Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9750: Kill the Snow Race!

Remember [New] for a second,! Chapter 9716 Kill the Snow Race!

The six-layer semi-sage was also killed by one move!

This shocked everyone so much that their jaws dropped.

Could it be that the rumors are true, Ling Xiao is already number one under saints?

"Let Xueling get out and die.

Otherwise, today, I will slaughter the Xuezu! "

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with cold killing intent.

He didn't want to.

He has been restrained.

But today, he couldn't hold back.

He wants unity.

But others don't.

Others have to target them.

Even if you don't exchange treasures for them.

He even planned to frame them and kill his brother.

How could he not hate it!

You know, the five dead people were willing to follow him because they trusted him.

They did not die on the frontal battlefield, but died in the frame of their own people.


Not reconciled!

Ling Xiao's heart is crying!

He raised his foot and walked towards the inside of the Snow Clan.

"Presumptuous! Ling Xiao, you are too bold.

Come to my Snow Clan, destroy my Xue Clan gatehouse, and even kill my Xue Clan people.

What do you want to do! "

Xueling came out, but beside him was a nine-layer semi-sage.

At this time, Xueling was frightened.

He never expected Ling Xiao to be so courageous.

He even dared to directly kill the Xue Clan's residence.

This is crazy.

He didn't expect that Lu Ming would be so bold and dare to kill the Wind Clan directly.

"kill you!"

When Ling Xiao saw Xueling, his anger came from his heart, and his wickedness turned towards courage.

Don't be too lazy to talk nonsense, just do it.

Xueling has been killed more than once.

In the tree world, there was Xueling among those who besieged him at that time.

There are also many snow clan masters.

It was also at that time that Yaoxiang was injured.

This time again.

Moreover, Xueling has gone too far.

He even led a strange clan to deal with him with the horn of a saint.

Originally, he felt that the past grievances could be ignored.

But now, ignoring it is not enough.

Xueling is not dead, he will never give up today.

Xueling was startled, hurried back, hid behind the snow clan master and shouted: "Ling Xiao, now is the time for everyone to deal with the strange clan.

You are going to kill me.

Cause infighting!

I suspect that you have colluded with the strange clan!

Otherwise, why do it!

You are a traitor to the entire alliance! "

"Haha, what a big hat!"

Ling Xiao sneered: "Do you think I can't kill you like this?

Don't dare to kill you?

Who is it that destroys unity?

Who is colluding with the strange clan?

After killing you, I will explain it to you! "

"That's right, you used the horn of the saint to attract hundreds of thousands of strange clan troops to besiege us.

If it wasn't for Ling Xiao's vigilance, all of us would be dead.

How dare you even slap down the rake, **** it! "

Zhu Tianpeng roared: "Don't think that the Snow Clan is the leader of the alliance, you can do anything wrong!"

Bai Fengfeng also said coldly: "Before, as the young master of the Xue Clan, you only hindered us from exchanging materials.

For the sake of unity, we are too lazy to care about you.

But this time, you went too far.

If you don't die, the entire alliance will not be at peace. "

When everyone heard this, they probably understood what had happened.

I also understood what happened to the five corpses.

No wonder Ling Xiao was so furious.

If this is true, what Xueling has done is really shameful.

But even so, no one spoke.

Because he didn't want to offend the Xuezu.

The Snow Clan is now the leader of the Canglan Sanctuary.

Offending them is no good.

Some even rejoiced.

For example, the Phoenix Clan, the Five Elements Gate, the Ten Thousand Treasures Shenzong, etc.

They were so happy to see Ling Xiao come to the Xue Clan to make trouble.

It would be better if Ling Xiao was killed by the Saint of the Snow Clan.

"Don't spit your blood.

To speak is to speak of evidence.

You can't say anything, just what it is.

My Snow Race people, how can you slander them! "

Xue Ling denied it.

"You want evidence?

OK, then I'll let you die to understand! "

Ling Xiao directly took out the horn of the saint.

"There is still your breath on it, this is the best proof.

Don't tell me you just throw away something so precious.

And this level of loot is not something you can get.

Just look it up and you'll know that it was given to you by the senior leaders of the Xue Clan.

You still have myths to tell. "

Ling Xiao said coldly.


Xue Ling gritted her teeth.

He never thought that Ling Xiao would come back alive.

What was even more unexpected was that Ling Xiao actually brought back the horn of the saint.

"What are you? Don't you admit it?

Then I'll show you the memories left by memory metal. "

Ling Xiao sneered: "In order to observe the fighting style of the strange clan, I made the members of the Batian Society wear special memory metals.

Record combat.

And precisely, several memory metals have memorized such a paragraph. "

He took out the memory metal playback screen.

The scene where Xueling framed them was clearly filmed. "


The crowd was in an uproar.

I was only suspicious before.

It is now certain.

"Now, what else do you have to say!"

Ling Xiao walked towards Xueling, and the icy killing intent bloomed wildly.

Six hundred divine soldiers have emerged.

Circling around his body, albeit a tiny spot of light.

But every point of light is a magic weapon.

At the same time, Ling Xiao performed the magic technique.

Of course, a mere snow spirit is not worth it.

But here is the Snow Clan, and the experts are like clouds.

He must fight with all his might.

"Ling Xiao, if Xueling makes a mistake, our Snow Clan will punish him.

You can't kill indiscriminately in my Snow Clan! "


Ling Xiao roared: "My brother's body hasn't been buried yet, how can he be alive!

Today, he must die.

Whoever stops me, whoever I kill! "

"If that's the case, don't blame us.

stop him! "

The half-sages of the Snow Race were angry.

Ling Xiao didn't take them seriously at all.

Everyone joined forces and killed Ling Xiao at the same time.

"court death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent.

The tree of life emerges.

The power of terror began to swallow the vitality of everyone.

At the same time, countless roots and vines flew out.

Chi Chi Chi!

Dozens of half saints.

Instant death, wounded wound.

All were knocked out.

The law of life takes shape, and it is extremely domineering.

"So strong!"

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

Is this the current Ling Xiao?

Dozens of half-sages joined forces, but they couldn't stop him?

This combat power is too terrifying.

Said he was the first person under the saint.

It doesn't seem to be an exaggeration. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Xue Ling, no one can save you today.

You must die! "

Ling Xiao walked forward again.

Devoured the semi-holy energy essence of death.

Although Xiuwei still did not move.

Also maintained in the five-fold semi-sanctified.

But as long as it accumulates over time, there will always be a breakthrough day.


At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded.

Immediately, a virtual saint came out of it.

The vast atmosphere permeated the audience.


Terrible saint!

This made Xue Ling overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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