Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 189: True disciple



"What's your name?"


  Master Baiyun is also the first time to actively ask the name of a genius.


   "Dai Yuling."


   "Good name, boy, I will make an exception for you to be my true disciple. Although you don't have one potential to reach five stars, but all three go hand in hand, you can reach four stars and ninety percent, which is very rare."


  Master Baiyun said with a smile.


   "It turns out that Master Baiyun said the true disciple is her!"


   "No wonder, this potential is cattle!"


   "Yeah, yeah, I'm so envious!"


   "Thank you Master!"


  Dai Yuling was usually very calm, but today she couldn't bear to be a little excited, and she just knelt on the ground.


   "Get up, the next one."


   Master Bai Yun looked at Ling Yixue, a strange look in his eyes.


  Ling Yixue walked to Qixinghua before and dropped a drop of blood calmly.


   In this world, it seems that nothing but Ling Xiao can excite her.




   The sound of horror sounded.


   Qixinghua actually shivered violently.






   "The Seven Star Flower is broken?"


"how can that be!"


   Everyone was stunned, even Master Baiyun was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a situation.


   "How can you fall into the world."


  Master Baiyun said something inexplicable, and then sighed: "Your potential is amazing, but the old man is not worthy of your master. If you can afford the old man, you can become the true disciple of the old man."


   "Another true disciple?"


   This time, even Zuo Leng and Ming Tian over there were shocked.


   "Her soul potential exceeds Qixing, so Qixinghua will burst. Some things say that you may not understand. This Qixinghua is only a tool for testing the potential of lower races. She belongs to a higher race and there will be additional testing tools."


Master Bai Yun explained it, then looked at Ling Xiao and said to Leng Mei: "The Seven Star Flower is broken, you can't conduct a complete test, but the old man still has a Seven Star Flower that has not grown up, only four flowers, if Any one of you two can reach a four-star potential, even if you are an introductory disciple."


   Ling Xiao nodded, not opposed.


   The rest did not dare to object.


   potential reaches four stars, not weak.


   As for reaching five stars, no one thought so, because Master Baiyun's eyesight is not bad. If Ling Xiao and Leng Mei's potential can reach five stars, then he can definitely see it.


   Ling Xiao lifted her feet and stepped forward, dropping a drop of blood at will.


   "All three potentials have reached four stars, Master, this child's potential is amazing, I think his potential will not be worse than Dai Yuling, can he break him into a true disciple?"


   This time it was Lin Ze who spoke.


   Lin Ze has always been very optimistic about Ling Xiao, and now that all four flowers are full of three colors, he is also qualified to say such things.


   "His potential is up to four and a half stars at most, which is not up to Dai Yuling's level."


  Master Bai Yun just said lightly: "Lin Ze, I know you love it, but he can be an introductory disciple of a teacher, which is already very good."


Lin Ze gritted his teeth and said, "Master, it's not fair for you to say that, it's not his fault that the seven-star flower is broken. If you take another seven-star flower, I believe that his potential can definitely reach four stars and ninety percent. ."


   Generally speaking, Lin Ze will not collide with his master.


   But this time, he really had to fight for Ling Xiao.


"Lin Ze, do you think the seven-star flower is a wildflower that grows on the side of the road, just say it can be there? The old man has also been searching for many years, only to get two such plants, one adult, and one plant that has just grown to four flowers. s level."


  Master Baiyun seems a little angry.


   "Master, you will regret it if you do this."


   said Lin Ze.


   "Really? The old man wanted to see what he wanted to make the old man regret!"


   "Lin Shuai, okay, can become an introductory disciple of Master Baiyun, the juniors are already satisfied, I hope not to cause your disciples to be discordant because of the juniors."


   Ling Xiao was very touched by Lin Ze's approach, but he also saw that Master Baiyun would never agree.


   Instead of making such a fuss, he would take a step back, and there is no Qixinghua to prove it anyway.


   "Oh, the child is good, Lin Ze, you should learn more from this child, OK, next."


  Master Baiyun is not willing to continue to struggle with this issue.


   Lengmei stepped forward and dripped a drop of blood.


   "Samsung potential Samsung, internal force potential Samsung, physical potential four stars."


   "Yes, you are also qualified to be an introductory disciple of the old man, just that child, called Yinran, right, sorry, you have no chance."


   Although the potential for shame is not bad, compared with these people, it is a bit worse.


   She felt helpless in her heart, but there was no other way.


"Okay, Ling Yixue, Dai Yuling, Butterfly Dance, Candle Flower, Flying Fish, Ling Xiao, Fei Liu, Lu Xing, Shi Lei, Leng Mei, ten of you will stay, and the rest can go to get quasi-super martial arts. "


  Baiyun Guanzhu still said aloud.


  Although the rest of them were still not convinced, they did not dare to seduce here.


  Not to mention the extraordinary state of the Master Baiyun, even if they are only the three martial arts masters of the nineth peak, Lin Ze, Wan Ben, and Bai Yunguan, they can pinch them with one finger.


   "From today on, Ling Yixue and Dai Yuling are the true disciples of the old man, and the remaining eight are entry disciples. Now let's go to the teacher."


   Master Baiyun is in a good mood. Originally, he thought that the only person who could become his true disciple was Ling Yixue, and did not expect Dai Yuling to be good.


   This is the first time I can receive two true disciples.


  Zuo Leng and Ming Tian received it only three years later.


  Ten people attended the teacher salute together.


  Master Baiyun was pulling his beard, but he just looked at the other eight people lightly, and finally looked at Ling Yixue and Dai Yuling, showing a happy smile.


   Sure enough, they are also disciples. There is a big gap between the disciples and the disciples.


   The so-called true biography is that you can get the inheritance of Master Baiyun, and the entry disciples can get it, but it is only some resources and occasional instructions of Master Baiyun.


   It is absolutely impossible to get the true biography.


"Eight of you remember ~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s nothing to be an entry disciple. After you go out, don’t say that you are a disciple of a teacher. If you violate it, then you won’t even have the opportunity to get instructions for the teacher in the future. , Understand?"


   This is a bit hurtful, but Master Baiyun is absolutely serious.


   The vast majority of masters are very rare in their reputation, do not want others to say that they have picked up the waste apprentice.


   The same is true in fact. Master Baiyun will pass on his lifelong learning to Zuo Leng, Mingtian, Ling Yixue and Dai Yuling, who are the real apprentices.


   The remaining eight people are really not disciples.


  This is also true.


   "Disciples follow the orders of the master!"


  Lingxiao and eight others bowed their heads and said.


   "Okay, Lin Ze and Wan Ben, you should still have something to do, just go busy first, and have some words for the teacher to talk to these children."


   Master Baiyun heard eight people answer, nodded in satisfaction, then said to Lin Ze and Wan Ben.




   After Lin Ze and Wan Ben left, Bai Yunguan still lived to preside over the distribution of quasi-super martial arts.


  In the entire Zhenling Hall, there are only four true disciples of Master Baiyun and eight entry disciples.


   It can be seen that Master Baiyun should have something to tell them, which is inconvenient for others to listen here.


  :. :

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