Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1129: Ancient coffin!

No one can imagine how shocked Bai Yunao's heart is now!

Zheng Qian, has always been her biggest secret!

秘密 This secret has never been known to anyone, but now, this man, even at a glance! And in his tone, he didn't care at all!

It seems that Zheng Qian is a weed on the roadside for him, dismissive!

"you you."

At this moment, Bai Yunao couldn't even say a complete sentence. Chen Yu ignored him and continued to move forward.

"Yun Ao, what's wrong?"

Zheng Qian's voice rang in Bai Yunao's heart. The conversation between Chen Yu and her just now, Zheng Qian did not know.

"Ah? No, nothing."

Bai Yunao was surprised, and immediately followed the big team.

Along the way, Bai Yunao was full of thoughts, and Chen Yu was in his mind with what he had said.

53 people, knowing Zheng Qian, Chen Yu became more mysterious in her eyes!

"Hi, Yang Kai, look at it, why is Bai Yunao's soul unwilling?" Someone saw Bai Yunao's appearance and talked with Yang Kai.

Yang Kai glanced at Bai Yunao and smiled with pride.

"After all, what we have to do, but the great thing about Shi Shi, as a woman, even if she is strong, she will worry about it."

He said, Yang Kai smiled.

"After this incident is over, I will propose to Bai Yunao. Only a girl like her is worthy of me."

Everyone laughed.

"But Bai Yunao is very nice to that step Yeyu, Yang Kai, you have to be careful."

Liaobu Night Feather?

Yang Kai glanced at Chen Yu, disdain at the corner of his mouth.

就 "Just him? Is it worth competing with me? Hehe."

The expression of disdain is beyond words!

I walked all the way, and everyone went straight to a mountain. I saw that the entire mountain had been hollowed out, extremely empty, and the ceiling on the top was almost 100 meters high from the top of everyone. The brilliance of bright brilliance stones, inlaid on the roof, exudes a soft light, making the entire space as bright as the outside world.

Everyone was in the midst of it, like a small ant, and the sound of falling cloth dots continued to ripple through the space.

Everyone who had talked and laughed before was quiet at this moment, feeling a heavy pressure.

Even if arrogant like Yang Kai, my heartbeat accelerated slightly, my palms kept sweating, and I never had the pride of being outside before.

Only Chen Yu was still calm.

Bai Yunao walked behind Chen Yu. The more he looked at Chen Yu, the more he felt that Chen Yu was a little unfathomable, and a deep horror even climbed into Bai Yunao's heart.

Chen Yu hasn't even had half a disorder since breathing all the way!

What kind of state of mind this man is! Even if I was here, I couldn't help feeling nervous, but he didn't seem to notice it!

Baiyun Ao knows that there can only be two cases of this kind of thing. One is that the person has no heart and lungs, and does not know that he is afraid. The other is this person, who doesn't care at all!

But Chen Yu is obviously not the first!

"Yun Ao, what the **** is going on with you, this way, you are unwilling to abstain, why are you afraid?"

Zheng Qian asked in wonder, he knew Bai Yunao's state of mind, and logically, it should not be so abnormal.

Xi Baiyun shook his head.

"Teacher, I always feel this step Ye Yu, not easy!"

干 Zheng Qian froze, then laughed.

"Oh, what's so simple about him? Although he doesn't know what makes him feel that way, but he didn't generate true power, this is the truth! Without true power, he is waste! Don't waste your energy In this kind of waste, we still have to pay all our attention to the pressure group! "

"It's almost the end, and that's where the frontal array is! As long as it can destroy the frontal array, then big things can be done! At that time, you should never try to protect this kid, broken things . "

"I know."

After exchanges with Zheng Qian, Bai Yun proudly suppressed the feeling in his heart.


At this moment, the leader at the forefront stopped and looked forward eagerly.

Everyone looked at them, their pupils shrinking, their faces horrified. Even Chen Yu was a little surprised.

Because there is nothing in front of the crowd, except for an ancient coffin, which stands there!

Yes, the bright red ancient coffin! Standing straight there!

除了 In addition to the ancient coffin, the ground is engraved with intricate and complicated patterns, each pattern is as if immersed in blood, flashing a strange red light.

在 一 And in a communication, it is piled up a dozen meters high Baigushan!

Misery and bleak, all breaths are intertwined, pave the way to the crowd.

Someone is looking pale and not breathing even.

Yang Kai, who was so arrogant outside before, shrank his head at this moment and couldn't help swallowing.

"Come out."

The leading man in the red robe faintly opened his mouth. From the shadows around him, all the figures walked out, everyone was smirking, watching Bai Yunao and others.

With that look, it's like looking at a pig and dog!

"Master, what's going on?"

Xing Xiangming saw this scene and asked wonderingly.

呵 "Oh, congratulations, you can become demon servants, now is the time for your dedication! Before you die, I can tell you compassionately, my name is Huaye and I am also your executioner!"

Xi Huaye smiled, but the smile was extremely cold and cold.


When I heard this word, Ying Xiangming and others should all shrink their pupils!

"Me, aren't we the devil servants? Why, why should we be punished?" Someone asked.

Magic servant?

Hearing the word, many aliens laughed, full of satire.

"Since you are demon servants, then how you arrange your life is naturally what we have to say. The truth tells you that the significance of your existence is to serve as a sacrifice for the resurrection of that adult and contribute your blood! And Your ancestors are the same! "

而 "And you, the best offerings you choose, are not the same as those lower offerings. It's like buying pork, you always have to rank good and bad. Hehe."


When I heard this, everyone was stunned, looking at Huaye with certainty, my mind was blank.

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, and there was already speculation.

that person! That person again!

And he just mentioned the resurrection. Is it possible that everything the aliens do is to resurrect this person?

What is the identity of the person they are going to resurrect? How could these aliens do this?

"You, you lie to us!"

I was thinking, someone in the crowd immediately howled in anger. Working hard till now, it turned out to be just trying to make a good pork!

Suddenly, the man howled and rushed to Huaye.


Wu Huaye pointed out, a black light passed through, penetrated the man's mind, and let him die in a flash!

Suddenly the man fell to the ground after his death, and the complicated patterns on the ground seemed to come alive. He entangled the man, and slowly swallowed and melted in front of everyone!

I only heard the grunting sound like drinking water, all the blood of that person was sent to the **** coffin!

"Hey, now it's your turn." Huaye laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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