Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 197: Shen He Wang Quan



   Shi Yulian regretted that she didn't insist on discouraging her father.


   She was a little more fortunate, fortunately she did not challenge Ling Xiao like Li Xinghui.


   Ling Xiao obtained a fine treasure from the hands of Governor Bai Yun of Baiyun, which was an axe, in addition to ten pieces of Heavenly Man crystal, and a quasi-super martial art that he carefully selected.


   Then, in the cheers of Qianlongying disciples, he left Baiyun Temple and returned to Qianlongying to pick up things.


   was behind the angry eyes of the geniuses of Tianren College.


  Back to Qianlong camp, Lin Ze personally hosted a farewell party for Ling Xiao, Ling Yixue and others.


   And on this day, Ling Xiao's name became the legend of Qianlong Camp, which was talked about by the latecomers.


   Although Ling Yixue and Dai Yuling became master disciples of Master Baiyun.


   But Ling Xiao's four moves on the cliff of life and death killed Li Xinghui, but it was more exciting. Compared with the two mysterious girls, Ling Xiao is more suitable for being a legendary civilian hero.


  On the same day, Lin Ze even accepted Ling Xiao as a true disciple in front of everyone in Qianlong Camp.


  Lin Ze has no children behind him, and since Ling Xiao has become his only true disciple, then naturally he has inherited his mantle and everything.


   This is the supreme glory.


  However, after the celebration banquet ended, Lin Ze told Ling Xiao to become his true disciple, although he could get some things, but he might face more dangers.


   He asked Ling Xiao if he still wanted to go to the teacher.


   gave Ling Xiao a chance to refuse.


   Faced with Lin Ze's question, Ling Xiao just smiled and said: "Lin Shuai, I Ling Xiao has worshipped you since childhood, and it is still the same today. It is the glory of my life to be your disciple!"


   "Okay! Good boy! With your words, Lin Ze, even if he died on the battlefield, was content!"


   Lin Ze is a tough guy who never cried, but this time he cried, the old tears were vertical and horizontal, his body trembling and his words choked.


   In fact, he once accepted his disciples, but two of them were killed, one could not bear to be assassinated almost every day and betrayed Shimen.


   So after that, he didn't want to accept disciples anymore.


  Even if the Twelve Tiger Guards were so good, he never thought of accepting them as disciples.


   But the appearance of Ling Xiao made him change his mind.


  Because he felt that Ling Xiao could inherit his mantle, even if he died, Ling Xiao could still allow the general of the town to stand in Baiyun Province without breaking down.


   The twelve tigers are fighting, but Ling Xiao can!


   This is a trust without reason, but he is willing to gamble on Ling Xiao.


   That day, Ling Xiao, Ling Yixue, Dai Yuling and others moved from Qianlong Camp to Baiyun Temple.


   There is no single house, no one is waiting, the food is very simple, life is even poorer, but no one complains.


  Because the twelve geniuses including Ling Xiao knew in their hearts, what would be hard to eat, and once they could become a strong man like Master Baiyun, what else would they not get?


  Of course, although the food is not good, the living is not good, but the resources are very rich.


  In the Baiyun Temple, all entry disciples can get 50,000 yuan of shadow money every month, and they can get 100 pieces of inferior spirit stones and 10 true Yuandan.


   There are many other treasures, elixir, etc.


   This is the advantage.


  Not to mention anything else, this alone is enough to envy countless warriors, plus Master Baiyun's advice, what is it like to eat almost?


  In the first time he lived in Baiyun Temple, Ling Xiao did not hurry to practice, but immersed in the mountain and river world, watching Qixing Flower being repaired a little bit.


   That beautiful flower made of crystal was completely restored in a quarter of an hour, of course, the price is to pay a lot of materials.


  After repairing Qixinghua, Ling Xiao could not wait to test his potential.


   Seven flowers, all in three colors!


  Seven potential soul, seven internal force potential, seven physical potential!


   And he obviously has not fully released his potential.


  That is to say, his potential is not worse than any of Master Baiyun’s four true disciples, or even stronger than them.


  After all, whether it is Zuo Leng, Ming Tian, ​​Ling Yixue, it is just a potential with more than seven stars.


  Dai Yuling doesn't even have five stars.


   But for him, all three of his potentials are above seven stars.


   Before, he didn't quite understand why he practiced so fast and realized martial arts so fast. Now this is a clear answer.


   confirmed his potential, Ling Xiao is more confident in his future, after all, the potential is really important.


After   , he put his mind on cultivation.


   just got a set of quasi-super martial arts "Fist of the King of God" from Wan Ben.


This is a set of boxing techniques chosen by Ling Xiao himself, because according to the analysis of Shan Wu Wu Hun, after the Shen Jing Wang Quan is cultivated into the realm, as long as he can get the corresponding Wu soul collocation, he can evolve into an extraordinary martial art and obtain a new one. The move is more powerful.


   When you look at Wan Ben's complexion, you know how good this thing is. I guess I can't wait to slapping Ling Xiao with a slap.


  But Ling Xiao doesn't care about that. Anyway, Wan Ben had already offended, and he didn't care about offending one more time. The key is that this martial art is better.


  Although his "Meteor Fist" has been promoted countless times, but with the continuous improvement of cultivation, it has gradually failed to keep up with the rhythm. Although it is a bit regretful, it should be abandoned when it should be abandoned.


   Of course, "Meteor Fist" is used to deal with miscellaneous soldiers or warriors that are not as powerful as him.


   There are only four types of "Fist of the Hell King"-the split of the ox head, the broken horse face, the impermanent twist, and the ghost king is destroyed.


   But as a quasi-super martial art, it is not easy to practice.


   Lingxiao transformed into three avatars, and the body began to comprehend the "King of Hell", the other two avatars, one continued to practice "Dragon Body", and the other continued to practice "Snow Lotus True Explanation".


   "The Real Explanation of Snow Lotus" belongs to the inner power mentality~www.ltnovel.com~ That must be practiced, otherwise the state will be difficult to improve.


   "Tianlong Golden Body" is to temper the body, which must be practiced, not to mention that this is Ling Xiao's only master martial arts currently mastered, naturally we must focus on it.


   What's more, once the "Dragon Body" has reached the fifth level, you can be promoted to the extraordinary realm, and you don't have to worry about how to impact the extraordinary holy realm.


   For others, you can temporarily put it.


   Baiyunguan is really a good place.


   It is said that this place was selected by Master Baiyun, and a special formation is arranged here, so that cultivation can be done with less effort.


   Ling Xiao took only one hour to fully master the first type of "Bull Head Split" in "Fist of Hell".


   However, in the process of practicing Shen Jing Wang Quan, Ling Xiao also found some problems.


   His "Nine Turns to Gold Body Tips" did not reach the ninth turn, which is a hassle.


   The first form of "King of Hell" is so horrible that it can cause joints to fall off and even cramps and cramps when engaged in attacks.


   If you can practice "Nine Turns to Gold Body Skills" to the ninth turn, you don't have to worry about this problem. The ninth turn can regenerate your limbs, not to mention the problems of joint loss and fractures.


   But if you want to practice "Nine Turns to Gold Body Tips", you can't do without gold.


  :. :

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