Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1239: Murder Beast Valley

"You, what are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Yu standing in front of her, with her back to her, the sea froze.

"I'm not used to standing behind a woman."

Chen Yu didn't look back and said slightly.


Immediately the sea was anxious.

"You're crazy! Both of them are in a state of indulgence! Even if you are great, you can't be their opponents!"

Chen Yu shook her head and glanced at the two of them with a slight grin at the corners of her mouth.

"The two incarnations have come to fruition, and I haven't put them in my eyes yet."


Su Feng frowned, with some surprises.

"Who is this guy?"

Burst grinned, very disdainful.

"Oh, just a freshman at Baiyu College. I don't know how it was found by the sea, and is treating the sea with toxins."


Hearing this, Su Feng glanced up and down Chen Yu with some surprises. The toxin, he knew how powerful it was, but he didn't expect that this guy could be treated?

"Interesting, a human being, dare to scream with us here? Oh, I really don't know, where do you come from?"

Su Feng smiled coldly and looked scornfully.

Where can a human being, and also a freshman of Baiyu College, be great? How could it affect the battle here?

"Hey, boy, you have a lot of courage! But wait, I'll make you cry and call mom. Don't worry, I will dig out your eyeballs, then peel your skin off, use a wooden stick Stroke you up and let you know what the end is against me! "

Burst iron laughed.

"I give you a chance now, kneel down and admit it, I can let you do it yourself."

Chen Yu lowered her head, turned her fingers, and said lightly.


The crowd was stunned, and then they all laughed, utterly disdainful. .

"Oh, give us a chance, I'm so scared, ah ha ha ha, this human being is so amazing!"

"No, I have a stomachache when I laugh. What should I do? Who will rub it for me? Whoops, why is this guy so humorous?"

"I Cao, my tears all laughed, haha, this guy is so terrible, that mouth, I will keep it later, as a memorial. Hahaha."


The beasts around him, whether they were deformed or not, laughed wildly and surrounded Chen Yu with a few people. The scene was like a nightmare.

Both Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan have their throats mentioned in their hearts. Just pulling one here is enough to kill them, let alone dozens of them!

"It's over, we're completely over! I'm not willing, I'm not willing."

The sea clenched his fists, his eyes flushed.

"Since you are not willing, just kill them."

A faint utterance made Canghai suddenly startled, and saw that Chen Yu was standing there, like a pillar of heaven, full of imposing momentum.

"It's been a long time.

Chen Yu smiled, it was cruel!

"You sit there and take a good rest."

Leaving a sentence, Chen Yu stepped forward and stepped forward, hooking his fingers at the explosive iron.

"Little miscellaneous, come together and see how I can crack your eggs!"


In a word, all the beasts were blown up.

This guy is really too arrogant!

"Oh, let's take a shot? Are you worth it? You gave me and ripped him!"

Su Feng sneered and ordered.

In his eyes, such weak chickens as Chen Yu did not even have the right to let them shoot!

Suddenly, all the fierce beasts rushed over!

"Well, it's me ahead! Give me your head!"

At the front, a **** bird with a length of more than three meters and a sharp claw, slammed it against Chen Yu's throat!

And Chen Yu did not even avoid!

It worked!

The big bird looked so happy that his claws had been caught on Chen Yu's neck! The other beasts were a little disappointed.

"Huh, idiot." Su Feng sneered.

But in the next moment, everyone's expressions, no matter what they were, became panic!

Chen Yu couldn't avoid this, but he didn't even leave a trace of it! And that sharp claw was broken into several segments in an instant!

"What? It's impossible!" The big bird shouted in horror. The claws, but the hardest part of his body, even the steel, could be cut open instantly.

But now it's broken! ?

"Trash, will you tickle me again? Give me death!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly, reached out with one palm, and grabbed the past.

not good!

The big bird instantly exploded his scalp and fluttered his wings, so he had to avoid it, but it was useless! Only in an instant, Chen Yu had clasped his neck.


Just a slight twist, the big bird's head was immediately broken, and there was no breath. Then, from the palm of Chen Yu, the flames were ignited, and the birds were swallowed up instantly!

The golden fire and cruel smile reflected Chen Yu as if he were a demon. All the beasts were completely stunned, frozen in place, motionless.

"You guys are all trash."

The words of Yun Shiye came from Chen Yu's mouth, and all the beasts were shocked.

"Fuck, human, what are you arrogant about? Kill!"

The roar sounded, the ferocious beast agitated again, and rushed over again!

However, at this moment Chen Yu also moved!

No evasion, no retreat, only forward, forward!

"Huh, humming man, but killing the black compound bird is so arrogant? I don't believe it, you can survive the siege of so many beasts!"

After the initial shock, Su Feng's face was sullen and disdainful.

Just now, Chen Yu's performance really scared him, but the next moment, he still disdain!

Burst iron also sneered, watching Chen Yu lick his tongue.

"Well, it really does have some skills, but that alone is not enough. If you want to challenge us, you must climb in front of us and talk. Hahaha."

Chen Yu took no steps and stepped out. Among the siege of many beasts, Chen Yu stroked a series of phantoms and came to a red giant wolf. He looked coldly at the giant wolf in front of him, and raised his arm above his head !!

"Just now, you said I was arrogant? Then I will show you arrogantly! Cut!"

The arm suddenly fell, and a golden horse pours out directly from Chen Yu's fingertips, turning into a semi-circular light blade, severely chopped it down!

The giant wolf's huge wolf eyes suddenly shrank, and his head roared loudly, and he even stood up, two front paws, slamming them against Chen Yu, a cross blood red claw blade, flying out fiercely!

But the next moment, the claw is broken! Separated!

Chen Yu rushed past the body of the giant wolf. Behind him, the giant wolf separated directly from the middle, turned into a shower of blood and poured down! And in the eyes of the giant wolf, there was still a tremendous shock, unable to believe in himself, and just died?

Chen Yu laughed wildly, then folded over again and rushed into the beast!

"Stop me, kill !!!"

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