Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 194: Breakthrough



   "Go away!"


   Li Xinghui burst into a scream, the amethyst true element condensed all around her body condensed to a point, and finally the attack of Ling Xiao's sword was delayed, and no heart was pierced on the spot.


   Not only that, the angry Li Xinghui attempted to move back to the downturn. The left hand controlled Amethyst True Element, but the right hand showed tiger claws. Then, in the horrible sound of tiger roar, he directly caught Ling Xiao’s Tianling cover.


   The wind raged.


   Ling Xiao felt that the skin on her face was sore and her hair was blown and fluttered.


   But the opponent will attack with bare hands.


   He will do the same!


   "Meteor Strike!"




   The energy that originally burst to the surroundings was forcibly condensed into a piece by Ling Xiao through wonderful means.


   looks like a black hole engulfing a meteorite.


   originally a very large range of attacks, instantly became a one-on-one fixed-point attack.


   The terrifying true element condenses on Ling Xiao's left fist and blasts out with five fierce punches.


   and Li Xinghui's paws shook hard together.


   Above the head of the two, a white tiger ghost and a blood knife ancestor ghost also collided together.


   There was no momentary burst, as if they were swallowing each other, and the power of terror continued to flow out of the two bodies.


   At this time, the terrible place of Ling Xiao Zhenyuan and Wuhun came out.


   His true element is a quasi-superior Xuelian true element. During the confrontation, Li Xinghui’s true element is constantly frozen, which makes the opponent less and less true element.


  Not only that, but also the ability to swallow the true yuan of the Wuwu soul of the mountains and rivers is to devour and convert the true yuan consumed by Li Xinghui into Ling Xiao's own true yuan.


   In this way, at first it seemed to be quite a collision, and finally broke out momentarily after a while.




   A loud noise like a thunder burst exploded between the two.


   The purple-blue light and the snow-white light broke apart and shot continuously in all directions. Not only was the sound magnificent, but the scene was also amazing.


"not good!"


   Surrounding the audience quickly rushed to resist the overflowing breath. The strong, placed a thick shield of real yuan in front of themselves to block the impact of this terrorist breath.


   As if a crossbow arrow hit the shield, it made a sound like a raindrop smashing, and the shield kept shaking.


   The weaker one can't stop and can only turn around and flee to avoid this terrible atmosphere.


   But even so, many people were injured.


  On the cliff of life and death, no matter life or death.


  This is not just for the two warring parties, including the onlookers, dying here, you are unlucky.


   On the battlefield, the two separated after collision.


   To be precise, it should be that Li Xinghui suddenly retreated because he suffered a big loss in the battle.


   Ling Xiao just calmed down the chaotic Zhenyuan slightly, and then stabbed again with a sword.


   "One of the double shadow swordsmanship, three swords!"


   Due to the increase in strength and the change of the true yuan, even the previous sword moves, the power of today has also increased a lot.


   The sword stabbed out, and four figures flew out at the same time.


   The horrible sword spirit is so powerful that the air seems to be completely frozen wherever he goes, stabs Li Xinghui with the momentum to end everything.


   was approaching, and the four figures suddenly became one.


   The already terrifying sword qi actually exploded three or four times, making it difficult for many people to breathe in the onlookers.




  Li Xinghui had just stood firm and hadn't had time to think about what to do, he saw Ling Xiao's attack again.


   He was helpless at all, even though his heart was extremely angry and was constantly suppressed by his opponent, he was really angry and nowhere to vent.


   At this time, only the whole body of Yuanyuan was urged, completely condensed on the legs, and then flew directly to Ling Xiao's sword qi.




  The true element above Li Xinghui's feet was broken again, and the remaining sword qi went up, hurting Li Xinghui's meridians.


  Not only that, Binglijian left a deep bone scar on Li Xinghui's right leg.


  The two staggered their positions, and Ling Xiao's ghostly figure finally appeared again.


   Continuous attacks failed to kill Li Xinghui, so he had to adjust his breath a bit.


   "I'm not mistaken, this is too incredible, but the two men only met three moves, Li Xinghui was hit hard, is it true that Ling Xiao really has the strength to kill Li Xinghui?"


   "It's terrible, the quasi-transcendent true yuan is more terrifying than the imagination's superiority. The true yuan is really crushed against the true yuan. If the extraordinary true yuan, how terrible should it be?"


"Not only is it true, haven't you noticed that Ling Xiao is above the level of Li Xinghui in grasping the timing and flaws, this guy is so calm in battle, so calm that it makes people scalp numb. "


   "There are three more tricks, Li Xinghui can not hold it, this guy is also very cruel!"


"He really can't hold it, not only is he embarrassed, but he has lost his life here. He used to satirize the disciples of Qianlong camp with irony, and was killed by six strokes. Even if he died, he was notorious. ."


   "Yeah, if you can't hold it, you're dead, and it's notorious, if you hold it back, you're dead, and you're famous, everything is in these three moves."


   Seeing Li Xinghui bleeding on his right leg and spurting blood in his mouth, all the people watching were shocked.


   Even Lin Ze and Wan Ben were a little surprised.


  In the Hall of True Spirits, Master Bai Yun also frowned, and he did not seem to expect that Ling Xiao's fighting style was so extraordinary.


   It is clear that there is no advantage in martial arts and strength in strength, but it can only suppress the opponent as if it can see through all the attacks of the opponent.


   "Is the old man really wrong?"


  Master Baiyun didn't listen to Lin Ze's words, he didn't choose Ling Xiao as a true disciple, he is really a little confused now.


   Warriors of extraordinary realm, although they seem to be tall, but on another level, they are just newcomers who have just entered the realm of cultivation.


  'S eyesight is almost normal, in fact, it is normal.


   "Ling Xiao!"


  Li Xinghui's cracked wound was actually healing faster.


   This is the terrible place of the animal department martial arts soul, super resistance to shock, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and super recovery ability.


   It's just that Li Xinghui's martial spirit is still a residual soul, so the recovery is not too strong, and now it can stop bleeding.


   If it is a complete martial arts soul, then its recovery ability is no less than the rebirth of the broken limb of the ninth turn of "Nine Turns to the Golden Body"


  Li Xinghui stopped the blood and shouted at Ling Xiao: "You want to kill me with six strokes, go dreaming, I will let you kill you on the spot!"


   His eyes were red, as if a fire was burning.


  The remaining sword gas in his body was actually shattered by him.


  He just stared at Ling Xiao, but the breath on his body became stronger and stronger.


The white tiger ghost behind    actually condensed again.


   The breath of the terrifying beasts became more powerful.


   It looks like Li Xinghui is like a white tiger, staring at Ling Xiao with a big mouth open, and it is fierce.


  Under the pressure of survival, at this critical moment, Li Xinghui actually forced his potential out, and made his martial arts residual spirit perfect to 80%.


  Bacheng remnant soul of Budo, this is very close to the end of the soul.


   The breath of terror completely suppressed Ling Xiao's Qicheng residual soul.




   staring at Ling Xiao not far away, Li Xinghui made a slamming gesture.


  :. :

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