Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 192: Battle of Life and Death



  Li Xinghui had hatred for Ling Xiao as early as the Tianfeng City Dabi, and later learned that his own brother Li Xingyun was also killed by Ling Xiao.


   Even many martial arts of the Li family went to siege the Ling family on that day, and there were also a few who died in the hands of Ling Xiao.


   So Li Xinghui always wanted to avenge.


He came to Yunkong City earlier than Ling Xiao, and broke through to Wumai Qizhong earlier. After all, when he was in Tianfeng City, his cultivation performance was much higher than Lingxiao. in order to.


   Plus just after the test, his potential is not low, all three are Samsung 90%.


   In the physical martial arts, it is considered to be close to the peak qualification.


   came to Yunkong City and was cultivated by Wanben and Tianren Academy. Now he is cultivated as the mid-seventh period of Wumai, and his confidence has already been above the sky.


   only hated that Ling Xiao was basically hiding in Qianlong camp, he had no chance to seek revenge on Ling Xiao.


   met here today, and was even more downplayed by Ling Xiao in terms of potential, how can he give up this opportunity?


   Ling Xiao was just about to refuse, and suddenly thought of the materials he needed to repair Qixinghua, he couldn't help but change his mind.


   "Challenge me, but I have to be a bit lucky."


"You said!"


  Li Xinghui said.


   "One piece of fine treasure, ten natural crystals!"


   Ling Xiao didn't need much, as long as he could gather the materials and let him repair Qixinghua.


   "Okay, I promise you, but we have to go to Baiyunguan to see the cliff of life and death, and sign the book of life and death, endlessly!"


  Li Xinghui gritted his teeth.


   "Did you think clearly?"


   Ling Xiao is not the kind of indiscriminate killer. He killed Li Xingyun because Li Xingyun killed his relatives.


  He killed Li Jiawu because Li Jiawu was besieging his family.


   But before Li Xinghui and him, there was no deep hatred, not to the point of never ending.


   "Why, are you afraid?"


  Li Xinghui said coldly.


   "Is the commander of the Qianlong Battalion such a genius?"


   "Yes, yeah, Qianlong camps are all bad breeds!"




   Many geniuses at Tianren College started to coax.


   Wan Ben also said: "As a warrior, you should have put life and death out of the way. Only between life and death can you make a breakthrough. I said Lin Ze, your disciple does not look very good."


   "He just has a kind heart, and he doesn't want to kill more."


   Lin Ze said lightly.


   "Hahaha, I think it's just greed and fear of death."


   Wan Ben satirized.


   "Forget it, since you are committed to death, I will fulfill you. You go to the cliff of life and death and sign the book of life and death, but I have to add one to the color head, that is a set of quasi-super martial skills!"


"no problem!"


  Wan Ben answered Li Xinghui: "Today RB Governor is here, if Li Xinghui is dead, what he owes, this Governor will give you."


   "Looking at the words of the Governor, Ling Xiao is at ease."


   Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and then signed the life and death book with Li Xinghui in front of everyone, then everyone went to Baiyunguan on the cliff of life and death.


   This cliff of life and death was originally used by Yunkong City to resolve disputes.


  If the law can't solve the problem, then it is solved by force. On the cliff of life and death, no one is responsible for life or death.


   Lingxiao stood there, almost everyone's focus.


   Even Master Baiyun and Zuo Leng and Mingtian in the Zhenling Hall watched the duel through a special mirror.


   "I have long heard that there is a 14-year-old talented boy named Qian Xiao in Qianlong Camp, is he?"


   "Yeah, only fourteen years old, it is already a martial arts master. This talent is really shocking. It is no wonder that Master Baiyun will be selected as an introductory disciple."


   "I heard that he seems to be able to perform various martial arts remnants, but I don't know if it is true."


   "It should be true, this kind of rumors will not be groundless, after all, he defeated Luxing."


   "Li Xinghui also defeated Lu Xing, which is nothing to be proud of."


"Well, this is a good word. Li Xinghui had just been promoted to the early stage of Wumai Qizhong, and his strength exceeded that of Lu Xing. With the cultivation of Governor Wan Ben, he is now a Wuzhong Qizhong mid-level warrior, and his strength is definitely in Deer. Above the line."


   "I also heard that last month's discussion, if you think that Qianlong camp is too weak, Li Xinghui will be sent out. I didn't expect that the deer in the line of deer had a bad luck. If I knew it, I let Li Xinghui go."


   "Yes, potential does not mean strength. Ling Xiao may have higher potential than Li Xinghui, but the strength is definitely not as good as Li Xinghui. It would be a pity if he died in battle today."


   "Do you say Master Baiyun will block?"


   "If Ling Xiao is a true disciple, it might be okay, but he is not. For master disciples, the master has never been too concerned about it."


   This is obviously what the insider said.


   Anyway, in this battle today, although a few people support Ling Xiao, the vast majority of people are not very optimistic about Ling Xiao.


  Especially in the battle of life and death, that Li Xinghui was too brutal, and he played the animal soul of Wu Wu to the fullest.


   They feel that it is a pity that Ling Xiaoming has a better potential than Li Xinghui. In time, it can definitely surpass Li Xinghui. It is a pity to die here today.


   Listening to the discussion of everyone, Ling Xiao had the urge to laugh. Most of these people saw themselves for the first time. Haven't you heard that you defeated Li Xinghui in Tianfeng City?


   who won once, he will never lose.


   "Ling Xiao, your potential is indeed good. I didn't expect to be stronger than me."


   Li Xinghui stood there, looked at Ling Xiao coldly and said: "But you have to understand that no matter how strong the potential is, you can still die without strength!"


  In his eyes, Ling Xiao seemed to have become a dead body.


  Ling Xiao said indifferently: "You are right, there is no strength, no matter how good the potential is, it is useless. If a person dies, there will be nothing. It is a pity that only you can die today."


   "Big words are not ashamed!"


Li Xinghui shouted: "Don't think you have won me, you can still win me today~www.ltnovel.com~ With your strength, you came to Tianren College, which is just a disciple of the middle and lower reaches, you Qianlong camp Not worth mentioning."


   Deprecated Qianlong camp in front of Lin Ze, I am afraid Wan Ben was instructed from behind.


   Lin Ze was unhappy, but he wasn't able to deal with a seventh-level martial arts master. This bad breath could only be temporarily endured.


Seeing Lin Ze’s face, Wan Ben smiled secretly and glared at Li Xinghui pretendingly: "Nonsense, the strength of Qianlong Camp, how can you kidnap you, although they did lose in the end of the month, but also Can't say that."


  Li Xinghui said indifferently: "The disciple's heart is straightforward, just to be honest, if he offends General Lin, offends Qianlong Camp, he hopes to forgive his sins."


   "A good heart is straightforward!"


   Ling Xiao is also the general commander of Qianlong Battalion anyway, and he also respects Lin Ze very much. Li Xinghui so defamed Lin Ze and Qianlong Battalion, which has made him very unhappy.


   "Oh, it was not easy to pity you to martial arts. I want to give you a chance, but your words have made me very unhappy. Weakness within six strokes can't defeat you. I will kill myself on the spot!"


   Ling Xiao's words were cold and firm.


   It was just this remark that everyone was shocked directly.


   Lin Ze couldn't help frowning and shook his head. He thought Ling Xiao should be a calm and calm child. How did he become so impulsive when he encountered this today?


  :. :

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