Chen' er, chang hai is a cunning person. Dad told you this today, you must not be impulsive to go back to find him revenge, so not only will you harm yourself, but also will suffer your mother. Long zhenye looked at his son worriedly, afraid that he would act as impulsively as he did back then.

"Dad, don't worry! I won't let you down. I'll get justice for the dead grandparents and aunts. Long haochen looked at his father with a faint smile and gently patted his father's hand to comfort him. After thinking about it for a while, he still couldn' t figure out a thing. He looked at his father and asked," dad, why didn' t he do anything to me after all these years? "

His relationship with long yuanqiu was not very good these years. Although long yuanqiu controlled his life, he did not have the intention to kill him. If he didn' t let go of his own son, why would he keep his grandson alive?

"In his mind, all these years he thought I was his son, and you must be his grandson. He has now kicked haowei out of the house, is to leave all the family business to his own people. He didn't do it because he thought you were his grandson. Long zhenye made his own conjecture.

"Oh. Long haochen nodded in agreement.

"I know you' re a meticulous child, and you' re more stable in your work. Dad still has something to tell you right now. Long zhenye began to look serious.

"Say it, father! "

"I saved a family when I was in business. They almost died because they owed a lot of money back then. I paid off their debts for them. After my accident, I really worried about your mother and your condition, so I went to find the family, hope they can help me to inquire. Because I had saved their lives, I told them what happened, and they agreed without saying anything. Chen' er, do you remember that every time you visited your mother, she had a woman named feng yun by her side? "Asked long zhenye, looking at his son.

"Feng yun? Long haochen thought for a moment and replied," remember, she has been taking care of my mother all these years. Could it be ..." Long haochen's eyes flickered as he looked at his father hopefully.

"She was the mistress of the house that I saved that year. Her husband's name was yang zhong, and he was specially responsible for giving your mother injections. In the villa of chang hai. I don't know if you've heard of this guy? "

'I know him! You sent them both? Long haochen nodded his head. Wenfeng had reported to him about the couple a few days ago. He didn' t expect that he had accidentally bumped into the right person. This instantly made him feel more confident.

"Yes, they' ve been to the long family villa for seven or eight years. Because they' re here, I can rest assured of your mother's safety. When you save your mother in the future, be sure to thank them for their great kindness! "Said long zhenye with emotion and excitement.

"Don't worry, father! "

After chatting with his father for nearly two hours, long haochen left the temple with Wenfeng. This conversation with his father allowed long haochen to have a clear judgment of everything and also showed him the hope of his life. She recalled the pain her father had suffered over the years, and the fact that her mother had been pretending to be crazy all these years. Every time she faced her, she still had to endure the grief in her heart and act over and over again. No one could feel the pain of being torn apart. Long haochen's eyes welled up again as he looked at the towering trees that kept flashing past the window. He clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were filled with hatred. However, he knew very well that he had to calm down when fighting someone like long yuanqiu! Father is the best example of impulsiveness. So now he had to calm the anger in his chest. He had to turn these fiery anger into endless power!

Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, chener will never let your blood flow in vain!

Father, mother, you have suffered, I must double in long yuanqiu's body for you to get back!

Ever since qi ya worked at the design company of boxang, she often worked overtime day and night. In order to improve her design level quickly, qi ya often stayed up until 23 pm. Perhaps because she was too tired, she realized that her food intake had suddenly increased dramatically over the past few days. In the past, she had only eaten one bowl of porridge for dinner, but now, it had soared to three bowls, along with a steamed bun and all kinds of vegetables and meat. However, even so, she would still get hungry in the middle of the night to find food.

When it was past three o' clock in the morning, wu xiao yu, the girl, half-opened her eyes and swayed her body to the bathroom. As soon as she reached the living room, she heard a rustle in the kitchen. Her nerves instantly tensed up and she was completely sleepless. She looked around and picked up an empty wine bottle in the living room and tiptoed to the kitchen door. She poked her head out and looked inside through the moonlight outside the window. She saw that this wretched girl, qi ya, was standing at the door of the refrigerator, eating something. She was so angry that she walked over and smacked qi ya on the shoulder.

"Ah! You scared the hell out of me! Qi ya screamed in shock, covering her chest and staring at her friend.

Wu xiao yu didn' t answer and went straight to the door to turn on the kitchen lights. Then, she walked back to qi ya and glared at her angrily." You scared me to death! You don't sleep in the middle of the night. What are you doing here? If I hadn't seen your face, this bottle would have been killed on the spot. Wu xiao yu glared at qi ya as she spoke, almost scared to death by this wretched girl just now.

"What else can I do in the kitchen? Looking for food, of course! Instead of looking at her, zia took a slice of bread from the fridge and took out a carton of milk to warm it with hot water.

"Really? Don't scare me! At dinner tonight, you had two chicken legs, two rolls, and two bowls of seaweed soup. And that plate of home-cooked tofu almost all let you eat alone, and now you tell me you are hungry? Sis, you ... You're not sleepwalking right now, are you? Hearing her friend's words, wu xiaoyu looked up and down in fear, looked left and right, and looked at qi ya, seriously suspecting that her actions were normal.

"You sleepwalk! Look, I'm not normal anymore! Don't you think, I've been working overtime until two or three o 'clock these two days, can't I be hungry? I'm not an iron man! "Said qi ya, taking the bread and milk, and sitting down at the table outside, ready to have a big meal.

"No! Wu xiao yu held her chin with her fingers, her eyes sweeping over qi ya's body, and she couldn' t figure out why she looked at qi ya.

"What's wrong? That's not right. Hurry up and do what you have to do! I'll go to sleep after eating, don't worry! I'm not gonna be fat. Qi ya made a grimace at her, tore up a large loaf of bread and stuffed it into her mouth, and began to eat.

Wu xiao yu looked at qi ya eating with great interest and shook her head sympathetically, then turned around and walked into the bathroom.

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