A mist rose in her eyes, blurring yu nan's eyes. She lifted her hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes. Ever since her legs had been crushed, her once weak heart had become harder and harder. She had never shed a tear in all these years, but today she looked

When her son smiles, as a mother, she finds herself sorry for her son.

"Madam ..." Ah shan looked at yu nan and called out softly. He had thought that yu nan would be furious at the moment he read the newspaper, but he did not expect that his wife would actually have tears in her eyes. He was a little surprised. In his eyes, yu nan was a woman who would never be defeated.

People. But now, she actually cried.

"Hehe, I' m fine ..." Yu nan raised her hand and gently wiped the corner of her eyes. She smiled bitterly.

"Does madam think that this woman has implicated young master? "Asked ah shan.

"Call Sasa and tell her to come and see me! Yu nan thought for a moment, then looked at the three people in the newspaper and instructed ah shan in a low voice. Based on her guess, the person who was most upset right now must be han shasha. Seeing her fiancé with another woman, she was not married

How did the wife take it? What's more, she liked her son so much?

"Yes, ma 'am! I'm on it! Ah shan nodded slightly and turned to call han shasha.

Yu nan looked at the photos in the newspaper and fell into a new deep thought ...

Han shasha did not expect that the words she had once threatened qi ya had become a living reality. This morning, when she saw the newspaper sent by the servants and saw the front page of the morning paper, she felt her head rumble. She couldn't believe what she saw

Everything. She was never a bad woman. Even if qi ya had taken away her beloved man, she had never thought of doing anything outrageous to her. Even if she had visited qi ya a few times, it was already the limit for her. But now, the one that was once in her hands

Some photos actually appeared in the newspaper. Looking at the lines below the photo, her hands trembled a little. It wasn' t her fault, but she suddenly felt guilty.

"What on earth is going on? How did this happen? Who ... Who the hell is doing this? All of a sudden, she realized that if zhang zhiyuan and qi ya came to question her, she would not be able to find a reasonable explanation for what she had said. And now, everything

It really happened.

After the chaotic thoughts slowly calmed down, she quickly ran into zhang zhiyuan's study and opened her laptop. In a society where communication is so advanced, an explosive story is published in the newspaper, which is probably already available online. She quickly opened an entertainment page and saw zhang zhiyuan and qi ya's photos clearly posted on the website. She quickly clicked open a few news networks and could see that the incident was spreading rapidly at a snowballing speed. Look at the people below the sticker

As she attacked, her tears began to fall. God can testify that she really didn't do this.

But now, she seemed to be the biggest suspect!

She stood up from her chair anxiously and quickly went back to her room to get her phone before returning to the study. Sitting in front of the computer, she frantically found zhang zhiyuan's number and dialed it.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. However, she could no longer care so much. She just wanted to explain the matter.

"Zhi yuan, have you seen the news? "As soon as the phone was connected, han shasha immediately asked anxiously, but her heart was uneasy. Because of what had happened, she really did not know how zhang zhiyuan would feel about her.

"Yes ..." Zhang zhiyuan replied coldly. Although he knew that han shasha was not a cruel person

Women, but sometimes women are desperate for their love.

"Do you think I did it? "Han shasha asked nervously as she held her phone tightly.

..."" The other end of the phone fell silent.

"Zhiyuan, I didn' t do this. I really don' t know how these photos were posted online. Han shasha felt zhang zhiyuan's suspicion towards her. She felt wronged and tears fell. She sniffed and said," zhiyuan, I don't care if you believe me or not."

Believe me, I really didn't do this! I admit that I hated qi ya, and I told her that if she looked for you in the future, I would send your photos to the internet, but I did not expect this to actually happen. Far away, I really didn't do this, can you

Trust me? "Suddenly, han shasha realized that her explanation was futile. Faced with the hard reality of the internet and the newspapers, she seemed to have jumped into the Yellow River.

"Did you tell anyone about it? Zhang zhiyuan frowned and rubbed his forehead as he listened to han shasha cry on the phone.

"I ..." Zhang zhiyuan's question made her feel like she didn' t know how to answer.she took the photos of zhang zhiyuan and qi ya from shangguan ling' er, and the others never spoke about it again. Could it be shangguan ling' er? But how could that be? She's such a nice one

It was impossible for a girl to do such a thing!

"Tell me who that man is. Han shasha's hesitation caused zhang zhiyuan's eyes to flash fiercely, as if he had seen hope. He quickly asked.

"I ... I ... I didn't tell anyone! "Han shasha felt that before this matter was clarified, she couldn' t simply accuse shangguan ling' er.

"Really? Forget it! She was a woman who never lied, and even on his cell phone he could tell she was lying. But now that she refused to tell him, she definitely wouldn' t find out anything on her phone.

"Far away, do you believe me? "Asked han shasha timidly.

"Well, I believe you! Come home tonight and we'll talk about it! I have a lot to deal with right now! Looking at the radical message on the internet, zhang zhiyuan had no intention to continue talking to han shasha. What he wanted to know most was qi ya's safety.

"Oh, well! See you tonight! "

"Yes. "

Hearing the beeping sound from her phone, han shasha leaned back into the leather chair. Thinking about the question zhang zhiyuan had asked her just now, her mind was in a mess. She gulped and picked up her phone again. She found shangguan ling' er's number and wanted to dial it out. But the thought of

After she dialed the number, she hesitated. Was he going to ask her directly if she did this? It hurts people's self-esteem too much. No! She would have to wait a little longer until things were clear.

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