On monday morning, long haochen brought qi ya to the civil affairs bureau. He couldn' t wait any longer. He couldn' t let qi ya and her son have no status. He wanted to openly expose them to the sun. He wanted to tell everyone that qi ya was his wife and that qi wei was long haochen's son.

Because she had already made an appointment, the registration process was exceptionally smooth. When qi ya saw the little red book in her hand, she smiled happily. From now on, her life was no longer alone. She had a husband, a son, and such a happy family.

Haochen, from now on, I am no longer alone. Qi ya leaned against long haochen's embrace happily, looking at the little red book in her hands and feeling excited. Ever since she was kicked out of the qi family seven years ago, she had always longed for a home and a place for her to depend on. Now the wish has come true.

Long haochen looked at her with a smile and hugged her tightly." Honey, what kind of wedding do you want? "

She had given too much for him. From now on, he wanted to make it up to her the same way.

"I never thought it would be easier! Qi ya smiled indifferently. The wedding was once a dream that would never come true to her, but now, she was within reach.

"How can the wedding of the president of the long corporation be simple? He wanted her to be the most beautiful and happy bride in the city, and he wanted to give her a grand wedding.

Qi ya smiled. Since he liked it, let him do as he pleased. As long as she had him by her side, everything was beautiful and happy in her eyes.

"Honey, quit your job at the design company! I'm a little worried about your body. Actually, qi ya had only been pregnant for less than two months, but chang hai still did not know if she was dead. The mysterious man who appeared at his wedding with qi ning had yet to be found out, so he was still worried whether that person would attack qi ya.

"I'm all right! Anyway, isn't wenji with me? Don't be so careful with me! Isn't that what they say? Life and death have a life, rich in the sky! If I really have something to do, it's going to happen everywhere! Don't worry! Qi ya smiled indifferently. She was a restless person. If she could not go out to work from now on until she got married and had children, she would definitely suffocate to death.

"If you really want to go to work, you can only go to the design department of the long corporation. I' m worried about the rest! "This is the maximum range that long haochen can accept. Before the surrounding obstacles are completely cleared, he can' t let qi ya out of his protection.

"Well, well! Qi ya knew that he was worried about her, so she nodded obediently after thinking about it.

The news of qi ya and long haochen registering their marriage made headlines the next day. An ordinary woman with no background actually had a thousand connections with the president of the two major corporations in the city. This made one wonder what kind of charm she had. What kind of woman was she?

Zhang zhiyuan saw the news the next day when he went to work. He didn' t expect qi ya to become long haochen's wife so soon. Looking at the photo of qi ya in the newspaper, his brows furrowed slightly. He took a long breath and lit a cigarette from the drawer. He took a deep breath and caused a sharp cough. He snuffed out the cigarette in the ashtray, rose from his leather chair, and walked slowly to the window. He looked out of the window and fell into deep thought. The scenes of her experience with qi ya kept flashing in front of her. That woman was finally going to stay away from her. Even when he said he was the father of the child, she did not give him any chance.

Perhaps it was time to let go!

If he let her go, she would really be happy, then he would be satisfied.

He slowly turned around and sat down in the leather chair. He picked up the phone on the table and dialed qi ya's number.

Looking at the familiar number on the phone, qi ya couldn' t describe how she felt at the moment. However, she only found out yesterday that the man seven years ago was not zhang zhiyuan.why would he lie to her? Didn't he know how hard it was for her? However, even if he lied to her, she still couldn' t hate him. Because he was a very important person to her, he was second only to long haochen in her heart.

"Manager ..." Qi ya called out softly.

"I just read the newspaper and saw the news that you were registered to be married ..."

"Really? For a moment she did not know what to say, but she remembered his kiss. She knew very well that he liked her, but love would never wait in the same place.

Love for him, for her, is all the same!

"Happy? Zhang zhiyuan asked softly.

"Mmm ..." She didn' t know how to answer, so she could only answer calmly.

"Good! Is the wedding date set yet? Zhang zhiyuan smiled and a hint of sadness flashed through his eyes.

"Not yet ..."

"Qi ya ..."

"En ..."

"Be happy! "

..."" Tears welled up in qi ya's eyes. She choked and nodded hard, unable to say anything else. This man had always given her encouragement. Even though he knew that he was going to marry someone else, he did not complain to her.

"Tell long haochen, if he dares to bully you again, I won' t sit idly by ..." Zhang zhiyuan said indifferently with a faint smile on his face.only he knew how painful this moment was for him.

"Yes ..." Qi ya nodded vigorously again. She knew very well how much this man loved her. But there was nothing she could do. She could only silently bless him and find the woman he loved earlier.

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