Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1217: Knelt down again!

A dead silence!

I watched Yin Shanqing on the spot at Ao Li, and everyone's heart tightened suddenly.

He Hehui covered her mouth, her eyes were shocked.

The undefeated teacher who was in my heart was just a sudden defeat.

"You, who else is coming?"

Yin Shanqing spoke faintly, just a word, but let the aggressive people just back a step back!

Every person's face is so dignified.

"Yin Shanqing, how is your health?"

Gu Gu frowned.

Yin Shanqing flicked her fingers, looking indifferent.

虽然 "Although not good, but I am in good condition today. As a result, you came up. As for Jun? Unfamiliar? Oh, really unlucky."

After chatting with Chen Yu before, she knew that she had been overcast. It was someone who poisoned her that made her what she is now, and now the enemy secretly knows that it would not be a good thing for her to expose what was already good too soon.

So now, there is no need to let others know that she is completely fine. It just makes others think that today is exactly the day when their strength recovers.

Xi Jun covered her chest strangely, and she blew blood again, her face was extremely gloomy! Really dead, why did she catch up with her when she was good?

Everyone else looked at Jun strangely, and all had some sympathy.

I am really too tragedy. Who made you catch up when Yin Shanqing recovered? At the same time, there was a hint of luck in their hearts.

Fortunately, just now, Jun stranger took the lead, otherwise, who is kneeling there now is not Jun stranger, but them!

"Yin Shanqing, today is just a misunderstanding."

Gu Gu sighed in his heart before he said. In this situation, it is impossible to win Chen Yu and Jin without changing. They can only retreat.

"Misunderstanding? Just a misunderstanding, you want to set things straight?"

Yin Yinqing frowned, and his voice was full of coldness.

"What do you want?"

Xun Jun had stood up and looked at Yin Shanqing with a hoarse voice.

"You just took my students away? Now, just leave your two students here and kneel outside my house for a day ~!"

"What are you talking about! You are humiliating me!"

Xun Jun was furious immediately and shouted.

"I just humiliate you, so what? All of this is your own fault! Now, I give you two choices, one is to leave He Hui and Li Changfeng on your own initiative, and the other is to fight you and leave them. Choose it! "

After saying a word, Yin Shanqing waved his hand sharply, and suddenly radiated a blue pistol from his fingertips, just like a long whip, and drew it directly to the ground.

The ground is like tofu, it was cut in an instant, and then spread to the distance, and a small river that was more than ten meters wide and several meters deep was divided from the middle! The water flowed for more than ten seconds, and it was still not closed!


Seeing this scene, everyone took a sip of air conditioning, and everyone's eyes were a little throbbing!

This strength is enough to make them afraid.

"If you don't agree, you can go together. I can remind you of the fear of my past!"

Yin Shanqing stepped out suddenly, and the whole popularity rose.

Everyone is taking a step back.

"Oh, huh, teacher Yin joked, we just came to see what happened and did not offend you. Since this is something between you and teacher Jun, then we will not bother, leave!"

After speaking, some people laughed and took their students to leave directly from here.

Now that there is the first one, there will be the second one. Soon, the gigantic crowd just left! Only Jun stranger, Gu Yan, He Hui, and Li Changfeng were left at the scene!

"Yin Shanqing, do you really want to do things so well? Don't forget, your strength cannot always be maintained at this level today! I advise you to stay on the front line and meet each other in the future!"

Xi Jun raised his fist strangely, and spoke coldly.


Yin Shanqing didn't even have a nonsense. He punched directly and blasted at Jun stranger, who was shocked. Unexpectedly, Yin Shanqing would suddenly start and immediately set up a defense. Ten meters!

"Sorry, what I am pursuing is today's enmity today newspaper! Be a man without leaving a line, I won't see each other in the future! Again, believe it or not, I will let you kneel here?"

Yin Shanqing domineeringly spoke.

Xun Jun's unfamiliar face turned red instantly.

He was about to run away, but when he saw Yin Shanqing's gaze, he suddenly became cold and didn't dare to move.

Because, in the eyes of Yin Shanqing, he saw it, with a touch of expectation!

Yin Shanqing, looking forward to rushing up!

With the strength of Yin Shanqing now, if he rushes up, the final result may only be brutal! Then, it became the laughingstock of the entire college!

"Damn! This woman has such a deep mind !!!"

Xun Jun stopped unfamiliar unfamiliarly, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

He took a few deep breaths, and then he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

好 "Okay! Yin Shanqing, Feng Shui taking turns. Today, I am unfamiliar with me! You wait!"

完 After speaking, Jun stranger did not turn back, and turned and left! Gu Yan glanced at Yin Shanqing and Chen Yu with a venomous look. Without a word, he turned and left.

At the scene, only He Hui and Li Changfeng were left.

The two were standing in the wind at this moment, a little messy.

gone? Nima, you just left? I Cao, what should we do?

"Haha, whoops, it's so cool, He Hui, Li Changfeng, haven't you always been awesome with your teacher? Seeing that, our teacher Yin is also awesome! Scared your teacher to run with his tail in his hands It ’s too late for you! ”

Wu Jin laughed without changing, and his smile was full of pride.

他妈的 This **** is so cool!

Aren't you lofty? Don't you look down on us?

now what? What are you worth before us?

"You two, kneel!"

Suddenly, he burst out from Yin Shanqing's mouth! He Hui and Li Changfeng were shocked suddenly. The two looked at each other, biting their teeth, bending their knees a little, and finally slamming and hit the ground directly!

Humiliation, this is simply a great humiliation!

Yesterday, because of Chen Yu, they knelt down in the Shanshui Bieyuan for one night.

Today, I thought that there are two people who are unfamiliar with Jun and Gu You can return all the humiliation, but! Once again, they once again kneel in front of Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan! !! !!

In particular, the sarcastic voice of Jin Buhuan was more like a sharp sword poking in their hearts.

让 "Let them kneel, let's go in for hot pot."

Chen Yu glanced at them, smiled scornfully, and turned back to the room.

And this incident has caused a great stir in the entire college!

In a room in the academy, a figure sat quietly on the seat, with a sarcastic smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Chen Yu? Yin Shanqing's student? Oh, interesting, it seems that the poison given Yin Shanqing is almost ready for harvest."

(End of this chapter)

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