Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1080: This guy is a bit fierce


I heard Liu Feng's words, and the person in charge suddenly looked embarrassed.

的 The people who can work here will naturally not have poor eyesight. Chen Yu is the one who doesn't lose money at first glance. It is really good for such people to blast out like this?

嗯 "Huh? Why? What I said didn't work anymore? Do you still want to do it? You are a stupid worker and can't hear what I say?"

Seeing the hesitation of the person in charge, Liu Feng frowned, and her tone immediately became bad.

The person in charge immediately waved his hands, panicking. Liu Feng and their boss son have a very good relationship. In the upper circle of Beidu, they are famous for their flowers, and they are notoriously bad-tempered. Method.

I was just a part-time job, really got Liu Feng, and being fired was nothing more than Liu Feng's word.

作为 As the head of Marriott's luxurious lobby, her monthly salary is also very objective, and she can support her family and her children for school. Once fired, there is nothing left, not even the mortgage.

"Liu Shao don't be angry, I'll go right away, I'll go right away."

The person in charge bowed repeatedly, then sighed and came to Chen Yu.

"Sir, could you please leave here first?"

Chen Yu's gaze was so cold that she glanced at Liu Feng and Lingzhu, and they saw that they were all proud.

离开 "Leave? I've never been driven by anyone, no one has driven me. Those two dog things are a little obstructive to my eyes, let them get out of here."


The person in charge froze and looked at Chen Yu's brain.

"You, what are you talking about? That's Master Liu Feng, the son of the Liu family! And the Crown Prince of our Marriott group, but very good friends. In Beidu, they just throw a word and they can make ordinary people disappear There is no trace, you must not fight with them. "

After a brief stagnation, the person in charge hurriedly reminded him that he was afraid that Chen Yu offended the two.

I'm not too late!

枫 Liu Feng apparently heard this, and his face turned cold for a moment, staring gloomily at Chen Yu, and then came over slowly.

"Boy, you are very kind, dare to talk to me like this, you are still the first! Originally I only wanted you to go, but now, I want you to climb out of here!"

The person in charge of Kuan sighed, and expressed infinite sympathy to Chen Xuan's Xiao Xuaner. Who is not good, but Liu Feng?

This guy, but there is no lawless existence in the north.

Except those top families, there is no one who he dares not move! In the past, she also heard people mention that Liu Feng had fancy a billionaire daughter and put the little girl into bed that night.

The billionaire is also a force in the North Capital. He wanted to find Liu Feng for an explanation. As a result, the next day, he was bankrupted and jumped off the building to commit suicide! His wives and daughters were all got into the small hair salon at the bottom of Beidu.

It is said that Liu Feng had found dozens of rogue rogues at that time. In that little hair salon, they played all day and night!

"It's flying, it's really flying!" The person in charge is constantly feeling.

The others in the shop looked at Chen Yu's gaze and felt sympathy and glee.

"Idiot, this guy must be an upstart from a foreign country. I don't know Liu Shao's influence in the North Capital. How dare he say that?"

就是 "That is, if I were to say nothing, just turn around and leave. How could he be like him and dare to talk back?"

"Humans, we still need to have self-knowledge. For Liu Shao, this kind of existence is, for us, a god-like figure in the sky, but it is not something we mortals can provoke."

Everyone said, they all looked at Liu Feng again, and couldn't help but appreciate it.

"Look at Liu Shao, when you were talking just now, how calm you were? Taishan collapsed in front of you without discoloration. One sentence can determine a person's fate. How can this average be compared?"

"Yes, Liu Shao is indeed a romantic figure. Didn't you see that? The beauty next to him just said a word. Liu Shao stepped forward directly, rushing into the crown to be angry, and no wonder women were I like a man like Liu Shao. If I were a woman, I would definitely like it. "

"Liu Shao is indeed a role model for my generation. If I can have Liu Shao tenth, that's fine."

After talking about it, Liu Feng heard a smug smile on the corner of her mouth. The pores all over the body seemed to be open, unspeakable and comfortable.

Tong Lingzhu stood aside and giggled.

"Liu Shao is really prestigious, I also want to see, is there any difference between his posture and a dog?"

Xu glanced at Xiao Xuan'er, Ling Zhu was shocked. Xiao Xuan'er has a beautiful face, and because of her practice, she has an inviolable Ling Ran temperament, which makes Ling Zhu feel a little self-defeating.

The more she did, the more jealous she was! At the moment, he clicked Xiao Xuaner with his hand.

"Liu Shao, I think this little girl is pretty good. Let her climb to my feet and be a servant for me. The little teddy dog ​​in my house is looking for something to play with every day. She can give her to my little one. Teddy, be a toy. "

She Lingzhu laughed, but she revealed her terrifying viciousness!


A killing intention burst out directly from Chen Yu's body, and the temperature in the entire hall suddenly dropped, making people couldn't help but take a nap.

"The air conditioner is broken?" Someone snapped and couldn't help saying.

Chen Yu's gaze, looking at Ling Zhu, made Ling Zhu's complexion look a little unnatural.

In Yu Lingzhu's eyes, Chen Yu was just an upstart, but now, in her eyes, Chen Yu is like a prehistoric monster, full of fierce breath, making her heart beating instantly.

"You, what do you want to do? I tell you, I'm from Hongmen, and my father is a Hongmen boss. If you dare to move me, I, I will kill your family!"

枫 Liu Feng smiled slightly, his face didn't matter.

"Xiaozhu, you don't have to be afraid. Today your father came to North to discuss things. I will accompany you all the way. With me, no one can move you!"

Immediately after the words came out, he felt a dark shadow flashing past him, and when he reacted, his pupils suddenly shrank.

When I saw Ling Zhu at this moment, a long hair was caught by Chen Yu. The whole person was like a dead dog. Chen Yu was dragged to the ground, holding her hair in both hands, and her legs were constantly stroking. Screaming frantically.

"Let me go, let go of me! You rude guy, little bastard, you dare to move me, I want my dad to kill your whole family!"

The scream screamed from Lingzhu's mouth. She has been a proud girl since she was a child. How has she experienced such a thing? At the moment, all kinds of vicious abusive words burst out from her mouth.

"You, what do you want to do, let her go!"

枫 Liu Feng's body shook and she growled immediately. No one has ever dared to do such a thing in front of him. In particular, he just boasted about Haikou just now, and he was so directly slain, not to be too fast.

Everyone was all stunned, with blank thoughts in their heads and staring at Chen Yu.

"This guy, so fierce?"

(End of this chapter)

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