Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1231: Double Beasts!

"This, is this beast tide? A little loli?"

Jin Buchang widened his eyes and murmured.

In front of their eyes, this little girl is only a little more than one meter and two, with a childish look. How can there be a half-terror look?

Giggle. . .

Looking at the little girl less than one meter tall, the corner of Li Changfeng's mouth pumped wildly.

Say good endless beast tide? What about a good hole card?

Teacher, you play with me!

"Li Changfeng, do you want to call?"

Kim didn't change his way.

"Ah! Why! Why the endless beast tide I summoned would be a minor point! Who the **** are you! You say, you tell me!"

Li Changfeng looked at the little girl and suddenly growled.

"Is it the secret medicine you made?"

The little girl looked at Li Changfeng, her eyes were flickering, pure and flawless.

"Exactly! It's the secret medicine I made, but why are you! My beast tide! My hole card!"

Li Changfeng growled.

Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan, looking at Li Changfeng at the moment, could not help but yanked.

How pathetic!

This Li Changfeng is really pathetic!

I thought it was the ultimate anti-killing card, but I didn't expect to have such a thing in the end!

But Chen Yu, looking at the little girl, narrowed her eyes slightly, with some surprises.

"Since you made it, there is nothing wrong with it!"

The little girl nodded, confirming her look!

"I am going to kill you!"

The little girl said, her voice was milky.


Li Changfeng froze, then his face turned red. Even if it was defeated in the hands of Chen Yu, but this little girl dared to say such words in front of her?

"Come! Come and kill me! Fuck, dare you come, I dare to tear you!"

Anger has made Li Changfeng lose his mind. Falling in the hands of Chen Yu, he already knew that he would never survive. But before he died, he also wanted to vent his anger.

"Chen Yu, I beg you, let me kill this little girl! My Li Changfeng is a peerless Tianjiao, how can a little girl humiliate me?"

Li Changfeng growled.

Chen Yu glanced at Li Changfeng and shook his head.

"If you want to die in her hands, I won't stop."

Then, Chen Yu has let go.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing? That's a little girl!" Jin Buhuan stopped, wondering why Chen Yu would agree to Li Changfeng's request.

Li Changfeng also froze, Chen Yu, even said such a thing?

Before he could react, the little girl rushed over! He didn't hesitate, slammed his palm, and blasted at the little girl!

Suddenly, a cyan beam of light snarled and rushed towards the little girl, and the little girl did not have the slightest avoidance!


Both Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan shouted, and couldn't bear to see the picture below.

"Ha ha, little hybrid, let's die for me! I'm Li Changfeng! Tianjiao of Baiyu College! Hahaha."

Li Changfeng laughed and looked up.

but! The shocking scene happened!

I saw the little girl violently waved at the cyan beam of light, and the cyan beam of light was completely defeated in an instant!

Subsequently, the little girl appeared directly in front of Li Changfeng. In Li Changfeng's shocked eyes, he waved again, and Li Changfeng's head flew up!

Lao Tzu, was killed by a little girl?

In his mind, there was only such a thought, Li Changfeng screamed, and died with endless humiliation!

And Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan, they are already stupid.

"I, lie down! Here, is this really true?"

Dong Lan was frightened, and even swear words came out. First, Ling Fan, and then the little girl, she just felt that these things she experienced today were so bizarre that she couldn't turn her head back.

Chen Yu looked at Li Changfeng's body and shook her head.

"It was said long ago that you are not his opponent, do you not believe it?"

Looking at the little girl, Ling Fan's eyes also had a hint of surprise and emotion.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet a fierce beast with great concentration!"

Chen Yu glanced up and down the little girl, surprised.

The fierce beasts that have condensed their souls, even within a hundred domains, are already a small group standing on the top.

At the same time, his heart is constantly feeling, this Li Changfeng is really unlucky. There should never be such a beast on the periphery of the Beast Mountain. But it happened here!

The secret medicine that Li Changfeng just took out is nothing else. It is made from the bones of a ferocious beast of the same family as this little girl.

For ordinary beasts, naturally has an irresistible attraction. However, it never occurred to me that this little girl was nearby, and a beast with such strength sat in the town, and other beasts naturally dared not come over!

"Humans, give me a reason not to kill you."

The little girl stared at the three Chen Yu with big eyes, her eyes flickered, and she looked very pure, but it was so pure, but she made Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan two, and her hair was upright!

And as the little girl's words came to an end, a fierce beast from the dense forest also kept stepping forward, and surrounded all of them!

And faintly, many beasts looked at the little girl's eyes with a trace of awe and pity.

"His! Actually, there are so many!"

Jin did not change his face instantly became pale, took a step back, but still kept Donglan behind her with one hand, and moved Donglan greatly.

"Brother Yu, me, what shall we do?"

Kim didn't change his nervous mouth.

Chen Yu smiled lightly, without the slightest nervousness.

Looking at the little girl, Chen Yu said, "I can cure your illness!"


Hearing this, the little girl's face changed, and she became extremely angry.

"Nonsense! What's wrong with me? How dare you say that! I'll let you know now, I'm fine!"

In a word, suddenly, the little girl stepped on her feet and heard only a bang. Her foothold exploded instantly, and she, like a sharp sword, rushed towards Chen Yu. !!

Raised his fist. Although it looks very weak, both Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan know how powerful this fist is!

Li Changfeng just now, but even this little girl didn't hit it!

This is absolutely a terrible opponent!

Chen Yu also had a bright look, looked at the little girl, roared, and punched out fiercely! Suddenly there was a sound of dragons in his body, as if there was an invincible tyrannosaurus, waking up!

Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan looked at Chen Yu in shock, and seemed to feel that Chen Yu had changed and became the emperor of beasts!

The beasts that looked at him just now, all kneeled on the ground in horror at this moment, their eyes were horrified.

The little girl's pupils shrank fiercely, and her heart was extremely shocked.

This guy, is it also a beast? !!

At this moment, the fists of the two are facing each other!

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