have eaten!

Hearing this, Chen Yu froze. He naturally knew what the sea meant!

But never imagined that the sea would choose this time!

"I know, there are other people in your heart, I have seen your eyes missed many times. But I don't care! I want to give myself to you!"

The sea bit her lip, her face crimson.

"Canghai, calm down! Shall we say it later?"

Chen Yu said, trying to stabilize the sea. Now he has lost his strength after such a war. Although the sea is injured, it is easy to subdue Chen Yu now.

"Don't do it later! Don't think that I don't know what your idea is! Now is your weakest time. I don't take advantage of the fact that I'm sleeping with you now. Where can I go?"

On Chen Yu's head, several black bars suddenly appeared.

I never expected that you would be such a sea! I helped you regain the position of Beast Emperor, and you are in danger!

Just thinking of this dangerous way, Chen Yu couldn't get angry.

"I treat you as a friend, but you want to sleep with me?"

Chen Yu said, thinking of a sentence on the earth. When he heard this sentence before, he just laughed and laughed at it as a joke, but never expected that one day, this kind of thing would happen On him!

Sure enough, although the transfiguration has become a human form, the sea is essentially a fierce beast. The way of thinking is more daring than the human race. Once identified, it is like a flame.

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Canghai's face turned red, and then she snorted coldly, and deliberately frowned.

"You all know I treat you as a friend, but you haven't even come to sleep with me? Instead, you want me to do it?"


Chen Yu's eyes widened, and she looked at the sea in solitude. Can you blame yourself for this?

In the middle of surprise, Canghai had already fallen on Chen Yu's body, tearing off Chen Yu's clothes, and biting Chen Yu's shoulder fiercely.

A gentle and creamy feeling appeared on Chen Yu's chest, and the amazing elasticity made Chen Yu startled. Even if he is, he has to admit that the sea is so expected!

"Hum, even if I can't get your heart, I want to get your people, and let you always have a place in my heart!"

"Wait! I'm almost out of power now, and I'll say it later."

Chen Yu also wants to stop the sea.

"Well, I don't need you to move, I'll do it myself!"

The sea murmured, biting her lips, and gently and carefully sat up, because this was the first time she had such an experience, Xiumei could not help frowning!

. . . . . .

Outside the room, Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan stood at the door, looking curious.

"Gold isn't changing, why do you say Cang Hai was so anxious to pull Chen Yu into the room?"

Dong Lan asked, Jin Buchang shook his head.

"I do n’t know, is it because the poison in the sea has reappeared? Not good! Brother Yu is so weak now, how could he still have the strength to cure the sea? This guy is really messy! I want to go in and stop them ! "

With that said, Kim would rush in without changing!


There was a sudden whisper in the room, a strange gasp.

Jin Buchang's hand froze in mid-air for a moment, widened his eyes, and stared at the door in front of him. His face was unusually complex, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help it.

Neh, Nima! This, isn't it!

Just now, what did you hear? impossible! I absolutely heard it wrong!

Jin Buchang shook his head and was shocked by his own thoughts.

Brother Yu! That's the Beast Emperor! You, don't. . .


A soft whisper was passed out again, making Jin Buhuan shudder.

That's right! There is absolutely nothing wrong!

This voice, he was in the blue building before, don't hear too much!

"I, my Cao! It's so hot! It's so **** awesome! If the people in the academy knew that this happened to Yuge and the Beast Emperor, wouldn't it be a fry pan!"

Jin Buchang only felt that his gossip heart had burned wildly!

"Jin, Jin doesn't change, what are they doing?"

Dong Lan's face was ashamed. Although she didn't know what was going on, she heard this voice and didn't know why. She instinctively felt a little shy and a little hot.

"Um, they're in-depth communication and exchange! Um, that's right! Hey, that's communication and exchange !!!"

Gold didn't change for a low price.

"Communicate? Communicate?"

Donglan was a little dazed. Heaven shows pity. Donglan has been practicing since she was a child. She did not understand all the things between men and women, and naturally did not understand the meaning of Jin Buhuan.

"You want to know?"

Jin Buhuan looked at Dong Lan and said with a smile.


Donglan was curious.

"All right, let me tell you, hehe."

Pulling up Dong Lan's hand, Jin didn't change his eyebrows and flew directly from here.

The day is long but short.

When the next morning, everything calmed down.

The sea curled up like a kitten, lying on the bed. In the sea at this moment, two cat ears on the head are exposed, and a soft cat tail is also set aside.

The body of the sea is exactly the king of the beast mountain range, the red sky fantasy cat!

Chen Yu stood up from the bed, looked at the sea, and looked at the little blood on the bed, her complexion was extremely complex.

He had no idea that the sea yesterday was so wild! It's almost like a blaze of flames. I want to completely burn them out!

Chen Yu several times wanted to find opportunities to take elixir, restore physical strength, and stop all this, but Canghai did not give him any chance.

After all, Canghai was originally a superpower with half-step condensed spirit! Even after being poisoned, the strength also has a condensed state, which is much better than Chen Yu.

Hey, I didn't expect that I would have such a day.

Chen Yu sighed, very helpless.

Unexpectedly, for the first time since I was born again, I was at a loss.

It was just a loss, he couldn't hate it.

"Oh, my waist ..."

At this moment, the sea has also woke up, covering his waist, and frowning slightly.

Then she sat up and looked at Chen Yu's face with coquettishness and flattery.

In the room, he fell into a weird silence for a while.

"Yesterday, you were amazing ..."

Cang Hai bowed her head and played with her hair, her face blushing.

Chen Yu frowned fiercely before sighing deeply.

"The sea, between us ..."

"You needn't say anything!"

The sea interrupted Chen Yu.

"I don't need you to take responsibility. I like you, it has nothing to do with you." Cang Hai's voice was a little trembling.

After passion, you always have to face reality, don't you?

Chen Yu was silent.

Just then, knocks came across the door.

At the same time, Aotian Cong also came outside the burial beast valley!

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