
Everyone froze.

Gold does not change? one move? Defeat martial arts wind?

"Haha, Chen Yu, aren't you stupid? If Jin doesn't change that waste, how can he defeat Wu Xuechang in one move? I think it's Wu Xuechang in one move.

Qian Yingyao laughed.

"That's it! Who doesn't know that Jin Buhuai just found a relationship and entered into Baiyu College, otherwise he would not be eligible to enter! It is his great honor to enter here today! I want to be with Wu Xuechang Than? Is he trying to die? "

"Yes, Master Xue, don't be merciful, let's look at your peerless style, **** Jinbu for this waste!"

Everyone shouted.

Wu Liufeng looked extremely cold, and then suddenly grinned.

"Oh, defeat me in one move? OK! I'm standing here, watching how he defeats me in one move?"

Jin didn't change his face and looked at Chen Yu, just like a mad little daughter-in-law.

"Brother, you, you're really killing me."

Chen Yu smiled, "Relax, go with peace of mind, he is not your opponent!"


Sighing weakly, Jin Buhua changed his face and walked to the middle. At this moment, Wu Liufeng was already standing there, holding his hands on his chest, waiting for him quietly.

"Fat, I made you a punch! The first punch, I stood here, let you attack, I will not fight back. Come, fight here!"

Wu Liufeng pointed at his chest and said disdainfully.

Everyone immediately started to coax.

"Oh, don't change gold, fight fast! You are so good, one punch is enough to destroy everything, what are you afraid of?"

"That is, Kim doesn't change, let's see your invincible iron fist!"

"Gold isn't changing, what are you waiting for? You will be able to defeat the martial arts master in a box. This is a good time for you to become famous!"

Everyone laughed and looked at Jin not changing, just like watching a clown, extremely ridiculous.

Chen Yu sat there, motionless, as if the old monk had settled down, without saying a word.

And Jin Buchang's complexion had already turned red and bright.


With a roar, Jin didn't change a punch and banged directly on Wu Liufeng's chest! With this punch, he exhausted all his power. The punch was like a blast, sending out bursts of sound bursts!

But He Hui and others just smiled coldly.

Sure enough, this gold is not very good, even if it is exhausted, it is only this level. Not to mention the martial arts wind, even if they are, the attack on Jin Buhuan can be easily blocked!

Everyone laughed. After seeing it, Jin Buchang looked humiliated!

Wu Liufeng sat there, with his hands still on his chest, his head slightly raised, and a sneer sneered across the corners of his mouth.

"Badly hit!"

Drinking lightly, in front of Wu Liufeng, suddenly appeared a cyan light and shadow, transformed into a tortoise shell, blocking Wu Liufeng's chest!

"This is one of the martial arts defensive stunts, the five treasure tortoise shell!"

He Hui shouted in astonishment.

Li Changfeng and others also shined.

"I heard that Wu Liufeng's defensive ability is very strong. He used the true power of the five treasure tortoise shells to directly operate it. According to the specific operation method, once it reaches the extreme, the entire person will be wrapped up in tortoise shells, even if it is condensed Jing Xiaocheng's strong man cannot break his defense! "

When they heard this, everyone laughed. What is the strength of not changing gold? How could the defense of martial art wind be broken? Even if you do n’t use martial arts wind, the counter-shock force of the five treasure turtle shells alone may cause Jin to not seriously hurt!

"Hey, Chen Yu, I'd like to see, when can you still put it on?"

Glancing at Chen Yu, He Hui is like a poisonous snake that spit out letters, full of resentment and coldness!

Chen Yu was still sitting there without any change in her look.

However, his hand took up a drop of water, and then he flicked his finger, and the drop immediately flew out, just as Jin Buhuan's fist was about to reach the five treasure tortoise shell, almost at the same time, he was on the five treasure tortoise shell!

No one noticed a drop of water. Chen Yu's technique was extremely concealed, and the force control was excellent. During the whole process, no sound was made!


Jin Fuzhou's fist has been beaten on the five treasure tortoise shell!

There was a smile on everyone's faces. It seemed that the next moment, Jin Buhuan was shocked to fly out, like a dead dog, lying on the ground!

"After Jin doesn't change, it's you, Chen Yu!"


While He Hui was laughing, a crisp sound suddenly shocked everyone's hearts.

Then everyone stood up all of a sudden, and their pupils shrank fiercely, the size of a pinhole!

I saw that on top of the five treasure tortoise shells, with the center of Jin Fuhuan's fist as the center, suddenly the fine cobwebs spread madly all around. Only at the moment of the electric light flint, the entire five treasure tortoise shells had been directly crushed!

"What! It's impossible!"

The arrogance of Wu Liufeng's face instantly turned into a deep shock. How could this guy smash his defense?

He, he's just a guy who has a great success! How is it possible to smash his five treasure turtle shell?

Jin Buhuan is also a look of sorrow. Really, he broke through the defense of martial arts wind?

One side was shocked and the other was stunned, but all this happened only at the moment. The next moment, Jin Buhuan's fist hit the chest of Wu Liufeng firmly!

boom! !! !!

With a muffled sound, Wu Liufeng flew directly upside down in the air. In the middle of the air, he even coughed up blood and hit the wall aside, smashing the entire wall directly into pieces!

And Wu Liufeng fell into a mess in one place and passed out! After Jin Buhuan broke through his defense just now, Wu Liufeng was extremely shocked. He did not organize an effective defense at all, and it was too late, so he was blown away by Jin Buhuan!


He Hui and others all stood up, eyes widened, and looked at the scene stunned, in the eyes, all disbelief!

How could Wu Liufeng be defeated? If Jin does not change this waste, how can it break up the defense of martial arts wind?

"I, lying down! I, I won? I really won? Lying down, Yu !!!! I won, ha ha ha ha ha!"

Jin Buhuan looked at his palms, and after the initial shock, he suddenly laughed.

He didn't even think that he really won the martial arts wind!

Chen Yu smiled softly and sipped the tea.

"I said, you can punch him into a dead dog with one punch!"


He Hui trembled suddenly and looked at Chen Yu hardly, and in her throat, she made a deep, resentful voice.

"Is it your hands and feet ?!"

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