Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9751: You can try!

Remember [New] for a second,! Chapter 9717 You can try!

As long as the saint is willing to take action, he will not die today.

Ling Xiao is invincible even under saints.

But when you meet a saint, there is nothing you can do.

"Uncle Master, Ling Xiao, this person is bold enough to break into my Snow Clan.

Killed and wounded countless strong people from the Snow Clan.

Please Shishu take action and kill this person! "

Xue Ling shouted.

Xu Sheng glanced at Xueling.

He glanced at Ling Xiao again and said, "You can do it, it's almost the same.

Killed more than a dozen people from my Snow Clan.

Can't it be worth the lives of your few people? "

"I can't get it!"

Ling Xiao said coldly: "As I said, I only kill Xueling, whoever dares to stop me will die! They are seeking their own death!"

In the eyes of everyone, Ling Xiao is courting death.

The Xue Clan has actually given in.

Ling Xiao made a big fuss about the Snow Clan today, killing so many people, they will not be held accountable.

But Ling Xiao didn't see it that way.

The culprit is still not dead.

Today's revenge, he must avenge.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Ling Xiao looked at the virtual saint in front of him and said coldly.

"Ling Xiao, you don't have to go too far!

Our Snow Race has already given you a lot of face, so don't give your face shameless! "

Xu Sheng shouted angrily.

"Hehe, do I have to make an inch?

I just need to kill a snow spirit.

Don't he deserve to die for what he did?

You have to protect him like this.

What does this make the warriors of the entire alliance think?

And you say I have to go for it?

Since that's what it takes.

Then I'll have to make an inch today.

How can you! "

Ling Xiao sneered.

Xue Ling secretly rejoiced in her heart.

He was really afraid that Ling Xiao would just walk away like this.

In this way, there is no excuse to kill Ling Xiao.

Now that Ling Xiao is so clueless, it's just right.

"Ling Xiao, the old gentleman of the Different Fire Sect should be gone, right?

If you still want to use him to scare us.

You have the wrong abacus! "

Xue Clan Xusheng said gloomily.

"Hehe, the old man has indeed left."

Ling Xiao sneered.

Hearing this, Xue Clan Xusheng laughed immediately.

The reason why he didn't do it before was actually because he was afraid of the old man.

Once, the old man easily crushed the true saint.

It made the saints in the entire Canglan Sanctuary tremble.

The strongest person in their Snow Clan is just a little saint.

If the old man is the Great Sage, he really can't afford to offend him.

But now, the old man is gone.

That's fine.

"You are so arrogant without the backstage, it's just courting death!"

Xue Clan Xusheng started directly.

There is no fear.

He wouldn't discuss any conditions with Ling Xiao at all.

Ling Xiao killed the people of his Snow Clan, and he deserved it.

However, at this time, Ling Xiao's mouth evoked a sneer.

Suddenly a long gun appeared in his hand.

It is the holy gun.

The blow of the holy spear is definitely comparable to the full blow of Xiao Sheng at present.

A mere illusory saint can't stop it at all.


Ling Xiao did not hesitate.

A shot stabbed at the virtual saint.

Because the opponent underestimated the enemy, he didn't even think that Ling Xiao would dare to fight back.

He didn't expect that Ling Xiao's attack could still hurt himself.

Until the moment it touches the holy spear.

Xu Shengcai showed a terrified expression.


he exclaimed.

He watched helplessly as his attack disintegrated.

Then he watched helplessly as the holy spear penetrated his body.

An astonishing force erupted.

He wants to escape!

But there is no escape!

The body suddenly burst.


A virtual saint was actually killed by Ling Xiao!

Everyone around took a deep breath.

Is this a myth?

A virtual saint, was actually killed by Ling Xiao?


Ling Xiao put away the holy spear.

Devoured the energy essence of this illusory saint.

This time, I can feel that the cultivation base sea energy has improved a lot.

However, it is still close to a breakthrough.

He swallowed a handful of medicinal pills to replenish his physical energy.

Then, looking at the sluggish Xueling, he grabbed it and slammed it on the ground.

Terrifying power ran through Xueling's body.

Almost all the bones in Xueling's body were broken.

He was spitting up blood.

There was never-before-seen fear on his face.

Ling Xiao could even kill a virtual saint.

No wonder his plan failed.

"what 's wrong?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Has Ling Xiao grown to this point?"

"I don't see it, it should be that his spear is weird!"

"There is indeed a problem with that long gun!"

Someone has confirmed it.

"But even so, he has that long spear, doesn't it mean that even the saint is not afraid.

Just don't know how far.

This is big news.

Actually killed a virtual saint.

It's so bullshit. "

"I thought he was going to die today.

Unexpectedly, he still has this hand. It seems that today's matter is a bit interesting. "

There was a lot of discussion.

From the beginning, one side thought that Ling Xiao was courting death.

A lot has changed so far.

Ling Xiao has such a treasure.

It is really possible to make the Xue Clan pay a heavy price.

This is a real evil star!

Anyone who provokes it will be in trouble.


The virtual saint was killed, and more saints came out.

One of them turned out to be a true saint.

But even if he came out, he didn't dare to do it.

Just now, he saw it too.

The weapon in Ling Xiao's hand is very strange.

He dared not try.

"I have to forgive people and forgive them. My Snow Clan is willing to exchange the treasure for Xue Ling's life."

The true saint said.

This is already useless.

But Xueling couldn't die.

Xueling is the treasure of the emperor and the hope of the future Xue Clan.

It is their young master.

If Xueling were to die, it would be a big blow to the Xue Clan.

They would rather die as a false saint than die as an emperor.

The wealth of the emperor is absolutely qualified to impact the realm of the great sage.

Although the Snow Race is powerful, the strongest person is just a little saint.

They need a great saint.

And Xueling is the future great sage.

They don't want to give up.

"Unless you have a way to resurrect my brother, otherwise, no treasure can save his life."

Ling Xiao said coldly.

While speaking, he stepped on Xueling's chest again.


Broken bones, shattered again.

Xueling let out a scream like killing a pig.

He regretted it.

Really regret it.

Why provoke such a lunatic.

"If you dare to kill him, I promise, all your friends will die!"

The face of the true saint is indifferent.

A terrifying breath erupted.

"You dare to threaten my friend?

Believe it or not, I slaughtered the entire Snow Clan today? "

Ling Xiao's face was hideous.

He just wanted to kill Xueling with his hands.

The Saint of the Snow Clan was pressing forward step by step. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Really hateful.

"Don't think that if you have any treasure, you can threaten my Snow Race.

Your treasure must have limitations.

I don't believe it, you can slaughter my Snow Clan up and down.

You can't scare us! "

The True Saint of the Snow Race said coldly.

"Then you can try!"

Ling Xiao sneered at the corner of his mouth.


The True Saint of the Snow Race had an ugly face.

It is not easy for him to cultivate to this state.

Let him try it.

He didn't want to take risks.

What if you die?

(End of this chapter)

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