A week later.

After a week of familiarity, qi ya had familiarized herself with the design department's procedures. Like what long haowei said, he pushed liang shan to the top! When she was sitting in the office, she couldn' t help but think of a lot of things. However, in the past week, although she was busy at work, qi ya felt much more relaxed than before. This was all because when she was working, she had no time to care about long haochen. As time went by, her mind began to change a lot.

As soon as she entered her office, qi ya thought about the things that had been arranged yesterday before turning on her computer to see if she had received any mail. Before she opened the page, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in! "

"There's a delivery for you, manager! Secretary xiao yi came in with a courier and put the envelope in her hand in front of qi ya.

"Yes! Qi ya picked up the envelope on the table and looked at it, puzzled. I don' t have anyone in this city who needs to send me express mail.who sent it to me?

She tore open the envelope and reached inside to take out a stack of things. She took it out and saw that it was a few photos. Looking at the familiar face in the photo, qi ya's hands suddenly stopped and her body instantly froze.

In the photo, it was her husband, long haochen, who had been thinking about it for a year!

She nervously flipped open the photos and carefully looked at them. That's right, that's him! It was really him! No matter what kind of clothes he was wearing or what kind of hairstyle he had, she would never admit her mistake! The man in the picture is really her husband, the father of the child!

Qi ya was at a loss for words. She picked up the photos and envelopes on the table and ran out of her office without thinking. She ran towards the ceo's office of the long corporation. She panted heavily and pressed the elevator button anxiously. Seeing that the elevator had finally opened, she stepped in one step and pressed the close button anxiously. Looking at the number keys on the elevator, her heart was so nervous that it was about to jump out.

As soon as the elevator stopped at the ceo's office, qi ya ran out quickly without waiting for the doors to open. She rushed into zhang zhiyuan's office and stood at the door, gasping for air, unable to speak.

At this moment, long haowei had just arrived at his eldest brother's office to discuss something. When the office was pushed open with a bang, long haowei frowned. Just as he was about to lose his temper, he saw qi ya standing at the door, gasping for air.

"What's wrong with you? What's going on? Long haowei stood up nervously and looked at qi ya worriedly.

"Hao ... Hao ... Haochen ... Your brother ... Found him! "Said qi ya as she walked to the sofa and sat down. She waved the photo in her hands at the two of them.

"You said my brother had found him? Long haowei frowned in disbelief and said as he walked," you don' t think he's hallucinating again, do you?" "

Zhang zhiyuan didn' t seem to be joking when he saw qi ya's expression.he stood up from his leather chair and walked to the seat next to her, wanting to sit down.at first glance, he saw the photo on the coffee table, which was exactly what his brother, long haochen, looked like.

"Brother, it's really my brother! It was really him! Long haowei looked at the person in the photo and exclaimed in surprise.

Zhang zhiyuan took a closer look at the photo and flipped through everything before nodding his head in surprise." It's really haochen!" He's really alive! Great! "

Qi ya, where did you find these photos? Long haowei looked at qi ya in confusion.

My secretary said that someone sent me a express. I opened it and saw that it was all haochen's photos! Haochen is really still in this city! We didn't find him! Qi ya held one of the photos and looked at long haochen, who was wearing very ordinary clothes, with a confused look on his face.

"This is an envelope? Hearing qi ya's words, zhang zhiyuan reached out to take the envelope in front of him and looked at it.he reached into his hand and took out a piece of white paper from it.there were clearly a few words written on it.

"Brother, what does it say? Long haowei moved closer curiously to see what was written on it.

Zhang zhiyuan looked at the contents of the paper and frowned. He narrowed his eyes and handed the paper to his brother, long haowei.

"If you want long haochen to go home, I' ll give you 100 million yuan first!" Otherwise, long haochen's life would be in danger! Long haowei read out the contents of the paper softly." Damn, isn' t this typical extortion?" Brother, shall we call the police? Long haowei frowned at the contents.

"Her life is in danger? Hearing long haowei's words, qi ya nervously picked it up and looked at it. Feeling her scalp go numb, she looked at zhang zhiyuan helplessly." Big brother, we must not call the police! If they called the police, haochen would definitely be in danger! She had already lost him once and could not lose him again.

"We won' t call the police for the time being. This person only sent the items over. Although he asked me to make a deposit, there's no name for the account. If he really wants money, he will definitely call us!" Zhang zhiyuan looked at the photo in front of him and pondered.

"Brother is right! They finally had a trump card, so they had to make good use of it. However, they did not know what kind of person dared to challenge our company. Long haowei turned his eyes and thought.

Zhang zhiyuan stood up from the sofa and walked back to his leather chair. He pressed the internal line and called for Wenfeng.

"President! "

"Haowei, show the picture to Wenfeng! Zhang zhiyuan ordered his brother.

Long haowei waved his hand at Wenfeng and Wenfeng immediately walked over. He took the photo from long haowei and looked at it. After a while, he looked up at zhang zhiyuan in surprise." The president is still alive?" Where is he? "

"Someone sent this to qi ya just now. There's nothing on the envelope! There was nothing left on that piece of paper, and I don't think the person who sent the photo would give up so easily. You investigate this matter from now on, remember, must investigate secretly, do not disturb too many people, lest the grass alarm the snake! "

"Yes, rest assured! I'll be careful! Wenfeng nodded immediately and looked at the photo in his hand." Looking at the president's clothes and environment, he guessed that he must be in the suburbs. "

"Yes! You check it out now! Start in the suburbs! "Zhang zhiyuan ordered.

"Well! "

"Go! "

Wenfeng immediately took the photo and left the president's office.

"Brother, since haochen is alive and is in this city, why didn't he come to us? "Asked qi ya, puzzled.

"Yes, even if he left the city, he should be able to find it. Why didn't he come back? Long haowei looked at his brother in confusion.

"There is only one possibility in this matter. It is haochen who can't remember us. "

"So you mean brother lost his memory? Long haowei looked at his eldest brother, zhang zhiyuan, in surprise.

"Very likely! Otherwise, he wouldn' t have come back to us for such a long time! Something must have happened, but now we are finally comforted that he is still alive, which is the best news for us! Zhang zhiyuan nodded, and at the end of his speech, a long-lost smile finally appeared on his face.

As long as his brother, long haochen, was still alive, everything would be fine.

"Yes, no, I must tell my parents the good news and make them happy first! Long haowei snapped back to his senses and took out his phone to call the landline at home. Long zhenye and han yulin had been immersed in grief for the entire time, especially han yulin. To her, long haochen was the only child among the three.

Zhang zhiyuan did not stop his younger brother. Although long haochen did not have any definite information, the news that he was alive was a great comfort to his family.

When long haowei called back to the long family, long zhenye heard that his son, long haochen, was still alive. He was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes. He waved to his wife on the sofa." Yulin, haowei called and said that our haochen is still alive. He's still alive ..."

"What, what did you say? You said haochen was still alive? Han yulin stared at her husband with her eyes wide open.

"Yes! They have a picture of haochen. They said they would bring it back to us at night! Long zhenye nodded excitedly, his eyes red.

Han yulin grabbed the receiver with trembling hands and asked her little son," haowei, are you telling the truth? Is haochen really alive? "

"Mother, yes! He's alive! He's alive! Haowei said happily several times before pointing to the microphone to his eldest brother, zhang zhiyuan and qi ya.

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