Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1130: Ruined eyes


Huge panic came to everyone's mind. The man just now, but the 42nd master! As a result, in the hands of Huaye, he was killed without even a single move!

Yun Yingming and others were all pale and horrified. Someone even collapsed to the ground and shivered.

Bai Yunao and others, their pupils shrank fiercely, could not help but take a breath. Although I know that the alien in the Broken Soul Demon Mountain is very strong, I did not expect that it was so strong!

What's more, besides Huaye, there are still many other aliens here now. Presumably the strength of these people will not be too bad!

Among the crowd, only Chen Yu was still indifferent, looking at Huaye, his heart was indifferent.

华 The strength of this Huaye industry is the condensed state of Xiaocheng. For Bai Yunao and others, it is naturally powerful, but for him, it is also ordinary.

Although he is now blocked, it is not too difficult to kill him with the power of his emperor dragon body.

"Teacher, are you really sure? That array of formations is really under the Bone Mountain?"

At this moment, Bai Yunao asked Zheng Qian in his heart.

"Of course! My ancestors were geniuses in formation methods. When I was arrested, I brought a lot of formation books. I learned the formation methods from an early age, and I asked myself about the accomplishments of formation methods. No one else can compare! "

"The reason why I can survive in the form of a residual soul is because I secretly arranged the matrix method, and this pressure array, I have also studied for a long time, there will be no mistake!"

Bai Yunao was slightly relieved in his heart, nodded his head, doubting that Zheng Qian had him.

Zheng Qian's tactics are clear, but she is clear. This great method of raising Yuan is also based on her predecessors, and she has also integrated the tactics, which is equivalent to engraving a miniature array in the human body so that they can Without being oppressed by the pressure formation, generate true power. Such a means, if you say it, even if it is alien, you must be amazed.

Now Zheng Qian speaks out, then there will be nothing wrong!

Bone bone mountain!

Bai Yunao looked at the giant mountain with burning eyes.

等 "Wait a while, you listen to my command. As long as you can destroy the White Bone Mountain, the pressure formation can be unlocked! By then, our strength will be greatly improved!"

I heard Bai Yunao's whispered whisper, Yang Kai and others snorted, and then all nodded!

Finally, it's finally time to officially start!

At the moment, everyone's gaze was fierce, and he looked at the White Bone Mountain.

"I advise you, don't move that Bone Mountain."

At this moment, a faint remark came from Chen Yu's mouth again. This time, Chen Yu didn't hide it. Bai Yunao and Yang Kai beside him all heard it clearly.

Bai Yunao was shocked!

He reminded himself again! Is there any problem in this?

"Teacher, is there anything wrong with this?"

"Huh! What's wrong, he's just afraid of death! This array of eyes, but after I deduced countless times, I came to the conclusion! As soon as Baigu Mountain is destroyed, the array will break itself!"

Bai Yunao still hesitated. If it was someone else's words, she could naturally not care.

But now, the speaker is Chen Yu! This man is too mysterious in her eyes! The performance of several times, she did not know why, even more and more believe in Chen Yu's words!

"Bai Yunao, if you don't go, then I go!"

At this moment, Yang Kai saw that Bai Yunao was deadlocked, and his face was hesitant, and he was anxious immediately.


With a loud roar, Yang Kai suddenly exploded and rushed towards Baigu Mountain!

When others saw Yang Kai, they suddenly yelled, all rushing towards Baigu Mountain! Bai Yunao gritted his teeth fiercely, now the arrow is on the string and he has to send it!

At the moment she also made a sudden step, rushing towards Baigu Mountain!

Suddenly, everyone's bodies shone with all kinds of light, with a powerful momentum, ran towards Baigu Mountain!

"So, that's it!"

Ying Xiangming saw this scene, her pupils suddenly shrank! This kind of power can only be mastered by the holy demons. Why do Bai Yunao and others master it? And why do they do this kind of thing?

Everyone is bewildered and shocked, totally ignorant of the current situation.


When I saw this scene, Huaye looked shocked and completely stopped. How can there be true power in these people? It's useless for them? They, want to destroy the pressure group?

For a moment, Huaye's mind suddenly figured out the cause and effect.

But he didn't move! The corner of his mouth raised a ridiculous smile.

Chen Yu shook her head, a look of helplessness.

"a bunch of idiots."

Xi Zheng said that the crowd had reached the Baigu Mountain, and now more than a dozen people were all roaring and streaming, rushing out from the palm of the crowd, with a strong momentum, hit the Baigu Mountain directly.


When the loud noise rang, I saw that the entire Baigu Mountain was directly bombed, and even the powder was not left!

Yun Yingming and others watched this scene dullly, completely aggressive. He, what are they doing? Why not attack Huaye but blast the White Bone Mountain?

At this moment, the faces of Bai Yunao and others are all ecstatic! I never expected that they would be so easy to destroy Baigu Mountain!

"Haha! Great, as soon as the pressure surges, from now on, Yang Kai will rise up strong! Any alien, any strong, will tremble at my feet!"

Yang Kai laughed loudly, and looked arrogant.

Everyone else is happy, everyone is smiling.

Bai Yunao frowned, and his eyes were full of surprise.


Why don't they seem to feel any change?

"Huh? Here, this?" Yang Kai also noticed that something was wrong. Although he destroyed Baigushan, he didn't increase his strength like he said before. At this moment, they are no different from before!

为 "Why, why is this?"

Suddenly, it appeared on everyone's face.

"Impossible! I clearly inferred that this is the array of eyes, how could it be wrong !!!" At this moment, Zheng Qian shouted in Bai Yunao's heart, and his voice was full of confusion and confusion.


At this moment, Huaye stood and looked at the crowd, applauding! There was a smile on his face.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that you could cultivate Zhenli, and you also know the existence of the pressure spirit array, and even know that this white bone mountain is an array? I have to admire you!"

Xi Huaye smiled, her smile was ridiculous.

"However, you don't know, this Baigushan is just a fake eye!"


Bai Yunao and others all stopped. Zheng Qian is completely stupid.

Fake, fake eyes?

"Fake? These eyes are fake? Well, where are the real eyes?" Bai Yun muttered to himself.

Chen Yu shook her head.

"It's been long ago that you don't move Baigushan, really the eyes are the blood coffin."


Suddenly Hua Huaye looked at Chen Yu in surprise.

"Did you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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