"Haochen ..." Han yulin's tears instantly flowed down. Her hands that were holding the microphone began to tremble slightly.

"Mom, we'll talk to you when we get back tonight! I gotta go! As he spoke, long haowei closed his line and looked at his eldest brother, zhang zhiyuan, who was standing at the side." Big brother, what should we do next?" "

"They would have called! Zhang zhiyuan frowned slightly.

"Will they be against haochen? Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan worriedly.

"Haochen must be safe now ..." Zhang zhiyuan looked at her comfortingly. Before he could finish his sentence, he heard qi ya's phone ring. Zhang zhiyuan and long haowei immediately looked at qi ya nervously.

Qi ya picked up her phone. It was an unfamiliar number. She looked at the two of them and said," I don' t know you!" "

"Don' t be nervous. Turn on the speaker on your phone and let's hear what he has to say. Zhang zhiyuan nodded his head encouragingly as he spoke.

Long haowei also gave her a thumbs-up, hoping that she wouldn' t be nervous and afraid.

Qi ya pursed her lips and pressed the answer button. Then, she turned on the phone's loudspeaker and a strange voice came from the phone.

"Qi ya? "The voice on the phone was somewhat neutral, so it was impossible to tell if it was a man or a woman. It seemed that the other party had deliberately filtered the voice.

"Yes, who are you? "

"Did you get the picture I sent you? "

"I got it. What do you want? "Qi ya asked nervously.

"If you want long haochen to return safely, then do as I say! Otherwise, none of you will ever see him again! "The phone's voice was cold and heartless.

"Well! What do you want us to do? "

"It's very simple. First, don't call the police! "

"Well, I promise you! Never call the police! "

"The second thing is, I' ll give you an account. If you put 100 million into it, I' ll let long haochen go back! "

Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan, a little annoyed. Zhang zhiyuan picked up the paper and pen that he had prepared earlier and quickly wrote down half of the paper on it.he would only hit the other half when he saw someone.

"I can give you money, but I can only give you half. When I see long haochen, I' ll give you the other half!" "Qi ya replied immediately as zhang zhiyuan had suggested.

"Humph, let me tell you, long haochen is in our hands. You have no room to bargain with me right now!" "The other party sounded a little unhappy.

"How can I believe you didn't lie to me? "Asked qi ya.

Zhang zhiyuan quickly wrote down on the paper that the capital needed to be turned around and stall for time.

"The pictures I gave you are proof of his life! "

"I' m not the chairman of the company. Where do you want me to get a hundred million dollars for you? "

"Zhang zhiyuan is long haochen's big brother. If you don' t have money, will he have no money?" "

"But with a hundred million yuan, the company won' t let so much money go for a while. You have to give me time! "

Three days! I'll give you three days! The other party hung up the phone immediately after he finished speaking. Qi ya pressed the button and retreated, then she leaned against the sofa.

"Brother! Long haowei frowned and looked at his eldest brother, zhang zhiyuan.

"We only have three days now. We must find haochen! Zhang zhiyuan thought for a moment, then looked at qi ya and said," you should go back first. I will tell you as soon as there is any progress!" "

"But ..." Qi ya was still worried about long haochen. She couldn' t do anything anymore.

"There's no use worrying here. Don't worry, haochen will come back safely! Trust me! Zhang zhiyuan patted her on the shoulder.

"That's right. I' ll discuss it with big brother. Don' t worry. My brother survived the huge explosion last year. He' ll definitely survive this kind of thing now!" Trust him! And trust us! Long haowei looked at qi ya earnestly and encouraged her.

"Well, well! Qi ya looked at the two of them and nodded. Then, she stood up and walked out of the president's office nervously.

Seeing qi ya walk out, zhang zhiyuan immediately stood up from the sofa and called out to the owner.

"President! "

"Get me a mobile phone that can be tracked back, quickly! Zhang zhiyuan looked at yundong and ordered.

"Yes! "

"How long? "

"Half an hour! "Replied yundong without thinking.

"Then go! Zhang zhiyuan waved at him and yundong immediately left the office.

"Brother, what do I do? Long haowei asked nervously.

"You don't have to do anything, just wait with me! "

Ah qiang went to a villa with ling xin in the car. As soon as he walked in, ah qiang looked at this place in surprise and then looked there. He did not expect that the place he had lived in would be such a rich villa. Following behind ling xin, he looked all the way over. Although everything here was well decorated, he could not find any trace of his life.

"Mingyu, come with me! Ling xin took his arm and wanted to take him to the villa.

"Come on! "Ah qiang was obviously not used to the intimacy that this beautiful woman had towards him. He lifted his hand and gently pushed ling xin's hand away.

Ling xin looked at him with a smile, but she didn' t mind his actions. "

Ah qiang followed ling xin's finger and looked over. Every time she spoke of a place, he tried to find a shadow of a memory in his mind. However, after trying hard for a long time, he still did not have a single impression. This made him somewhat annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I still can't remember! Looking at the happy expression on ling xin's face, he looked apologetic.

"It's all right! We have plenty of time, and even if you can't remember it for the rest of your life, as long as you keep me in your heart from now on, I'm happy. Ling xin stood in front of ah qiang and looked up at him sincerely with anticipation.

Ah qiang looked at her apologetically." I will try my best to think of you!" "

"Well, I believe you! Ling xin smiled happily at him and took ah qiang's arm and led him into the living room of the villa.

Ah qiang did not refuse this time and followed her in. As soon as the two of them entered the living room, they saw a handsome man standing in front of the window in the living room and smiling at them.

"He is? "Ah qiang looked at the man walking over and then looked at ling xin beside him.

"Oh, he's your brother. Your name is gong mingyu, and his name is gong nanyu! Ling xin immediately introduced him with a smile.

"Gong nanyu? Ah qiang frowned and thought about it.he felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn' t remember where he had heard it.since he had an impression of him, it seemed that he was really his elder brother. He slightly relaxed his eyebrows and looked at gong nanyu in front of him and shouted," big brother! "

"Well! Not bad! I didn't think we'd finally find you this time! Gong nanyu raised his hand and patted ah qiang on the shoulder.

"But I can' t remember anything ..." Ah qiang looked at gong nanyu apologetically.

"Nothing! One day you'll remember! Gong nanyu looked at the smile that he didn' t mind and said to ling xin," take mingyu to his room. Let him take a shower first and change into clean clothes." "

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