Jing yuan.

Yu nan sat in a wheelchair and frowned as she looked at the photo that ah shan had handed over. In the photo, there was a couple over fifty years old. Although they had just experienced a huge storm, there were no marks on their faces. Yu nan held the photo tightly in her hands. The flames in her eyes were about to burn her.

"Madam ..." Ah shan looked at yu nan and called out softly.

"Tell them to keep an eye on this b * tch from now on. I want them to disappear completely from this world! Yu nan looked at the person in the photo and swore fiercely. She had thought that the man had fallen off the cliff and died a long time ago, but now he had actually returned to life. Yu nan tore the photo in her hand to pieces with a whimper when she thought of the grudge between her broken leg and the past two or thirty years ago.

"Yes, ma 'am! "Ah shan immediately nodded and left to decorate.

Yu nan looked in front of her with hatred and anger in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said," long zhenye, you owe me. I want everything back bit by bit! You wait with that bitch! I want you to go to hell with me! "

Wu xiao yu got out of the car and saw a luxurious villa in front of her. The courtyard was huge and there were a few servants busy in the yard.

"Wow, this wretched lass is really lucky! How could she live in such a luxurious place! Wu xiao yu looked at the villa in front of her and couldn' t help but feel envious.

"Let's go! "Wenji smiled at her and pressed the doorbell of the villa.

In just a few seconds, the door of the villa opened and wu xiao yu followed behind wenji and walked in.

Hearing that her friend had arrived, qi ya immediately walked out of the living room and saw xiao yu, who was looking around. She greeted him with a smile.

"Aya, is this your future home? Wu xiaoyu asked, holding qi ya's arm.

"Yes! Qi ya nodded with a smile.

"Wow, I didn't know you'd finally come! Great! "From seven years ago to now, she had clearly seen every step that qi ya had taken. Now that she saw her good friend finally come through all the hardships, she was happy for her good friend in her heart.

"Let's go, haochen's grandparents are waiting for you! Qi ya took her friend's arm and walked into the living room.

When wu xiaoyu and qi ya walked into the living room, they saw long zhenye and han yulin sitting on the sofa. Looking at a pair of gentle old people, wu xiao yu immediately walked up and greeted respectfully," hello uncle, auntie!" "

"Well, hello! Come and sit down! Han yulin immediately stood up from the sofa and warmly invited wu xiaoyu to sit down.

The two of them sat down on the sofa, and a servant came over with a plate of fruit and placed it in front of wu xiaoyu.

"I heard that you are Aya's good friend. You helped her a lot seven years ago. That was why qi ya gave birth to our qi wei. Thank you so much! Long zhenye looked at the girl and wondered how he could repay her.

"Uncle, you're welcome. Aya and I are university classmates. It's not right to help her! Wu xiao yu smiled, but then she was a little surprised. What did she mean by giving birth to our family's qi wei?

"Xiao yu, I still have some good news for you! Seeing her friend's surprise, qi ya explained to her with a smile.

"What good news? "

"Qi wei's father has been found! "

"Who is it? "

"Haochen! He was qi wei's biological father! "

"Really? Wu xiaoyu covered her mouth in disbelief, unable to believe what she had heard.

"Sister qi ya, are you telling the truth? "Wenji on one side was astonished. He did not expect such a coincidence.

"It's true! Qi ya nodded with a smile.

"Good! Aya! Great! Wu xiao yu hugged qi ya excitedly, tears of joy streaming down her face. Qi ya had been the most direct witness in the past seven years.

"Thank you! Xiao yu! If I hadn't had your help, I wouldn't have been born without you. Qi ya let go of wu xiaoyu and was really grateful to her friend.

"What are you talking about? Why are you being so nice to me? Wu xiaoyu pouted and looked at qi ya with an angry smile.

"Aya, you have made a good friend! Han yulin looked at the girl in front of her and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, my whole family appreciates you! Miss wu will have time to sit here and chat with our Aya. "

"Uncle, aunt, you don't have to be polite with me. "

At this moment, the housekeeper of the villa, yang zhong, came over with a green tray in his hand and stopped beside long zhenye.

"Master! "

"Yes, put it in front of miss wu! Long zhenye nodded.

Yang zhong immediately put the tray in his hand on the coffee table in front of wu xiao yu. Wu xiaoyu widened her eyes and looked at the things in the tray, not understanding what long zhenye meant.

"Uncle, what do you mean? "

Xiao yu, there's a million dollar bank card on this plate and a house property certificate for an apartment. I hope you must accept it! Long zhenye looked at wu xiaoyu's explanation with a smile.

"Uncle, it's too expensive! I can't take it! When wu xiaoyu heard that it was all for her, she was shocked and shook her hands at long zhenye.

"This is nothing compared to how you helped qi ya back then! This is a gift of our family, you take it! "Han yulin looked at the child and said sincerely.

"It's too expensive! I can't take it! Wu xiao yu looked at the thing in front of her and still felt a little scared.

"Xiao yu, this is a small token of my parents' appreciation. Just accept it! If you don't take it, they won't be safe! Qi ya did not expect long zhenye and han yulin to be so thoughtful. She was grateful to the long family's parents, which gave her a chance to repay her friend.

"But ..." This was too expensive, and wu xiao yu still felt a little uneasy.

"How about this? We' ll ask ah ya to save these for you first. We' ll let her give them to you in two days!" Long zhenye thought about it.

"En, okay, I'll take it for xiao yu first! "She answered immediately.

"Thank you so much, uncle and aunt! Wu xiaoyu didn' t know how to express her feelings for a moment.

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