Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 188: 7 Stars



"Ah, I'm afraid that the only qualified master Master Baiyun is the one who is qualified. Brother Feiyu, he has reached the peak of the seventh line of Wumai at a young age. Although his strength is not directly related to the apprentice, if the potential is not enough, It’s impossible to practice so fast."


   "Yeah, we are here to accompany the prince to study, but it would be nice if I could become a master disciple."


   "It's not only good, General Lin and Governor Wan are both master disciples of the master. If I can achieve their achievements, I'm already very happy."


   Someone whispered below, but Master Baiyun did not organize it. The curiosity was young nature, but instead he felt lively.


   Feiyu also thinks that he is the only one who is favored by Master Baiyun.


   He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, then bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood onto Qixinghua.




   The strange sound sounded and Qixinghua began to change.


   The first flower is available in black, white and red.


   The same is true for the second flower.


   When the third flower is reached, only white and red are left.


   The fourth flower, only one color is white.


   The fifth flower did not light up completely, only half of it was white, and the other half was still transparent.


   "Black represents soul potential, and your soul potential is a two-star level."


   "White represents internal force potential, your internal force potential is four and a half stars, and it is also the strongest of the three potentials."


   "Red represents physical potential, and your physical potential is Samsung level."


   still lively explained.


   "Well, the four-and-a-half-year internal force potential is quite good. Although it is not qualified to be a true disciple of an old man, it is still possible to become an entry disciple."


   said next to Master Baiyun, his beard.




   Feiyu's body took a sharp step backwards and almost fell to the ground.


   This is like a thunderbolt in the sunny day. He thought that the only person in Master Baiyun's mouth who was qualified to be a true disciple was him.


  Now it is not.


   This expectation is too high, and disappointment is too great.


   So the reaction is stronger, but it is normal.


"return to!"


   saw Feiyu standing there stunned, Wan Ben snorted.


  Feiyu then walked aside in a loss of spirit. The previous arrogance had already passed away.


   No one laughed at him.


   But because of the failure of flying fish, it made many people even more uneasy.


  Feiyu's terrible talent is actually not qualified, so what will happen to others?


  Second place went up is Fei Liu of Tianren Academy.


  His cultivation practice was in the late period of the Seventh Layer of Wumai, and he went to Tianfeng City with Feiyu, Feiyun and Feimu.


   Fei Liu is more nervous than Fei Yu.


   He bit his fingers tremblingly several times, but he failed to bite, and finally he still couldn't see it anymore. With a little bit of care, a drop of blood on Feixiu's fingers dropped on Qixinghua.


   "Two-star soul potential, four-star internal force potential, three-star body potential."


   still lively said lightly.


   "The internal strength potential of the four stars, you can be an introductory disciple, just count as yours, but don't think about the true disciples."


  Master Baiyun shook his head and said.


  Although he had previously realized that none of these people might meet his requirements, to be honest, he still hoped that there would be an accident in his heart.


  However, after the two passed, he was obviously disappointed.


   Fei Liu's performance is even worse than flying fish.


  Because he had also imagined that flying fish could not become a true disciple, then this true disciple should be him.


   However, the actual blow is too cruel.


   He was directly carried aside too.


   After that, the geniuses of Tianren Academy kept testing.


   Most people have the highest potential among the three, but it is Samsung, which can't even reach the four stars.


   It was only at the end that three interesting genius boys appeared.


  The three people Ling Xiao knew, that is, the three young men who went to Qianlong camp to learn.


  The physical potential of a fat boy is close to four stars and ninety percent, and it is about to reach five stars. This is a surprise, but the soul and internal potential have only a pitiful star.


   The soul potential of a lively girl is close to four stars and ninety percent, which is about to reach five stars, and the other two potentials have only the same pitiful one star.


   The lazy young man's soul potential and internal force potential have reached four and a half stars, only the physical potential performance is half a star, not even one star.


  The three of them were fortunate to become master disciples of Baiyun Master, just like Feiyu and Feiliu.


   And at this time, Ling Xiao also learned the names of the three of them——


   The fat boy is actually called the butterfly dance, the lively girl is called the candle flower, and the lazy boy is called the deer.


   "Butterfly dance, candle flower, your potential surprised the old man. In the future, they will be the top two of the entry disciples. If they perform well, they are very likely to become true disciples."


   Master Baiyun is most optimistic about these two geniuses with partial subjects.


   Although they are not false, but after all, the potential is closer to five stars, that is to say, the possibility of breaking through the extraordinary realm is also the greatest.


   "The talents of these three people are much better than those of the huge part of Qianlong Camp. They are qualified to become entry disciples. I am afraid that the remaining six people in Qianlong Camp will suffer."


   Ling Xiao could not help secretly sighing.


   This kind of thing is not what he wants to see, but he can’t change this potential, and he can only accept Qixinghua’s judgment.


   But just now Master Baiyun said that one person is eligible to become a true disciple. Now the geniuses of Tianren College have been tested, and there are only six Qianlongying disciples left.


Doesn't    say that this genius is in Qianlong camp?


  At this moment, Lin Ze's face showed ecstasy.


  Because he is very clear, if Qianlong Camp can produce a true disciple of Master Baiyun, it will not be so miserable by Tianren Academy.


  Wan Ben's complexion is not very good-looking.


The disciples of   Tianren College didn't look good.


  When it was Qianlong Camp’s turn, the first person to go up for the test was Yin. Ling Xiao was behind the Qianlong Camp’s temporary leader, so he ranked behind. There was only one person behind him, Lengmei.


   "The soul, internal force, body are all three and a half."


   This is a vague test result~www.ltnovel.com~ Alas, you are too average. In fact, your talent is the most balanced. Among ordinary warriors, it is also amazing. To be determined. "


  Master Baiyun sighed, and did not count Yinyin into the disciples, but he did not rule out it. It seems that what he called to be determined was that he should make a decision based on the situation of the following people.


   After Shiran, it was Shi Lei.


   "The soul and internal potential are two stars, and the physical potential is four stars."


   "Introductory disciple, you count one."


  Master Bai Yun said lightly that at this time he was too lazy to evaluate, Shi Lei was similar to Fei Liu in potential, but only slightly worse.


  Shi Lei is followed by Dai Yuling.




  Dai Yuling's blood dripping on the Qixinghua, surprisingly changed.


   "Four stars and 90% of all potential!"


   "God, this is the strongest one right now!"


   "That's right, Dai Yuling is silent on weekdays, I didn't expect such a terrible potential!"


   "Huh, it hasn't reached five stars yet."


   "There are only three people left. I suspect there is no potential for a five-star genius here."


   "Be quiet, how could Master Baiyun misread it."


  :. :

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