Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1216: The strongest beast, come back!

I ridicule myself, why?

When I was He Hui, I suddenly felt a sudden pain in my face, and then the whole person flew uncontrollably into the air and made several laps in the air before landing on the ground!

At the same time, a crisp slap sound came to everyone's ears!

I waited until He Hui reacted, and saw Yin Shanqing's hand!

Just now, Yin Shanqing slapped herself! And myself, even how the other side shot, did not see clearly!

This, how is this possible? Doesn't that mean that Yin Shanqing's strength has greatly diminished and is extremely unstable? Did she recover her strength now?

"What kind of thing are you, so big or small? There is a part for you to talk about here? Jun stranger, your students owe discipline, I will educate you."

Yin Shanqing spoke faintly, looking cold.

Xun Jun's strange pupil shrank fiercely, a little surprised. Yin Shanqing shot just now, even if it was him, he just saw a lingering aftermath! The speed of his attack surprised him.

how can that be?

Yin Shanqing's strength has risen and fallen, I have already figured out the rules in it. It stands to reason that she should be in the low tide of strength today. How can there be such strength?

Xun Jun was unfamiliar with the thought that she would come over today and eat Yin Shanqing, but now, there was a sudden uncertainty in his heart.

Gu Gu and others were also frowning, full of puzzles.

Yin Shanqing's situation, they all know, otherwise, they would not pick this time. But now, Yin Shanqing's strength showed them a little shock.

For a moment, everyone remembered Yin Shanqing's nickname.

The strongest fierce beast, Yin Shanqing!

They still remember that in the past, before Yin Shanqing had no accident, he was the strongest among all teachers! Even hope to be the ninth elder! And the youngest elder!

At that time, under the brilliance of Yin Shanqing, what kind of unfamiliar and unfamiliar Gu Jun was completely inadequate.

Yin Shanqing is like a round of sun, so dazzling! Let everyone look directly!

At that time, Yin Shanqing got the nickname, the strongest fierce beast!

This is entirely because of Yin Shanqing at that time, the horror of strength, even if a teacher like Jun stranger joined forces, not her opponent!

Isn't that Yin Shanqing back? !! !!

At this point, everyone was trembling with trembling hearts, and in the eyes of each other, they were shocked.

"Mr. Yin joked, it was my student who was lost."

Xun Jun spoke strangely, forcibly suppressing the shock in her heart.

"He Hui, how dare you talk to Teacher Yin like this? After returning, I knelt in the classroom for three days and thought behind closed doors!"

He Hui shook, and immediately stopped speaking, stood up and retreated behind Jun's strangeness.

"Mr. Yin, the purpose of my visit today is very simple. Give Chen Yu to me and take it away. Otherwise, we have to try it today."

Although he suspected that Yin Shanqing had recovered, Jun stranger still didn't believe it. I want to test it.

"Yes, Yin Shanqing, I also want to see Gu Yan, the strongest beast of the past, how much dignity is there now?"

Gu Gu stepped forward and stood next to Jun's strange side.

At the same time, four more teachers stood up, and everyone's face was extremely indifferent, staring at Yin Shanqing.

"Yin Shanqing, it's better to be at ease with your waste. Now no one at Baiyu College remembers your nickname."

"Honestly, we are both teachers and will give you some face, otherwise you don't blame us in front of so many people and make you a joke at Baiyu College!"

Seeing the students, I could not help but exclaim when I saw this scene.

六 The six people headed by Jun's strangeness are among the strongest among the teachers of Baiyu College! Now, they have persecuted Yin Shanqing together. Such a scene is a rare event!

Li Changfeng's mouth evoked a smile, and made a gesture of wiping his neck in front of Chen Yu and Jin Buchang.

Twenty-six teachers came out together, Chen Yu and Jin did not change, can you two still be a godsend today?


Bian Jin did not change his lips and looked at Li Changfeng without fear. Where did they know that Yin Yuqing's illness had already been cured by Chen Yu?

He is now in front of everyone, and it is no longer the insulting Yin Shanqing who is insulting him, but the strongest of all the teachers in the entire Baiyu College.

The strongest fierce beast, Yin Shanqing!

"You, since you forgot my nickname, I will let you remember it again. Chen Yu and Jin Buhua are both my students. No one here can take them in front of me, you Come together and save my time! "


Hearing this, all six of them stopped. Go together? Can Yin Shanqing be crazy?

"Yin Shanqing, do you think it's the past? Even if you have recovered your strength today, what can you do? In these years, we are not the guys who were stunned by you at random! I am enough to deal with you! Give me a roll! "

Xun Jun's unfamiliar eyes glared suddenly, roaring, and a direct impact came out.

After a short pause, the sound of Hu Xiaolong's voice rang out immediately. With Jun ’s strange palm, one dragon and one tiger, two big illusions, growled and roared, and rushed towards Yin Shanqing!

Everyone sees this scene, it is all disappointing!

"Jun's unfamiliar strength is strong again!" Gu Yi flashed his eyes and thought in his heart.

Everyone was exclaimed, He Hui even brightened her eyes, and her teacher was really amazing!

But Yin Shanqing smiled lightly and punched out with the same punch.

"Break me!"

In the roar of severance, Yin Shanqing's fist was like a meteorite falling into the sky. Only in an instant, he collided with the dragon and tiger illusion!


In the loud noise, the illusion of dragon and tiger is like a piece of paper, and it bursts immediately! Yin Shanqing's fist, without any pause, rushed directly to Jun stranger!


Xun Jun's unfamiliar pupil shrank, his face was extremely horrified, and he was no longer calm and calm. But when he shouted, Yin Shanqing's fist had hit his chest firmly!


He coughed up a bite of blood, and Jun stranger withdrew nearly 100 meters directly, with his two legs on the ground, plowing two deep trenches! When he stopped, he knelt directly on the ground, holding his hands weakly on the ground!

He stared, staring at the ground with horror on his face.

Poke yourself, defeated by Yin Shanqing?

The whole scene was instantly silent, everyone's eyes widened and they were completely stunned.

With a punch, Jun is unfamiliar and defeated?

At the same time, a sudden thought rose in their hearts.

The strongest beast, Yin Shanqing, is back!

(End of this chapter)

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