Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9752: Seriously injured the Snow Clan Patriarch!

Remember [New] for a second,! Chapter 9718 Seriously injured the patriarch of the Snow Clan!

When you die, there is nothing left.

True Sage of the Snow Race is definitely not reconciled.

"I'll try it!"

A virtual saint gritted his teeth.

He directly killed Ling Xiao.

They are testing.

How many times can Ling Xiao's treasure be used?

In the face of Xu Sheng's attack, Ling Xiao smiled.

This is to send experience.

As it happens, his cultivation has not improved.

It should be enough to swallow another Void Saint.

That virtual saint has been very careful.

But Ling Xiao played a trick.

He deliberately didn't do it.

Let Xu Sheng bombard him.

With the effect of the young emperor's armor.

Immune to an attack.

Although the man was shot, he was not injured.

Immediately, a space-time transfer came behind the virtual saint.

The holy spear pierced directly into the opponent's head.

The opponent's body exploded directly.

Died on the spot.

dead again!

Still an instant kill!


Ling Xiao devoured the energy essence of this imaginary saint.


A force rose to the sky.

His cultivation base has broken through.

Sixfold half saint.

Reaching this cultivation level, even in the face of Chu Zhongtian, who is a ninth-level semi-sage, he is not afraid.

Seeing this scene, the saints of the Snow Clan were stunned.

Ling Xiao put away the holy spear.

Looking at each other indifferently: "Who else wants to try?"

The holy spear was used three times.

It took nearly three minutes.

It should only be used twice.

To be honest, it is impossible to slaughter the Xuezu.

Ling Xiao was just bluffing.

But what he was betting on was that the other party would not dare to try.

"Ling Xiao, the enemy should be resolved rather than knotted!

Xueling has been crippled by you.

You might as well just let him go.

We Snow Clan have died two saints.

Is this price enough? "

The True Sage of the Snow Race frowned.

Now, he was really embarrassed.


Ling Xiaoruo released Xueling at this time.

Hasn't it exposed the essence of his sternness?

That doesn't work.

Therefore, Xueling must be killed.

He slammed it out.

The fiery flames swept across Xueling in an instant.

Xueling struggled in the flames.


Finally, there is no breath.


Xueling was still killed!

The Xue Clan died of more than a dozen semi-sages and two virtual saints.

In the end, he still failed to prevent Xueling from being killed.

This is quite embarrassing.

Not only shameful.

And the loss would be too great.

The key is all in vain.

You said that if so many people died, it would be fine to keep Xueling.

The point is now that not only people are dead.

Still can't save Xue Ling.

This is a little depressing.

The King's Capital is dead!

The only imperial capital of the Snow Clan!

It's more heart-wrenching than the virtual saint's death.

The key is that he was killed in front of the Xue Clan saints.

This is simply slapping the Xuezu in the face.

"you wanna die!"

The true saint of the Snow Race roared.

The power of the saint broke out in an all-round way, killing Ling Xiao.

The Emperor's Zixueling.

But the Snow Clan's only hope for a great saint in the future.

This made him completely unacceptable.

Therefore, he forgot the fear of the magic weapon in Ling Xiao's hands.

Attacks erupted frantically.

"Looks like you want to die too!"

Ling Xiao ignored the opponent's attack.

Killed directly.

As soon as the holy spear comes out, the true saint is also given for nothing.

At that moment, the True Saint of the Snow Race froze in midair.

There was great fear in his eyes.

The next moment, he exclaimed.

The body begins to fall apart.

All the breath disappeared in that instant.


Many people swallowed.


Even the true saint was killed!

This is too scary!


Ling Xiao ignored it.

Devoured the essence of true holy energy.

I thought I could break through again.

did not expect.

No breakthrough.

The energy essence required is even more astonishing from the sixth-level semi-sacred to the seventh-level semi-sacred.

A true holy energy essence is not enough.

It only increased the energy of the sea of ​​cultivation by half.

In other words, Ling Xiao had to kill two true saints in order to improve his cultivation.

"Ling Xiao, **** you!"

This is, an angry roar came from the depths of the Snow Clan.

Trembling everywhere.

The terrible whistling sound continued.

Ling Xiao could hardly stand up.

This terrifying aura even covered the entire alliance base in it.

This power is terrifying!

It is definitely not something that a true saint can do.

This is the little saint!

The next moment, a tall figure appeared.

Simply upright.

Like a **** coming into the world.

The terrifying coercion was pressing on everyone's heart.

Thanks to Ling Xiao holding the holy spear, he was able to resist.

Otherwise, I would have been crushed by this breath long ago.


"It's the patriarch here!"

"Ling Xiao, don't think about being mad!"

The people of the Wind Clan shouted excitedly.

Everyone was amazed.

"Patriarch of the Snow Clan!

Little Saint Powerhouse! "

In the Canglan Sanctuary, the little saint is the top existence.

is the first.

Because the other Saint-level forces are the strongest, but they are only true saints.

Little Saint!

What Ling Xiao just killed was just a mere true saint.

Moreover, it is only a third-order true saint.

And this one is a little saint.

There are ten levels of true saints.

The little saint is much stronger than the true saint.

The strength of the two is incomparable.

"That kid Ling Xiao is dead!"

"Yes, although he has treasures in his hands, it is still not worth mentioning in the face of Little Saint!"

Many people are gloating.

The same is true for the Phoenix Clan and the Myriad Treasures Divine Sect.

They can't deal with Ling Xiao.

Then let the Snow Clan deal with it.

Ling Xiao, aren't you arrogant?

Do you think you can ignore others if you have a treasure?

Did not expect it.

The Snow Race actually has the existence of Little Saint.

"Today, let you be buried with them!"

The Snow Clan Patriarch was furious.

The terrifying attack hit Ling Xiao directly.

Just like a blizzard.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of madness.

I don't know if it will work or not.

But have to try.

"Holy gun, kill!"

Once again, the holy spear stabbed out.

This shot almost destroyed the entire Xue Clan's station.

raze this place to the ground.


The next moment, the Snow Clan Patriarch flew out.

Spit blood.


slammed into the rubble.

Ling Xiao's body also shook.

He held his body with the holy spear.


After all, this holy spear can't kill Xiaosheng.

However, the other party has also been seriously injured.

Now, it's up to who can do it.

In fact, the holy spear in Ling Xiao's hand has been completely exhausted.

Cannot attack again.

But he did not withdraw the holy spear.

There was determination on his face.

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

The dignified little sage, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was also seriously injured by Ling Xiao.

That's a little saint!

How terrifying is the treasure in Ling Xiao's hands.

This is too amazing.

Everyone felt sad for the Snow Race.

It's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you have to provoke this evil star.

Even the warriors of the Snow Clan began to complain about Xueling.

If it wasn't for Xueling, how could the Snow Clan lose so much.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Ling Xiao raised his foot and walked towards the Patriarch of the Snow Clan.

The Snow Clan chief paled in shock.

Such an attack, he would never be able to stop the second time.

The second time, there is no doubt of death.

(End of this chapter)

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