Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 193: Amethyst



   Hearing Li Xiao defeat Li Xinghui within six strokes, Lin Ze shook his head and sighed.


  General September even smiled bitterly: "Ling Xiao is still too young, so it's so impulsive, really can't make it. If this is a six-stroke victory, really want to kill yourself? That's too uneconomical."


   "I don't think so."


   Ling Yixue's icy eyes revealed the faithful spirit. She and Ling Xiao both came here from the Ling Family of Tianfeng City. Their understanding of Ling Xiao is far better than others.


  September General shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mrs. Yixue, do you really think Ling Xiao can defeat Li Xinghui within six strokes?


   This is unlikely!


  Although I was unhappy, if I read correctly, Li Xinghui put it in our Qianlong camp, and its strength is much stronger than Shi Lei and Huanong Ying!


  I remember that Ling Xiao used fifty tricks to defeat Huanongying, right? "


   Ling Yixue did not speak, she just smiled lightly in the corner of her mouth.


   At the time, Ling Xiao played against the flowers, but it was just to hone himself, otherwise the battle within ten strokes should be resolved.


   Today's Ling Xiao is more than doubled than it was then.


   No one was optimistic about Ling Xiao.


   Geniuses including Qianlong Camp shook their heads secretly, and felt that Ling Xiao was a little too arrogant.


   is usually quite steady, why is it uncharacteristic today?


   Over there, Feiyu and Feiliu sneered.


   They had planned to avenge Feimu and Feiyun, but they did not expect Ling Xiao to be so stupid and arrogant. It seems that this idiot must be on the spot today.


   Such a death method is not only stupid, but also embarrassing, slipping the world.


  The deer line that fought with Ling Xiao was also muttering to himself: "I really don't know what to do!"


  He played against both Ling Xiao and Li Xinghui, so he knew the strength of these two people. In his opinion, Ling Xiao might be able to defeat Li Xinghui, but within six strokes?


   is simply too arrogant.


   Qianlong Camp Shi Lei and others hoped that Ling Xiao could really defeat Li Xinghui by six moves. After all, what Li Xinghui said before was too unpleasant, and they did not put Qianlong Camp in their eyes at all.


   But even they feel that this is unlikely.


   "Arrogant arrogance!"


  Li Xinghui snorted, and then his clothes automatically without wind.


   An increasingly clear white tiger phantom appeared behind him, and then the white light burst out from him.


  'S feet moved, and the solid rocky ground was guessed as a crack, and the whole person rushed out like a fierce beast.


   hands like tiger claws, volley suddenly caught.




   The air was torn by the tiger's claws. The silver-white light claws flew out of his hands, and then turned into large tiger claws four or five times larger in the air, covering the sky.


   Ling Xiao stood there.


   does not mean to avoid, nor does it have the idea of ​​retreating.


   The air that seemed plain at first suddenly became sharper.


Behind   , the ghost image of Bloodblade Patriarch also became clearer, especially the eyes of Patriarch were full of evil charm.


   knows at first glance that it is a person who does not play cards according to common sense.


   "My God, both of their broken martial spirits have actually reached 70%! Completely matched!"


There was a scream from the crowd.


   has to say that Li Xinghui's progress is also very fast. When he was in Tianfeng City, his broken martial spirit was only 10%, but now it has grown to 70%.


   It just seems that the broken Wuhun is not so stable.


   estimated what medicine was used to force up.


  After all, Wan Ben, as Governor of Baiyun Province, still has much more resources than Lin Ze, not to mention that he still leans on the Ninja and Blues.


   Ling Xiao at this time, did not care about the shouts in the crowd.


   The ice glass sword came out of the sheath, and a wave of horrible sword gas spewed out of the body. The whole person seemed to turn into a sharp sword, accumulating power constantly.


   Then waited for the outbreak of terror.


   "The first move!"


   Ling Xiao stabs with a sword.


   In the shouting, his figure became strange and unpredictable, the sword was also erratic, and the figure was like a ghost, completely unreasonable.




   The silver-white tiger claw directly grasped Ling Xiao's body.


   But it was just a meaningless afterimage.




   Behind the remnant image, a huge rock was crushed and shattered, which shows the horrifying power of Li Xinghui's arrest.


   However, everyone was too late to be surprised, because Ling Xiao's sword had already stabbed from a strange angle to Li Xinghui's heart position.


  Since it was a battle between life and death, Ling Xiao did not intend to be merciful.


  In this kind of battle, showing mercy, it is pure death.


   After all, Li Xinghui still has the ability to kill him.


   "How could this sword technique be so weird!"


   Li Xinghui was surprised. He really didn't expect that there would be such a terrible and strange sword move in this world.


   was clearly his preemptive striker, and he was about to hit Ling Xiao, but in a flash, the situation changed dramatically.


   Ling Xiao instead seized the initiative, but he was passive.


  However, at this moment, even though he was shocked, he had no time to marvel at all.


   The danger is right in front of him.


   "Amethyst God Skill!"


   screamed, Li Xinghui's real element quickly gathered to his chest.


   After the silvery white light gathered, it quickly condensed a strange-looking crystal shield.


   This shield has a rhombus shape, looks thick and solid like an entity, and does not seem to be a true element at all. I believe that the defense will not be low.


  At the same time, Li Xinghui's entire body was wrapped in a layer of purple-blue breath, which is also the effect of amethyst divine power.


   Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao only showed a disdainful sneer in the corner of her mouth.


   The ice glass sword in hand still has the same trend.


   It is just that in this sword, more snow lotus elements are condensed, and the penetrating power becomes more terrifying.




   The thick-looking amethyst shield failed to achieve any effect, and was immediately pierced by this sword.


   Then, the amethyst shield shattered like glass, without any blocking effect at all.


   "Impossible! How could the amethyst shield break!"


   Excited~www.ltnovel.com~ Wan Ben couldn't help but smashed a huge stone beside him.


   The boulder debris splashed and scared the disciples of the Tianren College near him to fly back quickly, but there were still several people who were beaten with blood.


   It's no wonder that Wan Ben would be so disoriented.


   Amethyst Divine Skill is one of the best defensive martial arts in Tianren Academy!


   It can be said that even quasi-super martial arts can resist a short period of time. It is impossible for a warrior of the same state to break through this amethyst shield in a short time.


   However, the reality is Ling Xiao who was trained in the early period of the Seventh Layer of Martial Art. With one sword, the defensive martial art that Tianren Academy is proud of is broken.


   "His true yuan, all should have been quasi-extraordinary true yuan!"


  Baiyun Guanzhu is still a spectator, and he said softly to Wan Ben, that the gravel just could not pose any threat to him, so he didn't move at all.


   "A quasi-extraordinary true element? This kid actually cultivated into a quasi-extraordinary inner power mentality?"


   Wan Ben was surprised again.


   Quasi-extraordinary inner mental skills are also available in Tianren College, but they can be practiced if they do.


  Cultivation of quasi-super martial arts, if the qualifications can not reach the pinnacle of mortal body, then the possibility of failure is very large, and it may even get into trouble.


  Even if it is the pinnacle of the body, it is not easy to understand the quasi-super martial arts.


  :. :

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