Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1232: Take off your clothes


A muffled sound came straight out.

Taking the place where the two played against each other as the center, the ground was sunken directly, and the fine cracks spread directly toward the surroundings. The shock wave visible to the naked eye, with strong wind pressure, erupted directly, and all the beasts that were pressed aside were all retreated.

Chen Yu and the little girl all took a few steps backwards before they stood up.

Chen Yu looked very shocked.

This is the first time that you have completed the Emperor Dragon's Holy Body. When you fight with others, you back out! Such things are simply unthinkable.

What exactly is this little girl? How could there be such a powerful strength?

Chen Yu was shocked, and this little girl stared at her eyes, staring at Chen Yu, her pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhole.

Human beings, can they be evenly divided with themselves?

Do not!

When she was just punching, she faintly felt herself and was suppressed by Chen Yu!

Damn, is it because of my illness? Affect my strength?

The little girl thought with gritted teeth.

Roar. . . . . .

The multitude of beasts surrounding them all roared at the moment, restless.

Although I didn't understand the meaning, I could still hear the infinite shock in my voice. Seems to be surprised, how can this person be equal to the little girl.

"Be quiet! Let's go."

The little girl waved her hand. All the beasts suddenly stopped, looked at the three Chen Yu deeply, and then turned to leave.

After a moment, only Chen Yu and others remained in the whole scene.

"I go!"

Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan have completely stayed. How is this possible? With an order, all the beasts left?

This little girl is so horrible?

"Human, can you really cure me?"

The little girl asked. Although his face is immature, but in his tone, he has a sublime taste. This kind of temperament can only be possessed by those who have been high for a long time.

"Naturally, or rather, cure the poison in you."

Chen Yu said lightly.

In the previous two shots of the little girl, Chen Yu noticed that the little girl had a strange body and should be affected by some strange poison.

Sure enough, when she heard Chen Yu's words, the little girl froze, and then her eyes flashed, looking at Chen Yu, with some surprises.

This guy can even see the poison on his body at a glance?

"Well, I believe you once. My name is Canghai. Treat me now. If you can cure me, I will never treat you badly. In the Cangshou Mountains, you will be able to walk sideways if you quote my name . "

The little girl waved her hands with great pride.

"Cut, it's really bad."

Jin did not change his lips, he didn't believe it.

Chen Yu's eyes flashed, and there was some conjecture in her heart.

The reason why he was willing to treat this little girl was that he didn't want to be trapped in the tide of beasts and wasted unnecessary energy. The second is because this little girl is a fierce beast, which makes Chen Yu very curious, and he can feel that this guy's mind is very pure.

As for the third point, it is also because of his conjecture!

I really did not expect that such a thing would happen.

When thinking of this possibility, Chen Yu felt incredible.

"Take off your clothes," Chen Yu said.

"You, what did you say?"

Hearing this, Canghai's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Yu inconceivably, pointed to her nose, and some did not respond.

"You asked me to undress?"

"Oh, boy, our boss asked you to take off your clothes and you took off. What are you afraid of? You're just a kid, and you're afraid we'll eat you. Really."

Jin Buhuan said indifferently.


Canghai's complexion became flushed instantly, watching Jin Buchang fiercely, slap in the past.

"Dead man, get out of here!"

The words fell, Jin screamed without changing, and flew straight out.

"Gold isn't changing!" Dong Lan's face changed drastically, and he ran away. For a time, only Chen Yu and Cang Hai remained in the entire field.

After biting her own lower lip, Canghai's face turned red, and even her earlobe turned into a touch of pink. She stared at her big eyes and stared at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu did not evade in the slightest and looked at the sea frankly.

"Okay! If you can't cure me, I'll dug your eyes!"

After speaking, Cang Hai took off the animal skin of herself directly, showing it in front of Chen Yu.

"Now, it's okay now!"

A slightly trembling voice came from Canghaikou, showing that she was nervous.

"A little pudding, is there any shyness?" Chen Yu shook her head.

The Canghai clenched his fists instantly, and his trembling body shook!

You are the little pudding! Your whole family is a little pudding!

If it wasn't for healing her body, she would never have appeared in front of Chen Yu like this!

The whole person in Canghai was trembling gently, and seemed unable to bear the eyes of Chen Yu.

"Don't move, I'm looking at your illness, moving around, how can I observe it?" Chen Yu dissatisfied.

Hearing this, the sea froze, and even his neck became red.

OK, OK, watch, check!

This guy, actually, is observing his own body! An incomparable feeling of shame made the whole sea stunned.

Chen Yu didn't feel anything about the abnormality of the sea. Then he looked closely from top to bottom, and saw a black line extending from under the neck of the sea to the feet, among which A touch of dying breath.

It's so poisonous! If it were ordinary people, they would have died of decay. However, the sea can rely on its own cultivation and physical fitness to suppress this poison, which is really great.

But even so, the poison still slowly eroded the body of the sea, bringing him intense pain.

"Every day, it's painful." Chen Yu asked.

Cang Hai shuddered, then nodded.

"Three hours a day, like a knife hanging over a bone, are used to it."

The sea spoke faintly, but in such plain words, it contained pain beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Chen Yu nodded. Fortunately, you met me. If it is someone else, there is really no way to solve your poison.

Chen Yu thought in her heart that a finger had already been placed under her belly button!


An unrivalled power rushed directly into the body of the sea from the fingertips of Chen Yu!

Canghai suddenly trembled, and then his face changed dramatically, looking at Chen Yu in shock.

"You, you, how is this possible ?!"

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