Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 199: Crazy trading



  The shopkeeper's face was pale, his body was like a leaf in the cold wind, and he kept shaking, trying to stop, but he couldn't control it.


   "People...Son, thank you for not killing me, gold...I will let people get ready immediately."


  His voice was also shaking, as if his body was immersed in the ice cellar.


  The attitude of the shopkeeper suddenly changed, leaving several people in the auction house completely unknown.


   However, there are several warriors who are not weak but understand what is happening.


  Although Ling Xiao's breath at that moment is difficult to capture, the general warrior of the six-fold realm of the martial arts can still feel it.


   "Sevenfold Warrior! How old is he!"


   One of the six heavy warriors sat almost paralyzed and murmured in shock.


   He is not a strong man who has never seen the martial arts realm.


  After all, this is Yunkong City, there are still a lot of martial artists, but it seems that the 14-year-old or five-year-old martial artist really has not seen it.


   Hearing his eyes widened when someone heard him.


  Just now they kept saying that people are little farts, let people hurry home, but did not expect this little fart child in their eyes, the strength is much stronger than them.


   "I just thank you for your righteous speeches."


   Ling Xiao arched his hand, thank you still have to say, after all, these few talents are still good for him.


   This made him a little beggar who once felt warm.


   "No need! That's what we should do!"


   Several people quickly waved their hands.


   Ling Xiao smiled at them, and then found a seat and sat down, looking at the shopkeeper Wan and asked, "I have a tight time, when will the gold be taken out?"


   "Master, rest assured, gold is in the vault of the auction house, but are you..."


  The shopkeeper now speaks carefully, for fear of offending Ling Xiao and being killed by a sword.


   "Doubt that I have no goods worth 10 million or two gold?"


  Ling Xiao smiled and raised it, and he took out a top-level martial arts book.


   "I have four top martial arts cheats. I also have a large number of gangqi dan, silver, herbs, advanced martial arts, intermediate martial arts, etc. Do you want to show them to you?"


"It's inconvenient here. Please invite the son to the VIP room. We will have someone to estimate it for you. As long as the value is enough, you can take away 10 million or two gold pieces, but I don't know if you need a veterinary car to help transport? "


   Wan shopkeeper replied with a smile.


   "The veterinary car is no longer needed, the VIP room is too small, it is quite big here, let your people come to estimate."


  Speaking, Ling Xiao took out a lot of martial arts cheats, silver, gems, gangqidan, etc. from the mountain and river world.


   There are too many of these things. If you go to the VIP room, you can't let go.


  The guys at the auction house began to estimate the value. Wan Qianbao even invited two seventh-level martial artists to come over. After all, top martial arts can't estimate the price of ordinary martial artists.


   Seeing these things, the martial arts onlookers could not help swallowing spit.


   Good fellow, top martial arts, and one or four books.


   Such martial arts, for these martial arts, that is something that can be encountered but not sought, this young martial artist actually exchanged for gold?


  Although gold is quite precious, how can it be compared with top martial arts?


   "By the way, there are a few low-end storage rings, also help estimate the price, I only need gold!"


   Ling Xiao now wants to practice "Nine Turns to Gold Body Skills" to the highest level, and will continue to consume gold in the future. It is definitely correct to prepare more.


   Anyway, although the inferior storage ring is precious, he doesn't need it.


   As Ling Yixue and Leng Mei became master disciple of Master Baiyun, they also received Lin Ze's reward, which is the storage ring.


  He didn't need to send it anymore.


   "Storage rings are all exchanged for gold!"


   Some warriors stood up directly.


   "This son, I am willing to pay one million or two gold to buy your storage ring!"


   "I want one too."


"I also want!"


  Inferior goods storage ring should not be so expensive, but this thing is too scarce, and it is too important for the warrior, so they are willing to pay a high price to buy, it is normal.


   "Here is the Tianren auction house, and it's still not your turn to bid, son, you are a total of six inferior storage rings, how about each of us 1.2 million gold?"


  Ten Thousand Dispensers are afraid of Ling Xiao, but they are not afraid of the rest of the martial arts, not to mention the fact that there is a warrior protection around him at this time, so naturally he is not afraid.


"no problem."


  Lingxiao valued gold, and since he gave more to the auction house, he sold it to the auction house.


   "But is your gold reserve enough?"


   "Relax at this point, this is just one of our auction houses in Yunkong City. We have three other branches at Tianren Auction House, and it's no problem to make up 20 million or two gold."


   said the shopkeeper confidently.


   Actually, what is gold? In recent years, the Ninja people have occupied several gold mines on the territory of the human race, but they have not only gold.


"That's good."


   Ling Xiao was drinking tea while waiting for the other party to estimate the value.


   After about two teas.


"The statistics show that your son, these things, plus the inferior storage ring, are worth a total of 19.45 million two gold. There are 11 million two gold in our vault, and the gold car is also Ten million or two were shipped, enough."


   Wan shopkeeper said with a smile.


   This is definitely a big business.


   "Well, that's good, I took the gold."


  The shopkeeper didn’t understand what he said, but he saw Ling Xiao wave his hand, and the ten million or two golds on the gold car disappeared.


   "It turns out that it's no wonder that customers have top grade storage rings."


  Millions of shopkeepers don't know the world of mountains and rivers, they thought Lingxiao had a top-grade storage ring, otherwise, how could it be packed into ten million or two gold at once.


   Afterwards, he and two martial artists took Ling Xiao to the vault to take the remaining nine million two gold.


   "Young man walking slowly!"


  Looking at the back of Ling Xiao's departure, Wan dispensers smiled almost shut his mouth.


  After a while, however, his complexion dimmed, and said to the two martial arts mid-seven middle warriors beside him, "The two of you keep up."


  Speaking of this ~www.ltnovel.com~ He laid his hands on his neck and made a murderous gesture.


   Of course, the onlookers did not notice this, and did not hear his words.


   It was just that the two warriors suddenly left the auction house, and the fool could guess what would happen.


   is actually interested in Ling Xiao, but it's not just the shopkeeper.


  The wealth is touching.


   Nearly 20 million two gold, plus a top-grade storage ring, this is a huge temptation.


   "Lengmei, don't hide it, hurry up and come out."


   walked out of a distance, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled bitterly.


   In fact, he had long felt that Leng Mei had followed him to the city, but he didn't break it.


   But I'm going back now, it's okay to call it out.


   "Son, you are being followed."


  Leng Mei just appeared and said.


"I know."


   Ling Xiao just smiled faintly. The reason why he called Leng Mei out was that he was afraid that Leng Mei would be secretly calculated and would be safer to follow him.


   Leng Mei was obviously a little surprised, but all who tracked Ling Xiao were Qizhong Martial Artists, probably divided into four groups.


  The strength of these people is invincible, and they are also masters of tracking. Ling Xiao has long discovered.


  :. :

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