Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1081: No scruples

"Let her go?"

羽 Chen Yu smiled coldly, grasping Ling Zhu's hair under Liu Feng's gaze, and brought Ling Zhu in front of her.

"You dog, who borrows your courage to dare to insult my woman?"


Backhand slap, directly thrown on Lingzhu's face!

It was only momentarily that half of Lingzhu's cheeks rose up, and her teeth were directly hit by Chen Yu in half!


When I saw this scene, everyone was stunned. I never imagined that Chen Yu would dare to do it directly!

This is Marriott Luxury! Those who can come here, not to mention others, are simply their net worth and identity, making them afraid to do anything here, not to mention here, there is 24-hour full-time monitoring! Behind it is the North Zhao family!

But Chen Yu, just like that? !!

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"You, dare you hit me?"

Wu Lingzhu's eyes widened, his face was incredible.

"Do you know what I am!"


I slap again, interrupting Ling Zhu's words, and letting the other half of her face swell up!

"Who are you and what does it have to do with me? The woman who dares to mess with me, no matter who he is, will pay the price!"


A series of loud noises rang directly. In a moment, Chen Yu slaps Lingzhu directly for more than a dozen slaps, and then grabbed Lingzhu's hair and flung it hard, throwing Lingzhu directly at Liu Feng's feet!

竹 Lingzhu at this moment had a swollen face that looked like a pig's head. The makeup she had applied before could not be seen at all, and she was completely fainted.

Everyone froze, looking at Chen Yu's eyes with a shocked look.

"He, he dare to do it! Oh my god, does he not know who this woman is! That's Hongmen, Ling Dongcheng's daughter!"

"It's over, Hongmen is overseas, but that's a huge thing! This time back, it's also because of the current status of the Baizu Academy, which is the first in the world. Ling Dongcheng will send his daughter back to college. Ling Dongcheng's daughter is just trying to die! "

The person in charge looked at this scene, also covering her mouth, a look of horror in her eyes.

After she became the person in charge here, this is the first time she has met someone who dares to do something in their shop!

"Little bastard! You look for death!"

枫 Liu Feng looked at Lingzhu under her feet, and when she raised her head again, her face was already full of 狰狞!

He worked hard for Lingzhu to climb Ling family. This brought Lingzhu here to spend tens of millions to buy luxury goods, but now it's better, Chen Yu did it this way, his painstaking effort was ruined directly!

At this moment, Liu Feng can't wait to strip Chen Yu alive!

"Boy, don't try to get out of the door of this room today!"

She took off her blazer, and Liu Feng rolled up her cuffs.

"Lao Tzu has to interrupt your limbs yourself, and then let your woman kneel in front of Lao Tzu and lick me! Only then can Lao Tzu let out this bad breath!"

Xun's fierce words popped out of Liu Feng's mouth.

I'm done!

When I saw this scene, the person in charge was shocked. Although Liu Feng is a tadpole, she has a good strength, especially now that Reiki has recovered, Liu Feng has reached the level of dark energy. Ordinary people, even dozens, are not his opponents!

Now he's going to shoot, how can Chen Yu have a way out?

Everyone also kept shaking his head and was not optimistic about Chen Yu.

I heard Liu Feng's words, Chen Yu's face was indifferent, but under this indifference, it was murder! Thick killer!

"No respect for my woman, today no one can save you!"

"Look for death!"

When I heard this, Liu Feng's eyes glared and her legs kicked, and the whole person went straight to Chen Yu like an arrow!

He raised his arm, his fist went straight to Chen Yu's door with the whistling fist! This punch is very powerful. Everyone in the store heard the whistling sound and couldn't help changing.

Liu Feng's face has a thick smirk, it seems that the next moment, Chen Yu was under his fist, his nasal bone was broken, and he knelt at his feet and let himself be abused!

But the next moment, he froze, his body slammed, his eyes suddenly, the boss who opened, looked at the scene unbelievably!

Her own powerful punch, even stopped!

It's just a finger that blocks you!

Yes! A finger!

That seemingly thin finger, but like a mountain that cannot be shaken, crosses in front of himself, no matter how hard he is, he can't get in!

"Impossible !!!"

枫 Liu Feng shouted in shock, her face flushed.

Shock! The deep shock filled Liu Feng's heart!

The strength of his secretive strength, can't even beat a finger of the opponent?

The person who was waiting for the joke was also stunned at the moment.

How fierce Liu Feng was just now, they all looked at it, that kind of power, even if a boxing champion was placed in front of Liu Feng, they would be blown away by a punch!

But Chen Yu's footsteps did not move!

"Kneel down!"

A sudden drink broke out from Chen Yu's mouth, and she saw that Chen Yu's finger flipped, and then went down a bit, it seemed very light, but Liu Feng yelled in pain, the entire wrist, directly out With a crisp sound, he knelt on the ground fiercely!

Liu Feng kneeled, and the tiles on the floor in the shop suddenly slammed and shattered! At the same time, Liu Feng's knees were deformed visible to the naked eye! Seeing that both legs are gone!

And all this, but Chen Yu just a little bit!

Everyone is no longer shocked, but frightened! No one thought that Chen Yu would dare to do such a thing!

"Oh my gosh, this, this is going to break the sky!"

The sound of chilling air-conditioning rang through the store.

"you you!"

枫 Liu Feng was trembling all over, looking at Chen Yu, there was no arrogance and loftiness just now, only a panic left.


I definitely met an incredible master!

I knew it early, so I should listen to my dad and let Uncle Sun follow me!

枫 Liu Feng regretted it, Sun Shu named Sun Qian, but the master of his Liu family, with strength, is rumored to have reached a half-step heavenly realm! This is why they are able to establish a foothold in Beidu!

He brought Lingzhu to buy things today, because he didn't want to be disturbed by others, so he didn't ask Sun Gan to come with him.

"You have a kind! But today you dare to treat me like this, I promise, I will definitely return ten times more!"

枫 Liu Feng stared at Chen Yu with a slack mouth.

Chen Yu shook her head, crouched down, and looked at Liu Feng with a cruel smile.

"You said you would interrupt my limbs. I haven't finished it yet."


As I was stunning God, Chen Yu picked up Liu Feng's only intact arm, and then slammed it!


A miserable sound sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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