"Your grandmother wanted to hang herself that night, and chang hai kneeled and slapped himself. Later on, when your grandmother thought about the child in her stomach, she swallowed it. After your grandfather came back, he found that your grandmother always secretly shed tears. At first, he thought that he had neglected her, so he took her out to play. After a long time, your grandmother's mood gradually improved, a year later gave birth to me. At that time, chang hai always thought that I was his son, so after I was born he was very happy, doing everything in the business is very good.

Because the business was getting bigger and bigger, your grandfather wanted to take out a few shops to let chang hai run them. At that time, your grandmother didn't agree with anything. Also advised your grandfather and chang hai do not go too close, tell him know the face and not know the heart, but your grandfather did not know how to be that chang hai to drink ecstasy, do not listen to your grandmother's advice.

Your grandmother couldn't help it, and she never mentioned it again. After two years of peace, your uncle, long zhensheng, was born, and the whole family was very happy. However, that year, your grandfather also went overseas because of his business, but that time he went out, he never came back. Although your grandmother suspected that your grandfather's death was related to chang hai, she had no proof. At that time, even if she had proof, there was nothing she could do about him. Because apart from your grandfather, the person who could manage the entire store was chang hai. After your grandfather's accident, he was the one who took care of everything.

Then he took control of the zhao family's entire business, and your grandmother became his wife. Chang hai has been very good to me, he thought I was his son, only your grandmother know the truth, but she knows if the truth, I and zhen sheng may be in danger, so she didn't say anything. In order not to attract chang hai's attention, she treated him well on the surface and swallowed all the pain alone.

At that time, second uncle was also old. After a serious illness, he couldn't get sick. Your grandmother took care of him until he died.

He told your grandmother about chang hai's parents the night before he died. But at that time, chang hai had taken control of all the businesses, and your grandmother couldn' t do anything about it. I had to lay all my hopes on me. Not long after his second uncle passed away, chang hai sold all the businesses and brought his family here. He also changed his name to long yuanqiu. My mother endured humiliation until I grew up with zhen, and then I married your mother, zhen sheng also started a family. Many people envy our family, but only your grandmother knows the true face of chang hai. Not long after I married your mother your grandmother got sick and couldn't afford to be sick. It was all your mother who took care of her during that time. Before your grandmother died, she told yulin about chang hai's true colors and left the world with regret. "Said long zhenye, with a burst of emotion.

"Yulin didn't tell me directly because she was afraid that I would find out the truth and settle accounts with chang hai. Later, in the second year after you were born, haowei was born. However, in that year, your aunt's father suddenly became seriously ill. Because it was too far away, your uncle was worried that she would go back alone. Before he left, he gave haowei to your mother, and then they left together. However, she didn' t expect to be in a car accident on the way. Neither of them survived. We all thought it must have been an accident, but then your mother overheard chang hai and housekeeper chang rong's conversation, and then she knew that he was killed by the people they sent. When long zhenye thought of his brother's death, tears began to flow again.

"Father! Long haochen held his father's hand tightly.

Long zhenye paused for a moment and continued," your mother never dared to tell me the truth. It was only in the year you were fourteen that she revealed everything. Well, now that I think about it, I'm still too impulsive. Because a week after knowing the truth, one day I got drunk, ran to him and got into a big fight, and told him I wouldn't let it go. When I woke up the next day, I regretted it very much. But it's already happened, and it's no use regretting it. Chang hai is an insidious person, in the month after I went to look for him, he seems to have nothing happened to me, as before. At that time, I was in charge of a lot of business at home, one day suddenly a large customer from another country came to me, said to talk about a big business, I think the other side of the conditions are good in all aspects, and signed a contract with him. That day, when I sent the big client out, I happened to meet an old acquaintance. After the big client left, the acquaintance asked me what he was doing just now. I said it was a big client, and he told me that he knew this guy, he owed a lot of gambling debt, and he ran into him at the casino on the west side of town. Surprised, I asked him if you had the wrong person. He said that he knew the guy who was skinned and turned to ash. I had a bad feeling at the time that chang hai might be coming after me. When I came home at night, I told your mother that if something really happened to me, she would pretend to be crazy. Even if she saw you, she couldn't tell the truth. "

"How did you get here then? "

"A few days later, the man who claimed to be a big client brought a few people to look for me. He said that the goods had arrived, so he had to let me go with him to inspect the goods. I knew that I was in danger, so I hired a bodyguard. However, the people he brought with him easily subdued my bodyguards and took the opportunity to take out a gun to say that if I didn' t go, they would definitely kill me. In desperation, I left with them. When I went out, your mom came by to deliver my lunch, and I knew I couldn't get away with it. He looked at your mother and said that I was going out for business and told her to take good care of herself and her son. Your mother is a very strong woman, know I this trip, but she did not shed a tear, just smiled to let me rest assured, she must be at home waiting for me to come back. I didn' t expect that this parting would last for more than ten years ..." Long zhenye thought of his wife and choked.

"Those people tied me to the mountain outside the city and knocked me unconscious before throwing me into the river below the cliff. I didn' t expect that I would survive a great ordeal. However, when I woke up, I completely lost my memory. In the past, everything was completely unknown. The abbot here was a good man. Not only did he save me, he also personally helped me to cure my memory loss. "

"So you haven't been back to see my mother all these years? His father had lived here for more than a decade, and he did not believe that he did not miss his mother and his son these years.

"Go back. Because he was afraid that long yuanqiu's subordinates would recognize me, I had put on makeup to visit you, but chang hai imprisoned your mother in a small courtyard. He had sent many servants to serve her, saying that he was serving her. In fact, he was monitoring her every word and deed to see if she was really crazy. Sigh ..." Long zhenye shook his head with a bitter sigh, and his longing for his wife grew stronger.

"Father! All these years you have suffered. I won' t let you suffer for nothing. You should stay here for a while and wait for me to avenge you. I' ll come and take you back! Long haochen looked at his father and said firmly.

Everything he had ever suspected was confirmed today. The current long yuanqiu was really not his own grandfather. He was a wolf in human skin and his hands were stained with the blood of his relatives. How could she be worthy of her dead grandparents, uncle and aunt, as well as her father and mother's suffering for so many years?

After so many years, he was no longer the child who knew everything. He grew up, he wanted revenge, and he wanted that man to pay for his blood!

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