Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 198: Exchange gold



  Ling Xiao put together his wealth in the world of mountains and rivers. If the silver, gangqi, medicinal herbs, and top martial arts are sold, then you should be able to exchange enough gold for breakthrough.


  Not only that, there are still a lot left.


   After all, top martial arts are very valuable, especially top martial arts, at least one book can sell at least one million two gold.


   This thing is no longer useful to him, but for most warriors, it is still very useful.


   It can be said that some people may not be able to buy it if they have money.


   Plus Gang Qidan, he can't use it anymore. He is already a martial arts realm. Gang Qidan has no effect at all, and the accumulated ones might as well be completely converted into gold.


   Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, turned to Baiyun Temple, and went to Yunkong City to exchange gold.


  Yunkong City is the capital of Baiyun Province. There are many large shops here, and there are also many places to exchange gold. It can be said that it is ten times more prosperous than Tianfeng City. There is no need to worry about the price of good things.


  I think I am lucky enough to be real. After I have the mountain and river martial arts, this cultivation condition has completely changed.


   When I first arrived at Ling's house, I didn't even have any money. Others just took your meal and water.


   If I could get a few pieces of broken silver at that time, I would be too excited.


   But now, millions of two gold can be exchanged at will.


  This is the benefit that strength brings to him, which also makes him firm in his confidence to continue to follow this path.


  From Baiyun Peak to the prosperous Yunkong City Market, although there are more than ten miles of road, this is really nothing to Ling Xiao.


   He didn't even use any riding tools, and he quickly reached the bustling streets of this bustling city by his own method.


  Since he never visited Yunkong City, he hasn't really been here.


  He doesn't plan to go shopping today.


  Because he understands that his strength is strong, you can go wherever you want, but as a weak person, you may suffer indiscriminate disaster while walking on the street.


  Anyway, once a martial artist is promoted to an extraordinary state, the life expectancy will increase by hundreds of years, and it doesn’t necessarily have to go shopping now.


   Exchange gold, naturally the preferred auction house.


  The reserves of gold and spirit stones in the auction house are the most abundant, and this is also the favorite place for the warrior to trade.


  The largest auction house in Yunkong City is the “Tianren Auction House” established by the Ninja.


   Lingxiao doesn't care who opened it, anyway, as long as he can exchange for the gold he wants, it is enough.


   In a sense, if the Ninja people do not come here on the ground of the human race, he still welcomes these foreign business travelers, at least the goods will be more abundant.


  Of course, except for Dream Dan, the kind of harmful things should have been banned.


   "Guest, what service do you need? Is it an auction item or an auction item?"


   As soon as he arrived at the door of the auction house, a man came over and asked with a smile.


   This person is a human race.


  In fact, this is normal. There are many human races working for the Ninja to make money, but they only do relatively low-level jobs.


   "I want to exchange some gold, I don't know if I can?"


   asked Ling Xiao.


   "Oh, exchange gold, no problem, our auction house has the most gold reserves in Baiyun province, how much do you want?"


   man still said with a smile.


   "Well, let's ask for ten or two for now."


   Ling Xiao touched his chin.


   He had already calculated when he came, and those things brought by him were enough to exchange for 10 million or two gold.


   However, even if 10 million or two, after the practice of "Nine Turns to the Golden Body", it is estimated that there will be no more left.




   The dude was dumbfounded for a while, and he was speechless for a while.


   Several busy staff members also looked at Ling Xiao with surprised eyes.


   They have not seen the local tyrants, but it is really the first to exchange so much gold in one breath.


   "This person is not a lunatic, ten million or two gold, this is probably 90% of all the gold reserves of Tianren Auction House."


   Several warriors who came to the auction house to auction items also discussed it. They expressed difficulty in understanding the strange behavior of Ling Xiao.


   "Hum, who is this kid from here, come to find us happy?"


   came out of the backstage a man in his fifties, who was actually a six-fold peak of martial arts, approaching the realm of martial arts.


   This person is obviously very unhappy with this behavior of Ling Xiao, coupled with Ling Xiao's age is indeed not very old, only 14 years old, it is easy to think of who's unlucky child to play.


   "Ten Thousand Shopkeepers!"


  The guys in the store salute this shopkeeper, all with awe in their faces.


   This 10,000 shopkeeper is one of the shopkeepers of the "Tianren Auction House", and listening to the surname should know that he is still a 10,000 family.


  Strength plus power makes him also famous in Yunkong City.


   "Oh, ten thousand shopkeeper, child, just put a few strokes on the **** and forget it, he will not dare next time."


   "Right, right, don't get through with kids."


Some martial arts onlookers began to plead with Ling Xiao. The cruelty of the key ninja people knew about it. In the past, small beggars who were seven or eight years old came in to beg for food and were beaten to death.


   But they only dared to persuade, but did not dare to do too much business to stop the shopkeeper.


   Because they really don't have that guts.


   Offend the governor's house, offend the ninja, unless you are a person in the town's general palace, otherwise don't want to mix up in Yunkong city.




   Ling Xiao frowned and said, "Is the Tianren auction house treating guests like this? Even if you have time, I haven't had time to come to you for fun."


  The shopkeeper said coldly: "Little devil, there are many customers here today. I don't care about you. After three sounds, if you don't roll, then I will use it."


   Today, Wan Wanbao was not in a good mood. People in the Governor’s Mansion were killed on the cliff of life and death. The Governor’s mood was bad, and the whole Wan family was in a bad mood.


   "Child, hurry and go, it's dangerous if you're late."


   "Yeah, you don't have to go out for fun, but you can't do it here. This is a Ninja auction house."


   Several warriors passing by tried their best to persuade Ling Xiao to leave quickly.


Ling Xiao just shook his head and said: "If Tianren Auction House can't produce 10 million or two gold, then I will naturally leave. Ten thousand shopkeepers can give me a word~www.ltnovel.com~Nonsense, in the whole Yunkong City , That is, only our Tianren Auction House and the Queen Business of the Biao Ethnic Group can come up with 10 million or two gold!"


   Ten thousand shopkeeper angry.


   Actually dare to look down on Tianren Auction House?


   "Since you can get it, then hurry and get it. I'm still anxious to go back to practice."


   Ling Xiao said impatiently.


   The attitude of the other party made him very unhappy. If it weren't for gold, he was too lazy to stay here.


   "You're dead, kid!"


  Men's shopkeeper was really hot, suddenly shot with a palm, and shot directly towards Ling Xiao's chest.


   The breath of terror of the six peaks of the Wumai peak overflowed, scaring the surrounding martial arts a little, and the blood was rolling, which was very uncomfortable.


   "Huh, are all family members so overbearing and shameless?"


   Ling Xiao snorted coldly, even without hands, a terrible breath spewed out of his body, like a sword, stab directly into the palm of the shopkeeper.


   At that moment, the shopkeeper was so scared.


   He almost saw his death.


   Just when he was cold and unable to move, and could only wait to die, the terrible breath suddenly dissipated.


   "Ten Thousand Dispensers, am I eligible to exchange gold now?"


  :. :

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