochen did not give qi ya a chance to refute and dragged her into the elevator.

"Did Wenfeng really go? Qi ya looked at long haochen incredulously.

"Why would I lie to you? Don't worry! Long haochen rubbed qi ya's hair with a smile and looked at her nervously." Is there anything wrong with you?" "

"I' m fine. Wenji fell to the ground with me in his arms. I thought he was fine, but I didn' t expect him ..." Qi ya choked and couldn' t speak.

"Don't worry, he'll be all right. Long haochen held her in his arms in comfort.

Under long haochen's firm insistence, qi ya underwent a series of tests. After confirming that she was fine, long haochen was finally relieved.

"I told you I was fine, and I still have to spend money in vain. Your money is all from the wind? Qi ya looked at long haochen with a scowl. Knowing that this man was worried about her, her heart actually warmed.

"What do you need so much money for without a healthy body? Long haochen looked at her and smiled.

'Why did you come so soon? You have clairvoyant eyes? Qi ya blinked in confusion.

"You guessed right, I have eyes! Long haochen smiled mysteriously.

"I don't know what wenji will do. Let's go and see him! Thinking of wenji, qi ya quickly walked to the emergency room on the second floor.

"Well! Long haochen held qi ya's hand tightly and went downstairs with her.

Wenji was sent to the ward on the sixth floor after the surgery. When the two of them walked in, wenji was lying on his side on the bed with a thick bandage on his body. The doctor was standing by the bed and telling her some things to take care of.

"Wenji ..." Seeing how wenji looked, qi ya ran over and her eyes immediately turned red.

"Sister qi ya, I' m fine. You don't have to worry! "Wenzhi smiled at qi ya.

"Doctor, is he really all right? Qi ya did not believe in the words of the doctor. She looked at the doctor beside her and asked.

"The operation was very successful. His physical condition is very good. I believe that he will recover soon. Don' t worry! The doctor smiled at qi ya.

"Thank you, doctor! Thank you! "I don't know what to say.

"You're welcome! The doctor left the room after he had told him more.

"Wenji, thank you! If it weren' t for you ..." Qi ya grabbed wenji's hand, feeling an indescribable sense of gratitude and guilt.

"Sister qi ya, this is what I should do! And I'm not a big deal, am I? "

"You're so hurt, and you said it was nothing serious? Qi ya looked at him and did not know what to say.

"Have you not heard of a word? "

"What? "Asked qi ya, wiping her tears.

"It's healthier to crash, haha! Wen zhi laughed and his body suddenly felt a pain, causing him to frown.

"You're still in the mood to joke! Don't laugh, the doctor said, don't get too excited. Qi ya looked at him reproachfully.

"He's all right, you go back first! I got her a paramedic! Long haochen listened to their conversation and patted qi ya on the shoulder.

"No! I'm going to take care of him here! And if I leave, he'll be bored. "Said he.

"Sister qi ya, I' m really fine. Besides, how can you take care of me as a man? "Wenji advised qi ya to leave.

"Didn't he hire a nurse? I can help you out! Talk to you! Qi ya did not leave.

"Sister qi ya, use my phone! Seeing that qi ya refused to leave, wenzhi had no choice but to think of other ways.

"What are you going to do? "

"I'll make a call! "

"Well! Qi ya took out her phone and handed it to wenji.

Wenji found wu xiaoyu's number from qi ya's phone and dialed her number." Hey, girl, I' m injured. Come and see me!" "

Wu xiaoyu was confused for a moment and blinked." Who are you?" "

"Wenji! I' m at the central hospital, and sister qi ya is here too. If you don' t believe me, ask her! "Said wenzhi, handing the phone to qi ya.

Qi ya glanced at the man. She did not know when the two of them had become so familiar. She took the phone and heard wu xiaoyu's voice from inside." Qi ya, is what he said true? "

"Yes! We're at the central hospital. Qi ya had to tell wu xiaoyu the truth.

"Wait for me, I'll be right there! Wu xiao yu hung up the phone hurriedly and asked the design manager for leave before heading straight to the central hospital.

"She said she would be here soon! Qi ya put away her phone and looked at wenji on the bed with a helpless smile, but she knew that he didn' t want her to worry about him here.

"Sister qi ya, go back! Otherwise that girl would blush again when she saw you here. "Wenzhi urged qi ya to leave.

"No! I'll wait for her to come! Qi ya ignored the words of wenzhi and insisted on waiting until wu xiao yu came.

Wu xiao yu hailed a taxi and arrived at the hospital in a short while.when she pushed open the door of the ward, she saw that wenji was really lying on the bed and looked at qi ya nervously." What's going on? How'd he get hurt? "

"He did it to save me. "Said qi ya, glancing at wenji on the bed.

"To save you? Are you okay? How are you? Hearing qi ya's words, wu xiao yu was so scared that her nerves tensed up and she looked at qi ya from head to toe.

"I'm all right! It's all checked out just now, don't worry! Looking at her friend's nervous expression, qi ya felt warm in her heart. She patted wu xiaoyu on the shoulder and said," he's the one who's in trouble now! I'm here with him. He won't let me. He wants you to be with him. "

"Hey! I'm so busy at the office. Aren't you great here? Why do you need company? Do you have any salary? Wu xiaoyu put her bag aside and sat down beside wenji's bed.

"Are you human? I'm like this, you want more money? Wenzhi frowned at the woman.

"What's wrong with you? How could such a big man not be able to withstand such a small injury? Wu xiao yu looked at him disdainfully.

"Sister qi ya, go back first! Wen ji looked at the woman and ignored her. He raised his head to persuade qi ya to leave.

"Well! Then let's go! Qi ya looked at the two of them and was still a little worried." Xiao yu, if you have something, you must call me. Wenji, what do you want to eat? I' ll cook for you at home!" "

"Sister qi ya, no need! Let's go! Wen zhi shook his head with a smile and waved at qi ya.

"Take good care of yourself and don't worry about anything else! Long haochen looked at wenzhi in the hospital bed and said.

"Yes! Wen ji glanced at long haochen and nodded.

Seeing qi ya, long haochen, and Wenfeng disappear at the door, wenji looked at wu xiaoyu and said," you can go too! He had called wu xiao yu to save the emergency because he wanted qi ya to leave.

'Well, what do you mean? You called me, now let me go! Wu xiao yu looked at wenji with a frown, feeling very disappointed.

'What are you staying for? "

"I don't know! Wu xiaoyu rolled her eyes at the sky in anger.

Wenji looked at her expression and smiled. Then he looked at her with a teasing look and said," why don't you sell flowers to the patients?" "

"What good is flowers? It's not eating or drinking! Wu xiao yu looked at him and curled her lips, then stood up and said," forget it, I don' t think you need my company. I' d better leave." After that, he picked up Baotou and left the room without going back.

"Hey! B * tch, aren' t you being too petty? "Wenzhi's voice came from the ward, and wu xiao yu couldn' t help but lower her head and smile.

Not long after wu xiao yu left, she went back to the ward and said that she was leaving. In fact, she only went to the door to buy some fruits.

I thought you were really ignoring me! "Wenzhi took a long breath.

"At least you saved qi ya's life! "

"For that? "Asked wenzhi, looking at her.

"Why not? Wu xiaoyu blushed again.

Wenji looked at her and smiled.

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