Hehe! Of course I know your name is ziya! You just don't know who I am. Dear ziya, we will meet each other in the days ahead, but you may have to pray for yourself and your beloved son how blessed!

Hmph! Long haochen! You will pay the price you deserve for what you did to me! Because I will be in your beloved woman's body, bit by bit take back everything that once belonged to me!

Shangguan ling' er, what a nice name! Qi ya watched shangguan ling' er's beautiful back slowly disappear from the crowd and was truly grateful to her. She raised her hand and gently stroked her lower abdomen. The experience just now made her heart thump.

"Sister qi ya, I' m sorry ..." Li song felt that he had been too careless and that was why the scene just now happened.

"It was just an accident. Don't worry, I'm fine! Qi ya didn' t want li song to feel burdened because of this. She knew that if long haochen found out about this, li song would definitely be reprimanded. She looked at li song and said," don' t worry, I won' t tell your ceo about this!" "

"Thank you, sister qi ya! Qi ya's words made li song feel grateful.

Although she was frightened, qi ya's body did not suffer any harm. The two of them carried the bags out of the shopping mall and hailed a taxi back to qi ya's rented house. When the taxi stopped at the downstairs of qi ya's house, qi ya had just opened the door when she saw a black mercedes-benz parked beside the taxi. Qi ya looked at the familiar car number.it turned out that long haochen had arrived.

"Well, what are you doing here at noon? Qi ya looked at long haochen as he walked out of the car with two handbags in his hands.

Long haochen looked at the things in qi ya's hands and frowned. Wenfeng quickly walked over and took the things from qi ya. Long haochen didn' t say anything, but silently held qi ya's hand and walked towards the corridor.

'Well, what's going on? Qi ya looked at the dull fellow beside her and curiously stretched out her neck.

"Let's talk about it at home! Long haochen's face darkened as if someone had accidentally provoked him.

"Oh! Qi ya responded with a pout and followed him home.

Wenfeng and li song left the things in the living room, then greeted long haochen and qi ya and closed the door and went downstairs.

"Let me see if it's hurt. As soon as the living room door closed, long haochen grabbed qi ya's shoulders and examined her from head to toe.

"You know? Qi ya looked at him in surprise. She didn' t expect him to find out about her accident so soon, but li song didn' t call him.

"Did you hurt anywhere? Long haochen did not answer qi ya's question and continued to stare at her worriedly.

Just now, when he learned that she had been in an accident, his heart instantly clenched into his throat. He knew his grandfather, long yuanqiu, very well. It seemed that his resistance and refusal had angered him. That's why he did it to qi ya.

"Hehe, I'm fine! Don't worry! I belong to the cat. I have nine lives! Qi ya's heart warmed up when she saw long haochen's nervous look. Now, a man was finally starting to worry about her. However, she did not want him to worry about her and smiled mischievously at him.

"I'm sorry! Seeing that qi ya was really unharmed, long haochen heaved a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand to hold her tightly in his arms and lowered his head to gently kiss her hair, feeling an indescribable sense of guilt in his heart. She was a simple woman. Before she got together with him, her life was as simple as a pool of water. But now, he had dragged her into the mire. He had never regretted anything, but now, he began to regret that he shouldn' t have fought against long yuanqiu. At least, he couldn' t do it now. If something happened to qi ya today, he would never forgive himself.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything wrong? Qi ya broke free from his arms and blinked at him in confusion. Then she smiled and said," you always call me a fool. I think you are a fool. She smiled and tiptoed to give long haochen a gentle kiss on his lips." I' m really fine. Don' t worry about me!" "

"Be careful when you go out in the future! Don't let li song leave you for half a step, remember? Long haochen still looked at her nervously.

"Well! I remember president long! Qi ya hugged his waist and smiled happily.

"Why did you buy so many things? Long haochen asked as he looked at the bags on the floor.

"Didn't wenji get hurt? I went to buy him a chicken and I was going to make him some chicken soup this afternoon. After I bought it, I thought about buying something else, and that's all I got. Besides, I used to go to the supermarket with that girl, xiao yu. Now, there was a free labor force that wanted to buy more. I didn't expect an accident. "

"Tell me if you need anything in the future. Don't buy so much at once. Remember? Long haochen reminded her again.

"Well, remember, don't worry! Qi ya smiled at him again.

"Yes! Long haochen seemed to remember something. He took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to qi ya.

"What is it? "Asked qi ya, puzzled.

"There's a hundred thousand dollars in it, so use the money when you buy something! Long haochen looked at her like a man in charge. He had never given her a penny since he met her.

Seeing that he was still nervous about what had just happened, qi ya didn' t want him to worry about her anymore. "

"You brat! Long haochen was amused by qi ya's words. He lifted his hand and lovingly scratched qi ya's little nose. The man also relaxed and teased her," if I had known earlier, I would have given you the money if I had paid for the bed heating." "

"Have you ever given a lot of money to a girl to warm up her bed? Qi ya blinked and asked deliberately.

"Yes ..." Long haochen nodded knowingly and replied," let me think ... One, two, five ... Forget it, it's too much. I can' t count them! Long haochen looked at qi ya's increasingly dark face and his mood improved.

"Humph! I knew you weren't a gentleman! I am very angry now! The consequences are serious! Hmph! Qi ya glared at him fiercely and angrily walked to the chicken bag. She picked it up and walked towards the kitchen with a small face.

"Angry? Long haochen followed her into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He put his hands in his pockets and laughed as he watched her pout and throw the chicken onto the table. He couldn' t help but laugh. He lowered his head and cleared his throat. He slowly walked to qi ya and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Don't touch me! Qi ya struggled angrily, but this stinky guy held her tightly with both hands. Knowing that she couldn' t break free, she picked up the chicken and put it in the water to wash it.

"You don't believe me? Long haochen asked with a smile beside her ear.

"How can I trust you? You' re the president of the long corporation. Even if you don' t pay for bed warming, there must be a lot of women surrounding you, right? Qi ya answered with a pout of anger, her tone full of jealousy.

Long haochen smiled. He reached out and pulled qi ya's body to let her face him. He rubbed her face with his hand and said with a serious smile," from seven years ago until now, only one woman has slept with me. That woman is you! "

"Really? Qi ya was pleasantly surprised, but she still didn' t believe it. After all, a charming man like long haochen still had so many dazzling auras on his body.

"Why would I lie to you? I'm not as promiscuous as you think! Long haochen looked at qi ya's surprised expression and couldn' t help but smile.

"Then why does everyone say you have many women? Qi ya was still puzzled because she had heard from wu xiaoyu that he wasn' t a devoted man.

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