"Let's do this first. When the wedding is set, don't forget to give me an invitation! "

"Well! "

Hearing the beeping on the phone, qi ya gently wiped her tears. Looking at the familiar number on the phone, she silently prayed in her heart: manager, you must be happier than me!

Before han shasha left the city, she had discussed cao yuezhi's problem with the official ling' er. She wanted to send cao yuezhi to the local nursing home, but was rejected by shangguan ling' er. Shangguan ling' er took care of cao yuezhi. Facing shangguan ling' er like this, han shasha felt an indescribable sense of gratitude. Before she left, she gave shangguan ling' er all the one million bank cards that zhang zhiyuan had given her, hoping that she would take good care of her aunt while she was gone. Shangguan ling' er did not refuse, and in fact, she needed money.

As soon as she went to work today, shangguan ling' er saw the news of qi ya and long haochen registering their marriage. Looking at the two people holding hands in the photo, she gritted her teeth in hatred. If long yuanqiu and long haochen hadn' t set a huge trap, the tao corporation wouldn' t have gone bankrupt and her mother wouldn' t have become like this.

She turned her head slightly and looked at qi wei, who was preparing to enter the recording studio on the sofa. Her eyes flashed fiercely. Qi ya, aren' t you about to step into a rich family? Hmph! From now on, I want you to go to heaven with one foot and hell with the other! What I can't get, none of you can get!

The phone in her bag rang at that moment, and shangguan ling' er's eyes flashed.

"Ling' er, did you read the newspaper this morning? Shangguan ling' er was still a little surprised by yu nan's voice on the phone, because yu nan never called her on her own initiative. Every time, ah shan came to convey the message to her. But this time, she actually called her because of the news in the newspaper.

"Yes, aunt! Shangguan ling' er replied respectfully.

"Make arrangements for the past few days and show them some color. Since they don' t want you to live in this world, you should let the dragon family live a life of misery from now on! Yu nan's angry voice came through the phone. It was the first time shangguan ling' er had heard yu nan react like this.

"Yes, ma 'am! The anger in her heart was ignited by the raging bear. No matter what yu nan's motive was, she was right. Since the long family did not want her to live in this world, she did not need to show them any mercy.

"Then someone will tell you what to do! From now on, don't go back to your mother. I've sent someone to take her to another safe place and see her when you're done. Yu nan instructed shangguan ling' er expressionlessly.

"But my mother ..." When shangguan ling' er heard that her mother had been mysteriously transferred by yu nan, she suddenly had a bad feeling. In front of her, she never had the right to say no.

"Your mother will be fine! Don't worry! Don't take what I say to heart! Yu nan's cold words came out from her phone, looking even more heartless.

"Yes! I know! Shangguan ling' er did not say anything else. Therefore, she chose to remain silent.

"Well, that's it! Yu nan hung up immediately.

"Goodbye, auntie! Shangguan ling' er slowly put her phone away after listening to the blind tone on the phone. She turned around and looked at qi wei and long haowei, who were on the side, with slightly narrowed eyes and a cold smile on their lips.

Because qi ya had been on the news before, everyone knew that she was the president's wife the first day qi ya entered the design department of the long corporation. Everyone was a little nervous when such a big shot suddenly came to work in the design department. They were afraid that if they accidentally angered the ceo, their future in the long corporation would be in jeopardy.

As soon as she went to work this morning, qi ya was led by her secretary, shen yao, to the design department. Because they had been there for half a day, they were still somewhat familiar. Shen yao briefly spoke to the design manager and then left after greeting qi ya.

Zhang shuo, the design manager, brought qi ya into a spacious office and introduced her to her." Madam president, this is your office." What other needs do you see? The manager of the design department was just a small and small character in the long corporation, so when he faced the ceo's wife, he was a little scared and afraid that he might accidentally offend the ceo's wife.

Manager zhang, I' m here to study. You just need to give me a table from the design department. I don' t need this kind of office. Qi ya was a little anxious when she saw the office in front of her.

"You' re the president's wife. How can you work with the designers?" "

"I' m here to study design. Don' t always think of me as the ceo's wife. If I want a big office, I can just ask the ceo for it, right?" "

"But ..."

"You can arrange a place for me! Qi ya turned around and walked out of the office toward the open design department. Zhang shuo quickly followed her.

At the insistence of qi ya, zhang shuo finally arranged a position for her, and sent the company's best designer an fei to coach her. Although an fei was also in awe of qi ya's position as the ceo's wife, his heart slowly relaxed when he saw that the imaginary ceo's wife was just a girl in a loose casual outfit with a high ponytail. Right now, there was a plan for the renovation of a korean hotel in the company. After an fei finished explaining, he started his own design. Qi ya pulled out the blueprint and began to study it carefully.

Long haochen listened to his secretary, shen yao, report qi ya's situation and a smile appeared on his face. He nodded with a smile and thought for a moment before saying," go and call Wenfeng in!" "

"Yes, president! Shen yao nodded and left the office.

In a short while Wenfeng pushed the door open and walked in.

"Contact the reporters at the news agency and release a message saying that the chairman of the long corporation went abroad for treatment for a period of time because of his health. As for how he disappeared, you can arrange for this matter to be dealt with. Remember to be reasonable and contact this reporter later! "

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