Han shasha did not know how long she had been sitting in front of the computer. Looking at the increasingly heated comments on the internet, her heart was in a mess. Seeing that someone had exposed qi ya's current address, her heart skipped a beat. She had been in contact with qi ya a few times, if not

Because of zhang zhiyuan, perhaps she and qi ya would become good friends because she could sense that qi ya was not a bad woman. But now her address was completely exposed to the sun, and there were even people who said they were going to splash paint on her house to find her and scratch her face

Yes. If qi ya was really hurt by this incident, she would not be able to rest assured for the rest of her life.

Han shasha stood up uneasily and walked back and forth in the study. She did not know what to do. She really wanted to go to qi ya and tell her that something had nothing to do with her. She told her to be careful. But there was nothing she could do.

Just as han shasha was at a loss for words, the phone on the table suddenly rang. She hurriedly went over to take a look and found that it was jing yuan's call. She heaved a sigh of relief and pressed the answer button.

"Miss, madam said she wanted to see you now, so please come back! "Ah shan said in a low voice.

"Oh, yes! Shan, did madam give it back because of today's news? "Han shasha asked nervously.

"I don't know, either. Come back and talk about it! "

"Oh, yes, I'll be right back! "

Han shasha put down her phone and thought for a moment, then walked to the table and turned off her computer. Then, she took her bag and left. As the car sped along the road, han shasha's heart was in a mess. Because she was thinking about something else, she almost got into a car accident several times because she was absent-minded. Less than half an hour

At that time, han shasha's car stopped in the courtyard of jing yuan. She got out of the car and quickly closed the door and ran towards yu nan's study.

When han shasha walked into yu nan's study, yu nan was sitting in a wheelchair looking at the web page on the computer in front of her. When yu nan saw han shasha rushing in, she smiled at her and gestured for her to sit down.

"Mom ..." When han shasha saw yu nan looking at her gently, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Are you sad? Yu nan did not know what had happened between han shasha and qi ya. Looking at her tears, she thought it was because she was sad to see the photos online.

"Mom, no ..." Han shasha shook her head as she wiped her tears away. Her throat was so choked that she couldn' t speak.

"Don' t be too distant. His relationship with qi ya isn' t what you think! Yu nan pulled han shasha into her arms and gently patted her shoulder to comfort her. Over the years, she had already regarded han shasha as one of her daughters, looking at her sad and tearful face.

She's having a hard time, too.

"Mother, I don't blame him. Han shasha lifted her head from yu nan's arms and looked at yu nan, saying," actually, I knew about them going to the amusement park a long time ago. I even went to qi ya to ask her to stay far away from them in the future, but I didn' t expect things to turn out like this."

"I really didn' t expect it to turn out like this ..." Tears welled up again in han shasha's eyes.

"I know, I believe you! I know you are a kind-hearted child, you will not do such a thing to hurt others, mother believe you! Yu nan could roughly tell why han shasha was crying like this.

"I really didn't do this. I don't know why things turned out like this ... Mom ..." Han shasha threw herself into yu nan's arms again and couldn't stop crying.

"Mother knows! Mom knows! Yu nan gently patted han shasha on the back to comfort her.

"But he's far away ..." When she thought of zhang zhiyuan's tone on the phone, she didn' t know what to do.

"Don't worry, mom will tell him! It's not your fault! "

"Mom, actually ..." Han shasha looked up at yu nan and sniffed." Actually ... I already want to give up. When I heard you talking to him that night, I wanted to give him up ...

"You heard me? Yu nan looked at her in surprise and felt a little uneasy.

"Yes, I heard it! Han shasha nodded vigorously and continued," it was only after that day that I wanted to give up. I admit that I like him very much, but I don't want him to marry me because he thanked my parents for saving your life! That's too bad for him

It's fair ..."

"Silly child ..." Yu nan never thought that han shasha would say such a thing. Looking at han shasha in her arms, her eyes turned red and she couldn' t say anything. She just hugged her tightly in her arms.

"Mother, I don't want to go on like this with him. I know that my parents' departure was also a blow to you, and I think they saved you back then, definitely not because they wanted to marry me. I know zhiyuan is a filial man, as long as I insist on with him

Get married, he'll marry me, but I really don't want to do that. I don't want to look at him because I'm in pain. Mom ..." Han shasha kept crying as she spoke.

"Sasa, he really doesn' t know how to cherish you from afar ..." Yu nan shook her head and sighed when she heard han shasha's heartfelt words.

"Mother, don't go so far. He's been good to me over the years, and he's been working for me for seven years, and I don't want him to suffer anymore. I love him, but I want him to be happy ..." Hansa said sincerely.

"I am not willing to lose a good daughter-in-law like you! Yu nan looked at han shasha and her tears slowly fell.

"Mom, I can' t be your daughter-in-law, but I' ll always be your daughter ..." Han shasha hugged yu nan tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you for the child. I don' t know what to say anymore ..." Yu nan, who had always been strong, was completely moved by han shasha's words. Like a father, like a daughter. How could a kind couple like that have a cruel heart? At this moment, yu nan was facing han shasha.

She couldn't express her gratitude. Although she also wanted to repay the han family for saving their lives, she also wanted her son to be happy.

"But I didn' t expect that before I could tell them far away, something like this had happened today. Mom, I' m really afraid that I' ll misunderstand from afar. I never meant to hurt qiya. I really didn't do this! "

"Yes, mother knows! Mom knows! Far away he won't misunderstand you! You're a good boy, and we all know it! Yu nan raised her hand to wipe away han shasha's tears and nodded continuously.

"Mother! "

Zhang zhiyuan had been busy all day because of the photos that appeared on the internet and in the newspaper, because some friends and business partners even called to ask if it was true. And because this matter was seriously affected by qi wei, who had just debuted. Since the sixth

After the release of tian xin album, the refined group became famous all over the country overnight. Qi wei, long haowei, and zheng yunchu were immersed in great joy. But this morning the newspaper and the news on the internet made qi weiwei's high mood suddenly cool down. Look at your own

His mother was bullied and he clenched his fists in anger. He's too young to know what to do to protect his mother.

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