Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1240: Shocked by the wilds

The roar shook the sky, and the fierce beast swept away!

Among the many siege beasts, Chen Yu was like a little ant, thrown into an elephant herd.

However, the result of the battle is another look!

At this moment, Chen Yu's long hair turned and her eyes glowed like electricity.

He is like a peerless tyrant, who is arrogant among the fierce beasts.

But those fierce beasts have no way!

The full fire of Chen Yu shocked all the beasts.

"Fuck, this is still a human? Why, I feel he is the murderer, and we are the weak humans?"

The thoughts of many ferocious beasts all surfaced and felt unreal.

Say good human body is weak?

Say good crushing?

But now, what is going on? Chen Yu beat them, and she almost doubted the beast!

Frightened, spread in the hearts of many beasts. And this terror grew bigger and bigger.

"No, here, go on like this, me, I will die!"

Finally, a ten-meter-high beast couldn't stand it, and took a few steps backwards in shock, mourning, and turned and ran!

"Want to run?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu smiled coldly, "Give me back!"

With a loud roar, Chen Yu grabbed the tail of the ferocious beast, dragged it back violently, and only heard the roar, the ferocious beast was directly dragged down by Chen Yu.

"Get up!"

With a loud roar, Chen Yu waved with one arm, and immediately waved the ferocious beast as a weapon!

Bang Bang!

A series of blasts rang through the entire Burial Beast Valley!

Every smashed beast was instantly smashed into a blood mist! Even before the screaming is too late, he has already lost his life!

The besieging of Chen Yu this time were all strong and beasts carefully selected by Su Feng. As for those who were weaker, they were not qualified to come over and could only watch this scene from a distance. Before, they were a little frustrated and unhappy because they were not picked by the wind.

But now, they are extremely happy!

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't get selected, otherwise, I really do n’t know how to die!

"I, my Cao! Hurry, run!"

At this moment, all the beasts besieging Chen Yu can no longer bear the internal panic, and they all ran out!

"You guys, can you run? All die for me!"

After a break, Chen Yu grabbed with one hand, and the dragon sword had already appeared in Chen Yu's hands!

"The sword cuts all directions!"

A sword swept out, and the endless golden light spread throughout the valley of burial beasts, stabbing people to fully open their eyes.

When the golden light was gone, all the roars disappeared, and the entire burial beast valley was extremely quiet. Everyone looked up, and all of them froze!

Blood red!

All eyes are red!

The corpses were everywhere, the blood flow was like streams, the air was full of **** smell, and red blood rain continued to fall in the sky. These are the blood of fierce beasts!

Between the whole world, there is only one color, the blood color!

There was only one theme in the whole scene, which was killing!

And in the very center of these corpses, a man stood silently, without a word, but as if it was a town's magical monument, smashing the spot!

He is Chen Yu!

"This, all, everything, is it true?"

The sea murmured to himself, looking at Chen Yu's back, and his heart had already turned into a big wave.

There are dozens of fierce beasts!

The weakest is also at half-step Ningjing Jingcheng, the strongest has reached half-step Ningjing Jingcheng!

Even if she is now, it is very difficult to kill these beasts in such a short time!

But now, not only did Chen Yu kill, but her face was not flushed, it seemed that she had only done a trivial thing!

How powerful is this?

For a moment, Chen Yu's traces in the heart of the sea were deeper!

Domineering language, domineering practices, domineering posture!

She knew that she had been conquered by Chen Yu!

"My Cao! Brother Yu, my dear brother, you are so awesome! Fuck, you guys are hanged? In front of my brother Yu, you are just scum!"

Jin Buhuan clenched his waist, laughed, and his tongue was spitting out, pointing at Su Feng and blasting iron, extremely arrogant.

Su Feng and Iron Blast were extremely gloomy, and they were no longer arrogant.

"Suddenly, they all killed?"

Su Feng Yin coldly opened his mouth, his eyes filled with murder.

Mistakes are really too bad. They never expected that Chen Yu would be so powerful that she would kill all these beasts.

This guy is really a freshman at Baiyu College?

Not to mention the freshmen of Baiyu College, even their eight elders, they cannot be so strong?

Where did this freak come from?

I was thinking, bursting iron stepped out, full of murderous face.

"Looks like we have to do it. Su Feng, just in case, let's go together!"

Su Feng nodded, looking extremely cold.

Chen Yu smiled.

The words of iron blast have already shown weakness in their hearts.

"You two, don't you want me to crawl under your feet? Now?"

Pointing at the two, Chen Yu smiled disdainfully.

"If one-to-one, you are in front of me, but garbage, I will kill you like a dog!"

Su Feng and Bao Tie were instantly red, but then they smiled coldly.

"Boy, I admit that we looked away, but you want to use the radical method? Oh, do you think we will be fooled? We won't give you another chance. Today, this is your graveyard!

Su Feng said.

Chen Yu smiled and looked cold.

"You have misunderstood one thing. I am not using the radical method. I just state one more fact. In addition, I want to say ..."

After a pause, Chen Yu gave the two people a thumbs up, then turned 180 degrees, and poked down severely.

"Even if you go together, you are still garbage."


Su Feng and bursting iron suddenly became furious!

"Boy, you look for death! Kill!"


Almost at the same time, the two slammed on the ground, like a meteor, and rushed over!

"let me help you!"

Canghai immediately said.

"Women! Stay and watch, don't drag me down!"

After a drink, Chen Yu rushed out!

There was a shock in the sea, and Chen Yu looked a little surprised.

Are you a drag?

But at the same time, there is a strange feeling in Canghai's heart. This feeling of protection is so strange, yet so warm.

Seems not bad?

Asshole guy! Canghai thought.

And at this moment, Chen Yu has already rushed out!

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