Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 200: Magic Iron



   "Son, still have to be careful, the two people at Tianren Auction House are very strong!"


   Leng Meike doesn't have the calmness of Ling Xiao. After all, she only has the six peaks of Wumai cultivation, and she hasn't broken through to become a martial artist.


   "Well, they are very strong, not far from Li Xinghui, and they are still two people. In terms of combat experience, it should be said that they are better than Li Xinghui."


   Ling Xiao analyzed while walking: "But it's nothing."


  He just succeeded in practicing the first type of "King of Fist" and his forehand is tickling. Then someone sent him to let him practice his hands. Why not do it?


   "Leng Mei, please don't shoot later."


   Ling Xiao suddenly stopped and said.


   "Young Master!"


   "You don't need to say more, I want to try something new. If you take a shot, you can't predict it."


   "Okay, but if the son is in danger, I must shoot." Leng Mei insisted.


"up to you!"


  Lingxiao is not a stubborn person, if he is really in danger, he naturally wants someone to help.


  After negotiation, Ling Xiao simply turned around and looked at the two martial arts masters who were trying to avoid them not far away.


   Tsing Yi flutters in the wind like a sword fairy.


   "The two don't have to hide anymore. After following this for so long, I will go back to Baiyun Temple if I don't shoot."


  Ling Xiao looked at a bush and said lightly.




   Two figures fled out, and surrounded him towards Ling Xiao on both sides.


Since    has been found, it makes no sense to hide them.


   The rest of the warriors who followed were not shot. Their plan was that the snipe clams would compete for the fisherman's profit. They wanted to see the outcome of this battle before making a decision.


   Ling Xiao suddenly took a step forward.


   The entire space suddenly became very cold.


   This step seems to change the surrounding environment. The originally tree-lined world suddenly becomes dark and wet, and even seems to have the smell of decay and death.


   In the ears, it seems that you can hear ghosts crying and howling.


In   's body, there seems to be a ghost playing around.


   The eyes of the warriors hiding in the dark became frightened.


   The two Seventh Martial Artists of the Tianren Auction House paused for a moment, and their figure was obviously shaking for a moment.


   However, it seemed that the dilemma was relieved, and then turned into two afterimages, like two black arrows, tearing the air and shooting at Ling Xiao.


   "Fist of the King of Hell-Splitting the Bull Head!"


   The cold voice spit out from Ling Xiao's mouth.


   He poses a strange posture.


   At that moment, the two afterimages suddenly stopped, and the whole body became stiff, as if it was rushed into the body by a terrible wind.


   The whole person must be swallowed by this strange cold.


   The terrifying winds roared between heaven and earth.


  The two afterimages desperately exert various martial arts in an attempt to protect themselves.


   One person waved his palms continuously.


   A person's long sword flashes coldly.


   Zhenyuan's ripples are struggling in this stormy space.






   A huge gasp sounded.


  In everyone's eyes, Ling Xiao disappeared.


   was replaced by a giant monster.


  The human body of the bull head holds a huge axe in his hand.


   The most terrifying thing is the breath of death that is constantly emerging from the monster's body.




  Heavy footsteps sounded on the ground.


   The bull-head monster wielded a huge axe and approached the two seven-layer martial artists step by step.


   The slower it is, the stronger the panic in the hearts of the two.


   Every time it takes a step, the two people tremble in their hearts.


  Negative resistance.


   Perhaps it is the current situation of these two people.


   They are madly vomiting the real element, against the terrible wind, trying to crush this dark space.


  However, it is useless.


  The bull-headed monster still approached them, and the huge axe was severely split between them.






  The two warriors, as if they were made of ceramics, had split apart.


   "Fist of the Hell King"!


   not only possesses terrible power, but also cooperates with the soul to make the enemy hallucinate, and then fall into it, completely losing the resistance.


  If Ling Xiao had mastered this martial art when he was dealing with Li Xinghui, then Li Xinghui would be killed in one move.




  Even Ling Xiao thought this "King of Hell" was terrible.


   The two seventh-level martial arts masters were so dead, even before they were able to shoot, they died in the illusion they created.


   In the dark, the warriors who came with them were shocked and trembling, they seemed to see the most terrible thing since birth.




   "The devil from hell!"


"not human!"


   The frightened crows were one after another, and everyone fled, leaving only the two cold bodies, and Ling Xiao and Leng Mei.




   After a long time, Ling Xiao sighed.


   "What's wrong, son, are you still not satisfied with this power?"


   asked Leng Mei in doubt.


   "Forgot something."


  Ling Xiao smiled bitterly: "It was originally intended to use the ghost ship ghost soul and "Shen He Wang Quan" to test the effect, and the result was forgotten."


   Leng Mei was speechless. What else was she doing? The son really regarded the two martial arts masters in the late seventh layer as a test article.


   "Forget it, let's go back, "Shenzhen Wang Quan" side effects are too great, both of my arms are completely broken."


  Ling Xiao shook his arms on both sides of his body and said: "It's time to practice "Nine Turns to the Golden Body" to the highest level."


   "Master, those two people haven't collected anything yet."


  Lengmei reminded.


   "No need to search anymore, deceased people like them generally don't have any good things in them. I'm afraid they don't even have storage rings."


   Ling Xiao shook his head and said.


  Although he said so in his mouth, for Ling Xiao, who was once a beggar, was still reluctant to let go of these two bodies.


   It is a pity that, as he inferred, there was no storage ring on the two of them, not even a purse.


   "Well? What is this?"


   Ling Xiao shot with a palm, a flame burned and burned the two bodies clean.


  He once practiced "Chiyanggong". Although it is basically not used because the grade is too low, it is still no problem to do such a thing.


  Interestingly, when the body was burned and even the bones were burned, a black piece of iron was preserved.


   "It seems like a sword!"


  Leng Mei said~www.ltnovel.com~This is obviously a piece of iron, how could it be a sword? "


   Ling Xiao asked a little unclearly.


   "It is said that during the ancient times, the human race had a swordsman, and his sword was a piece of iron, about one foot long."


  Leng Mei explained: "This swordsman has always killed a sword, so he doesn't matter what he uses. The enemy's magic weapon does not mean much to him."


"so smart!"


   Ling Xiao has never heard of such a master.


   "I also heard from a captain of Qianlong camp, that captain seems to be the descendant of this swordsman."


   "Good guy, this terrifying murderous intention can make people instantly collapse!"


   The moment Ling Xiao picked up the iron piece, he saw many pictures of death. If his soul was not strong enough, it would collapse in a flash.


   This thing was supposed to be wrapped in something, so that the murderous intention could not be revealed, but he burned it just when he burned the body.


   "Keep it first and study slowly later."


  Thinking of this, Ling Xiao put the iron piece into the mountain and river martial spirit.


   In the powerful killing intention, there is no more storm in the world of mountains and rivers.


  :. :

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