As soon as qi ya walked out of the building, she received a call from her good friend wu xiaoyu. Thinking of how she had promised wenji and her friend yesterday that she would make chicken soup today, she couldn' t help but laugh. It seemed that the girl really cared about wenji. Now that she called, she was probably afraid that she would forget about it.

"Hey, Aya, you didn't forget about the chicken stew, did you? As soon as the call was connected, wu xiao yu's loud voice was heard.

"Well ... Xiao yu, I' m afraid it's impossible for him to have lunch this afternoon. How about this? Tell wenji that I' ll definitely send him the chicken tonight. I' ll go to the supermarket to buy the chicken and then go home to make it for him, okay?" Qi ya looked at the time and saw that it was almost noon. From the time, it was impossible, and the time was too short to simmer properly.

"I knew you would forget, but luckily I called to ask you! Not at noon, you go to the supermarket right now, and if you don't do it tonight, I'll go home and stew you. "Said wu, gritting her teeth.

"Ha ha! Okay! I'll be right there! Qi ya burst into laughter after being teased by her good friend. Hearing that wu xiao yu, the girl who valued sex over friends, had hung up the phone, she smiled and put away her phone.

Not far from the refined state group was a large shopping mall. On the ground floor, there was a large supermarket. Qi ya took her bag and walked with li song to the shopping mall not far away. It took the two of them less than ten minutes to reach the shopping mall. They found the stairs to the ground floor and the elevator. The two of them went downstairs. Qi ya had visited this underground supermarket many times with her good friend wu xiao yu, so she knew the distribution of all kinds of goods in the supermarket like the back of her hand. After getting off the elevator, qi ya took li song and headed straight to the chicken market.

In a short while, qi ya found a place to sell chickens. She picked a chicken that looked good in all aspects from the freezer and put it in the shopping cart that li song was pushing. Then she went to buy some seasoning for chicken stew. Since she hadn' t been shopping in the supermarket for a long time, qi ya decided to buy some daily necessities.

When she passed by the shelves selling durex, she paused for a moment. She had been with long haochen many times and they had never used it before. She didn' t know if she really had a baby in her stomach, but she was eating it now. It was delicious, and she didn' t feel nauseous or vomit. She thought she must be all right. However, such a situation couldn' t always happen. If she accidentally carried a baby, she really didn' t know what to do. She wanted to sneak a bag in when li song wasn' t paying attention, but this guy's eyes were fixed on her and she couldn' t do anything about it.

"Li song, do you think that's long haochen? Qi ya raised her hand and pointed in the direction behind li song.

"The president is here too? Li song had no interest in qi ya and immediately turned back to look at her. Qi ya took advantage of the time when he turned around and quickly took out a bag and placed it under the shopping cart as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, I think I saw wrongly, that man is not! Qi ya pretended to look at him, then waved at li song and said," let's go and buy some snacks for xiao yu! "That girl has always liked to eat snacks. She would probably be suffocated in the hospital for two days.

In any case, there was a free labor force. Qi ya packed a shopping cart full of things before she left and walked to the checkout counter with li song. Two people paid the money, li song took all the heavy bags, both hands full. Qi ya carried two lighter bags and walked towards the elevator. Qi ya took the lead and got into the elevator. She looked back at li song who was carrying so many bags and smiled embarrassedly." Thank you for your trouble today." "

"Sister qi ya, why are you being so polite to me?" Such a small matter is just a piece of cake for li song.

"Put it on the steps, how tired it is to carry it like this! Looking at the bags, qi ya really couldn' t bear to see them.

As they were talking, a young man in a hurry came running up from behind li song. Thank you! "

When li song heard the voice, he leaned to the side with his bag in hand. The young man in the fashionable clothes nodded to li song and thanked him," thank you!" Thank you! Keep going up.

Qi ya, like the others, tried to stand on the side of the elevator to make way for the young man. Just as the young man in fashionable clothes brushed past her, something unexpected suddenly happened. He stretched out his hand and pulled qi ya's body. Qi ya was completely unprepared. With this young man pulling her, she immediately changed her position with the young man. She did not even have time to cry out in surprise, so the young man in fashionable clothes pushed her down the stairs forcefully.

"Ah! Qi ya cried out in horror, her whole body falling down the stairs.

Because of the sudden incident, when the young man in the fashionable clothes ran up, the person standing on the steps below had not yet had time to stand back to his original position, and there was no one behind li song. Therefore, once qi ya fell, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Li song quickly released the bag in his hand and reached out to grab qi ya. However, the man in the fashionable clothes seemed to have anticipated this and kicked li song fiercely. However, the man in the suit didn' t expect him to make a quick move. Li song's move was even faster. Before he could react, li song suddenly grabbed his leg in the air and pulled him to the side. The man in the suit lost his weight and fell onto the elevator with a bang.

At the same time, qi ya screamed and fell down the stairs. The edges and corners of the elevator were very hard. Once they met qi ya, they would definitely suffer a lot of injuries. However, due to the interference of the man in the fashionable clothes, even li song had great skills, so he did not have the third hand to save qi ya. He could only turn around and watch qi ya fall down.

At this critical moment, a slender hand suddenly reached out and hugged qi ya, who was about to fall down.

"Ah! Qi ya panted heavily and the bag in her hand had already fallen onto the elevator. She looked at the rising elevator with horror, her face filled with horror.

"Miss, are you all right? A pleasant voice came from above qi ya's head.

"Sister qi ya! How are you? Seeing that qi ya was fine, li song ran down quickly and held qi ya's other arm.

"Thank you! Thank you! Qi ya, whose face was somewhat pale, looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and regained her senses. She held her hand tightly and kept thanking her.

"As long as you're all right! The girl smiled at qi ya with a sunny face.

As the elevator continued to rise, qi ya turned around and stood up. She was already on the ground floor. When li song put away all the things that the two of them had bought, the girl helped qi ya down from the elevator.

"Miss, thank you so much this time! Li song was extremely grateful to the girl in front of him because he was too weak to save qi ya, and this girl's bravery prevented her from hurting him.

"Nothing! You don't have to worry about it! I'm just doing my job. Goodbye! The girl smiled and waved to the two men to leave.

"Miss, what's your name, please? Could you leave me a contact information? Qi ya grabbed the girl's hand and looked at her gratefully. She really wanted to thank her.

Hearing qi ya's words, the girl smiled brightly at her and said," no need for contact information. I' ll call shangguan ling' er." We'll see each other again! Goodbye! "

"My name is ziya, goodbye! "Said qi ya, looking at shangguan ling' er.

Shangguan ling' er nodded with a smile, then turned around and left gracefully. The moment she turned around, a cold smile flashed across her sunny face, but it disappeared without a trace.

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