Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1244: King of Beasts

"Haha, Brother Yu, how was it last night? Is your waist still able to bear it?"

When the door was opened, a brisk sound sounded.

When I saw Jin Buhuan's red face, the whole person was full of spirits, holding Donglan's waist, and looking proud.

And Dong Lan, it is obvious that there is a trace of shyness, not too afraid to look down at Chen Yu.

Yesterday, she was ignorant and was exchanged by Jin Bubu. . .

Seeing the two of them look like this, Chen Yu froze, then looked very strange. I didn't expect the speed of gold not to change, so fast!

"Fat! What the **** are you talking about! Believe me or not, tear your mouth?"

The sea has been dressed for a long time, and smiled and said, not mentioning everything that happened yesterday.

Chen Yu knew clearly that this was deliberately done by Canghai, just to make him forget what happened yesterday.

How hard is this?

Chen Yu shook her head.

They chatted a few words, and Canghai said, "Yes, what are you doing this time in the Funeral Beast Valley?"

Chen Yu thought for a while and said, "I'm here for the sake of the beast emperor."

King of Beasts!

Hearing the word, the sea froze, then shook his head.

"What? Can't I?"

Chen Yu frowned, and Canghai waved his hands in a hurry.

"No, it's just the beast emperor's saliva, but in the deepest beast grave in the burial beast valley. To open the beast grave, I need a key! I kept this key all the time. Since After I was poisoned, the keys were taken by them. "

"I later learned that the key was given to a human named Aotian Cong!"

Aotian from!

Hearing this name, Chen Yu froze, and never expected that the key would give Aotian Cong?

"Why?" Chen Yu was puzzled. He really couldn't understand why Aotian Cong would have something to do with Su Feng.

"I also learned about these things later. The origin of Aotian is amazing! It is one of the four heir candidates for the family of the hidden family in Hundred Domains! Su Feng also knew this. Wanting to have a relationship with the Ao family, this gave the key to Ao Tiancong. Expressing sincerity. In contrast, Aotian Cong promised that he would give Su Feng full support, including resources and exercises. "

After hearing this, Chen Yu understood, what's the scariest animal? It ’s training resources and exercises!

After all, the beast is good at the flesh, but there are not many exercises suitable for the beast to practice.

As a hidden family, there should be a lot of exercises like Aojia.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that he would be here when invited by Gong Nian this time.

But then he frowned.

Aotian Cong, why did you and Gong Nian agree to a duel here? It stands to reason that with the status of Aotian Cong, it would be simpler to ask Su Feng for their beast emperor saliva. Why bother?

Also, does Gong Nian know all this?

Shaking his head, Chen Yu no longer thinks about it. Right now, the most important thing is to find Aotian Cong and get the key to the beast grave.

. . . . . .

Outside the burial beast valley, Aotian stood there silently, without a word. Beside him, Wu Changkong looked down like a follower.

"President, based on your relationship with Su Feng, you can directly get the beast emperor saliva, why should you use this as a bait to let Gong Nian come here?"

Wu Changkong is puzzled.

Aotian smiled coldly and said, "What do you know? Although the beast emperor saliva is extremely precious, there are only a few places that can be used. For me, it is not very useful, but Gong Nianhe, this woman, I'm very interested. Who can think that Gong Nian's body has Jiu Yin Xuan Qi? "

"What! Jiuyin Xuanqi! Isn't this what Aojie Juebai needs most?"

Wu Changkong shouted.

Others don't know. He Wuchangkong already knew Aotian Cong's identity, and he even took refuge in Aotian's house. Now when he heard Aotian Cong's words, he was shocked.

Pride tactics, but the strongest peerless school, but also the most difficult to learn, because in the later period, Pride tactics are really overbearing, you must use Jiu Yin Xuan Qi as the adjustment to be able to Yin and Yang phase Ji, a breakthrough!

"His, President, don't you think!" Wu Changkong was shocked, and seemed to think of something.

Aotian nodded.

"In the college, Gong Nian has a strong background. I want to get her. It is impossible, but here?"

With a cold smile, Aotian's eyes burst into a strong ambition!

"A beast emperor is here to fight me. Gong Nian is inevitable! Her physical body and her Jiu Yin Xuan Qi will be mine!"

Fisting his fist fiercely, Aotian smiled from the corner of his mouth.

In the eyes of Wu Changkong, a strong look of envy emerged.

That ’s Gong Nian! In the college, is a well-deserved goddess! High above. How many people don't even have the courage to raise evil thoughts about her. After all, her status is really too high!

But now here, Gong Nian is going to be won by Aotian Cong?

Is the goddess above all finally being crushed underneath?

At the thought of this, Wu Changkong could feel an evil fire rising from his lower abdomen.

"Let's go, go into the valley!"

The two walked directly into the Valley of the Burial Beasts. The place where they fought was at the mouth of Taniguchi, and the original location of Su Feng was at the deepest part of the Valley of the Burial Beasts, and they were still far away.

As soon as they entered the valley, the two stopped.

The sight in front of me is too horrifying! The corpse of a ferocious beast was lying on the ground, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air. A long crack spread from Taniguchi directly into the valley, and it was extremely horrifying.

All these were left over before Chen Yu, Su Feng, and the iron blast war.

But all this, Aotian never knew.

At this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, full of shock.

"Chairman, here, what the **** is going on here? This scene is too scary!"

Wu Changkong stunned and opened his mouth. The dead beast here could see that it was extremely scary.

"I heard that before Su Feng, there was another beast emperor here. I am afraid that after the beast emperor got it back, they fought against Su Feng and they had such a scene."

Looking at the foreground, Aotian Conglian felt with regret.

"I heard that the Beast Emperor has been poisoned and whose power has been greatly damaged, but I didn't expect to be able to kill so fiercely. It is really horrible. The power of the beast is really powerful! Far from being comparable to our people

Aotian said from the beginning, but he didn't know that the beast emperor he was feeling was actually created by Chen Yu!

At this moment, Aotian raised a brow and looked at the entrance.

"Gong Nian is here?"

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