Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1208: Pointing one or two?

"Come and come, since it's a party, is there anyone who will perform it first hand and admire Wu Xuechang?"

He Hui said with a smile.

"I'll come first!"

Someone immediately stood up and bowed to Wu Liufeng.

"Master Wu, please advise."

Wuliu Feng nodded, the shelf was very full.

The man was also exempt from the entrance exam. At this moment, Limara opened his posture, and a flame suddenly rose between his palms. With his control, it continued to change into various shapes in the air, exuding hot temperatures.

"Nice, good! Sure enough!"

Everyone praised. Wu Liufeng nodded again and again.

"Yes, you have strong control over your true power, but there is still a stagnation in the operation. If you can run the true power at the 44th second, Double it and it will work better. "

The man heard that he tried it immediately, and it was really powerful.

"Thank you for your advice!"

The man bowed immediately, his face full of surprise.

"Hehe, Dean Wu is indeed a master of the Destiny Society. In just one sentence, we can benefit a lot. Come and come, we all pay a respect to the Dean Wu!"

He Huiyin yelled, and everyone immediately lifted the cup.

But Chen Yu and Jin did not change the two, but they were sitting in place, and they didn't pick up the wine glasses. They didn't even watch the martial arts wind.


Wu Liufeng's face sank.

"You two, you're very proud. Why don't you see me and don't pay attention to drinking? Look down on me?"

Taking a sip of wine, Wu Liufeng watched Chen Yu and Jin not change, and spoke coldly.

Jin Buhuan's heart was tense, and he was a little uneasy. He glanced at Chen Yu secretly, but found that Chen Yu was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, his look remained the same.

King didn't change it before he settled down.

Chen Yu lowered her head and took a bite of the dish, and then she spoke lightly.

"I'm your creditor. It stands to reason that you should worship me and worship me. Why? Could you owe me money and want me to bow to you? Are you worthy?"


The original lively atmosphere suddenly became cold, everyone's movements stopped, and their eyes focused on Chen Yu's body!

moron! How dare to say such a thing to Wu Liufeng! Just wait for your death!

He Hui sneered in his heart, glanced at Li Changfeng and Qian Yingyao, and found that they also had a strong sense of drama.

Go to the theater!

In the hearts of all three, such thoughts arose.


Wu Liufeng looked cold, his eyes were cold. But then he laughed coldly.

"When it comes to debt, how about an IOU?"

Kim didn't change it for a while, and then he was speechless. When Chen Yu released those three, he did not owe the IOU.

Seeing Jin Buchang's appearance, Wu Liufeng held his hands in front of him and leaned back in his chair with a playful smile.

"No IOU, no word of mouth, just say our destiny will owe you 90 million? Why? Are you idiots?"

Jin Buhuan was speechless, but Chen Yu spoke faintly.

"I don't need an IOU. My word is proof! No one owes me anything."

With a look in his eyes, Wu Liufeng looked at Chen Yu with a cold look.

"Good tone, I want to see, what can you do? And, speaking of it, I want you to pay back our destiny money! When you owe us a hundred million starry coins, when will you pay us?"


Owe Destiny Money? Kim didn't change it.

"You bullshit! You are obviously yours. After eating our elixir, how can we owe you money!"

Jin Buchang shouted immediately.

Wu Liufeng laughed.

"Oh, it's because of those three elixir! The people you give us are all inferior elixir! After they go back, there are serious problems, even affecting their cultivation!"

"The three of them are all important members of our destiny society! In order to treat them, we spent a lot of money! These, together with compensation, totaled 100 million! If you do n’t recognize, you must also recognize! "

A palm shot on the table, Wu Liufeng smiled coldly.

"You! You nonsense! The elixir my brother gave them is good. How could it be a problem? You pull them out and let us see if they have any problems!"

Wu Liufeng leaned back in the chair again and laughed.

"Sorry, the three of them need to be recuperated, and there is no way to come out. But if our destiny society is proof, don't you believe that our destiny society?"

Looking at Jin not changing, Wu Liufeng disdain.

Others followed suit.

"Yeah, Destiny Society, but that the big forces in our college would do such nonsense? Gold is not exchanged, it must be your problem. The three seniors have suffered so much, you must To lose money! "

"That's right! I think you just pitted the three seniors and wanted to save money. Fortunately, the senior Wu here is here to see through your mean tricks. You haven't apologized to the senior Wu!"

"That's it! Quickly apologize and ask for forgiveness from Master Wu! Otherwise, there will be no place for you in the entire academy!"

Everyone started talking.

At this moment, He Hui laughed, her eyes rolled, and she looked at Jin Buhuan and said, "I can't see it this way. Today, since Wu Xuechang is here and the opportunity is rare, let Wu Xuechang give him a pointer to Jin Buhua? How about you? If you win a half-stroke, then Wu Xue will save your debts. If you do n’t win, then you will be compensated for 100 million destinies. How about that? ”

Wu Liufeng smiled and nodded.

The original debt of 100 million yuan was owed by him, and it was used as a bet.

And if the gold is not exchanged, how could it be his opponent?

"Yes, gold doesn't change. I let you do three moves. Within three moves, if you can let me take a step back, even if I lose, otherwise, even if you lose, how?"

Kim didn't change it for a moment, then filled with anxiety.

Yes, he can't win, but if he doesn't, what will Chen Yu do?

For a while, Jin Buhuan was in a dilemma.

"Promise you no problem. However, if you lose, then you owe 180 million, do you dare?"

At this moment, Chen Yu took a slobber and spoke lightly.

180 million! The pupils of everyone shrank. But then, he laughed. What if there are so many? Nothing, no matter how much, is useless.

"Oh, yes."

Wu Liufeng smiled faintly. To him, this was just an empty check. It didn't make any sense. It didn't matter if he didn't agree.

"That being the case, Jin does not change, you go." Chen Yu said.

"Brother Yu, me, I can't do it." How could Jin cry if he didn't change? How could it be a rival to Wu Liufeng?

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Relax, you will win this game!"

Subsequently, Chen Yu raised a finger towards Wu Liufeng.

"In one move, King can change you into a dead dog without changing."

In a word, everyone was stunned.

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