Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 190: Special constitution



  In the Hall of True Spirits, Master Baiyun sat facing the twelve disciples, his face showing a gentle smile like a spring breeze.


   "Whether it is a new disciple or an entry disciple today, everyone can ask a question to the teacher, think about what you want to ask, and of course, you can give up, this matter does not need to be forced."


   The master is really a master, and he saw through the thoughts of the little guys at once.


   At this time, the little guys must have many questions to ask. He gave such an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice.


  After all, as an extraordinary saint warrior, he walked the world and walked the road, afraid that he would eat more salt than these children. It would be strange if these children had no problems.


   "Please ask Master to help the disciples to solve the "special physique"."


   Dai Yuling was the first to ask a question.


  The statement of special physique, they haven't heard of it before. It was still mentioned by Master Baiyun during this test.


   Because of this, they are a little puzzled.


   "Special physique is actually a magical physique created when the spirit and spirit reach a certain level at the same time."


  Master Baiyun explained: "You all know that the combat use of this world is of a grade. In fact, for the warrior, the body is also a battle tool, and it is more important, so it is also graded."


   "Is it also divided into treasure, spirit, etc.?"


   Feiyu asked hurriedly.


   "It should be said that a mortal body should be added in front of the treasure body, just like the ordinary soldiers in weapons, that is, ordinary weapons, ordinary bodies."


  Master Baiyun replied.


   "Our world, with a population of more than 100 billion and a large territory, you simply can't imagine that in an extraordinary state, people divided these people into three or sixty-nine, which is the so-called potential grade."


   "It can be said that for species of lower ethnicity, more than 90% of all births are just mortal. Unless there are adventures, the physical potential will not change."


   Actually so.


   Ling Xiao was the first to hear such a statement and felt very fresh.


   "In fact, there are also levels of mortals-low, intermediate, high, and peak!"


   "So don't think it's all mortal, everyone is the same, but in fact it is not, the seven-star flower as a teacher is used to test mortal and low-level, intermediate-level treasure, high-level treasure."


"One star is a low-level body, two stars are a mid-level body, three stars are high-level, four stars are the top-level body, and five stars are low-level treasures, that is, the special physique mentioned by the teacher. This can be seen by observation. ."


   "General physique above the body, there will be some special features, such as Ling Yixue, her soul is extremely powerful, can be said to be the body of the soul, but the specific grade, the teacher does not dare to assert."


"After all, Six-Star is an intermediate treasure, and Seven-Star is already a high-grade treasure. Ling Yixue made the Seven-Star Flower fragment, not only because her potential surpassed the high-grade treasure, but also because she had difficulty controlling her potential, otherwise Even if it exceeds seven stars, it will not break."


"Ling Xiao and Leng Mei have done a better job at this point. The potential of both of them should be more than four stars and less than five stars, but they have not broken the seven-star flower with only four flowers, indicating their control of potential. It's in place."


   "Of course, some precautions have been taken for teachers."


"In short, as long as you can reach the treasure body, you will have inherent advantages in practice. At least the martial arts journey will definitely make it easier to break through than the ordinary body. As long as you work hard, you will be able to break through the extraordinary realm, it is only a matter of time. ."


   "And the mortal body is different. Whether you can be promoted to an extraordinary state depends entirely on the fortune. The biggest possibility is that you can work hard for a lifetime and you can't break through."


   "Master, you just said that the potential is born, but the day after tomorrow can change?"


  Ling Xiao raised a question that is very important to him.


   He felt that when he didn't get Shan Wu Wu Hun, he had the most potential to be the pinnacle, and he really couldn't reach the treasure.


   After the Wushan Soul is available, the situation is very different.


   So this question, he must ask clearly.


   "Of course, and many people have changed their potential through acquired efforts, but this is very difficult, and it can even be said to be a nine-death life!"


  Master Baiyun nodded and said: "Some special elixir, special bloodline, and special martial spirit may change the potential of the martial arts."


   "Thank you Master for solving the puzzle!"


  Although Master Baiyun said it was not detailed enough, Ling Xiao had already got the answer he wanted and was satisfied.


  Although he always knew that he was accelerating his cultivation because of Wu Wushun, he did not understand why.


  Now he understands that Shan Wu Wu soul has changed his potential.


   As for what potential level he is now, he doesn't even know himself.


   It would be nice if the Qixinghua could be repaired.


  Ling Xiao thought of his own mountain and river martial spirit, which has the ability of "production and creation", and there is a branch under the creative ability that is maintenance.


   Wait a moment and see if you can get the fragments of Qixinghua. If you can, you might know your current potential situation.


  When he was thinking about Qixinghua, several people had already asked questions.


   When he came back, Ling Yixue was already asking questions.


   "Master, we all know that the Wumai Jiuzhong Peak is an extraordinary holy realm, but is there any other realm above the extraordinary holy realm?"


   Actually this question, everyone in the room thought about it, is martial arts endless?




  Master Baiyun gave an affirmative answer: "But the teacher has not yet touched that stage, so the explanation is unclear."


   "It's like you haven't heard of the extraordinary holy realm when you are on the first and second level of the martial arts. Even if you have heard of it, you don't understand it at all~www.ltnovel.com~ He said that Lingxiao could understand it.


   When he was just a martial arts master, he just wanted to be a martial artist and be promoted to martial arts quadruple.


   Later got the mountain and river martial spirit, cultivated for thousands of miles a day, this was the idea of ​​promoting martial arts division, and even Wumai Jiuzhong peak.


   Later, when I finally saw the extraordinary Holy Realm Powerhouse, my horizons also became wider.


   Extraordinary holy realm is still a place they can't touch, let alone the realm above the extraordinary holy realm, so Master Baiyun can't answer anything about them.


   "Master, can you give some suggestions for our cultivation? How can we maximize the grasp of promotion to the extraordinary state?"


The issue of    candle flower is considered to be more critical, and there are also many people who care about it.


   Her soul potential is four stars and ninety percent, very close to the five stars, which means that her physique is very close to the treasure body, and it is very likely to be promoted to an extraordinary state.


   The purpose of asking this question is naturally to want to know what needs to be paid attention to in the current practice, and it may be easier to promote in the future.


   "Focus on your strengths, reduce your obsession with skills and killing, and try to focus on soul cultivation."


  Master Baiyun replied: "The rest of the people also listen to it. Although comprehensive development is good, but it is also the most difficult, so the teacher does not recommend that, or choose one of the best potential development you are good at."


  :. :

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