

"Do not--!"


   screamed loudly, and then a figure emerged from the crowd, supporting the body of Li Xinghui who was about to fall to the ground.


   is Li Yunsheng!


  Li Xinghui's father.


   The owner of the Li family in Tianfeng City was one of the culprits of the siege of the Ling family.


   "God, four strokes killed Li Xinghui, what happened to that sword? That power made people feel that they almost did not lose the blow to the complete martial soul!"


   "It's not that exaggerated, but it is definitely stronger than Li Xinghui's Bacheng remnant soul. It still feels that the quality of the true yuan. This Ling Xiao foundation is too solid. The true yuan is extremely strong. I am afraid that I will not lose to the Wumai Eightfold Warrior!"


   "Scary, this son is famous today in the sky!"


   "What the **** and he can be this person, I heard that it was just a little beggar, how could it be so terrible, make people jealous!"


   "Beggars become geniuses, how can they be accepted!"


   was shocked to see the results.


   is all amazing.


   But more is jealous and unhappy.


  The most unacceptable thing for them is that Ling Xiao turned out to be just a little beggar, not a clan of the famous family, nor a disciple of the main school.


   This kind of gap makes them really unbearable, and jealousy is born from it.


   Qianlong camp, Lin Ze and others were a false alarm, but at this time they laughed.


   Ling Xiao's performance is actually beyond their expectations, this kid's talent may be far stronger than what Master Baiyun said.


   Lin Ze already had a plan. Since Master Baiyun refused to accept Ling Xiao as a true disciple, he should accept it.


   such a genius is absolutely qualified to inherit his mantle.


   In fact, he originally let the disciples of Qianlong Camp go out to hunt the fantasy **** traders, in order to select disciples.


  In a troubled world, his general can be said to be indefinite, and his potential is so far, I am afraid that he will not be able to break through the extraordinary realm for life.


  Lingxiao is more promising than him, and it is also more valuable for training.


General September turned his head to look at Ling Yixue, and couldn't help feeling, "What is a quasi-genius, I understand it completely today, Ling Xiao, this name may become the most outstanding young man in Baiyun Province and even the human race in the near future. Talents can completely contend with the evil spirits of Ninja, Blue, and Barbarian."


   "The general still looks down on him."


   Ling Yixue shook his head, his eyes showing strong excitement.


  General September froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of Master Baiyun's words.


  Human race, ninja race, blue race race, and barbarian race are actually just lower races.


  Although they have no small difference in appearance, they are still in the form of human beings, and they cannot exceed this category.


   But it is different for middle race and higher race.


   The appearance changes a lot, and the talent is much stronger than the lower race.


   Unless they can be promoted to the extraordinary holy land, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be difficult to enter the world of these races.


  Human race pilgrimage is very big, but compared to the whole world, it is just a drop in the ocean.


   It was just that General September was not very clear about those things. He looked at Ling Xiao and thought that this young man might tell him what the world outside is like in the future.


  Li Yunsheng, who embraced Li Xinghui's body, had already reached the extreme anger. He stared at Ling Xiao and shouted: "You are the executioner, kill my two sons, I will fight with you!"


   finished, he suddenly stab at Ling Xiao with a sword.




   There was a crisp sound, the space violently oscillated, and the Lingxiao clothes standing there were all blown into "hula la".


   In front of him, General September appeared instantly, punching Li Yunsheng's sword energy with a punch.


   "Li Yunsheng, don't forget, here is the life and death cliff, your son and Ling Xiao signed the life and death documents, in front of Governor Wan and General Lin, what do you want to do?"


   "My son is dead!"


  Li Yunsheng shouted.


  Of course he knew that he violated the rules, but Li Xinghui was his only son, and this son's talent was much better than Li Xingyun.


  He has always expected his son to become the right arm of Governor Wan, so that in the future, their Li family can kill back to Tianfeng City and take charge of Tianfeng City.


   But now, Li Xinghui was killed by Ling Xiao, and his dream is like a broken mirror.


   He lost his mind and desperately wanted to kill Ling Xiao.


"Yes, it was your son who died, but this time the battle between life and death was also initiated by your son. You did not block it before, and even vigorously supported it. You may think that it will be Ling Xiao! If so, you only I'm afraid I will be happy?"


  General September sneered: "Now your son is dead, are you angry? What did you do?"




   Wan Ben looked at Ling Xiao standing there coldly, and then looked at Li Yunsheng: "On the cliff of life and death, life and death are dead, or Li Yunsheng, do you plan to let the Li family go up and down to be buried together?"


   Hearing this, Li Yunsheng shuddered, and said nothing more, just hugged the body of his son and left quickly.


   Before leaving, he glanced at Ling Xiao with a vicious glance. Looking like that, he really had to swallow Ling Xiao for life.


   In fact, Wan Ben was also very unhappy. As a result, he lost his face, and he wished to kill Ling Xiao on the spot.


   But he is the Governor, here is the Baiyun Temple, there are some things that really cannot be done in front of others.


   There is another person who is very unhappy, that is flying fish.


   Not only was Ling Xiao killing Feimu and Feiyun, but more importantly, Feiyu found himself brought back from Tianfeng City. Shi Yulian, who was treated like her own woman, looked at Lingxiao.


   This makes him almost unbearable.


   The most unacceptable thing for men is that their beloved women are passionate about other men.


   Feiyu felt that his self-esteem had been seriously challenged, and his anger began to devour his red heart.


   "Ling Xiao, don't think that killing Li Xinghui will make you more amazing. In front of my flying fish, you are nothing!"


  It seems that there is no change in mood on the surface of flying fish~www.ltnovel.com~ But deep down in my heart, it is a turbulent wave.


   Although he said that Ling Xiao was nothing in front of him, he dared not challenge Ling Xiao on this cliff of life and death.


  Because he was afraid of death, he did not have complete confidence to win.


   Fortunately, he was about to break through the Wumai Yazhong. At that time, he would kill Ling Xiao first, and he must never let this person continue to be arrogant.


   gave Ling Xiao a vicious look, Feiyu took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.


  He knew that what he needed now was patience.


   Shi Yulian's eyes are now Ling Xiao.


   The young man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in the Tianfeng City Darby, rising like a comet, losing all the players in a row, and finally defeating Li Xinghui to get the first place.


   At that time she felt that Ling Xiao was not a thing in the pool, so she wanted to seduce Ling Xiao to join Shijia.


   But the appearance of the Ninja later disrupted her plan.


   She thought Ling Xiao would be there.


   A meteor comes fast and goes fast.


  However, today, Ling Xiao's four strokes killed Li Xinghui, and suddenly made her understand the truth that they can grow into saplings of towering giant trees, which have experienced ups and downs.


   Ling Xiao's future is completely out of their control.


  :. :

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