For a while, all eyes gathered on Sun Ao's body, and everyone's face was full of strange looks.

Someone even sighed softly and sympathized with Sun Ao.

Originally today, but Sun Ao's great opportunity to become famous, but now?

Jin didn't change the three, and he snatched all the limelight in the past. At the moment, Sun Ao, if he didn't take the initiative to speak, almost no one could remember.

"Brother! I never believe that they can surpass you!"

Li Hong stood aside, her fists tight.

Sun Ao glanced at the three Chen Yu and smiled coldly, "I want to know, where did you get these magic cores?"

Kim didn't change his brow and said, "Where do I need to tell you? The freshman, there is no rule, you must tell the source of the magic core."

Sun Ao shook his head, picked up a magic core from the ground, and said, "Although there is no requirement, I suspect that these are simply not obtained by you through normal channels! Many of these magic cores were condensed into a small state Fierce beasts! How could you kill these fierce beasts with your strength? "

Everyone froze, and then looked at it carefully, then all whispered.

Not bad!

Among the many magic cores here, many are the magic cores that condense the little real monsters! On the outskirts of the Cangshou Mountains, it is very difficult for a fierce beast to condense in his mind to appear, let alone there are so many?

Guo Tao raised a brow and walked to the three magic core hills, with a strange look in his eyes.

The cores of these beasts are not only of high quality, but also by careful observation, the age of these cores is very long. It seems that the owners of these cores have been dead for a long time.

"Where did you get these magic cores?"

Guo Tao frowned.

Chen Yu said indifferently: "Take it from the Beast Emperor in the Burial Beast Valley."


After hearing this, the crowd froze, and then all laughed.

Beast Emperor!

What kind of existence it is, let alone them, even the dean of Baiyu College, it is very difficult to see it, but the strong man standing at the top!

Chen Yu dare to say that these magic cores were taken from the Beast Emperor?

How could this happen?

Guo Tao's face fell suddenly! In his opinion, the reason why Chen Yu said this is that he didn't want to tell the truth, so he deliberately said such words to perfuse himself, and now he is even more displeased with Chen Yu!

"It's nonsense, it's almost nonsense!"

Guo Tao rebuked.

Chen Yu shrugged, his face didn't matter.

"I just tell you the truth, believe it or not."

"Yeah! We really went to Funeral Beast Valley! And there were countless magic cores! Beast Emperor let us take it casually, and you are welcome, and finally sent us out of Funeral Beast Valley!"

Kim didn't change it, but in exchange, it was just a bigger laugh of everyone.

"Really, don't you just want us to know how you got it? As for telling such unrealistic lies?"

"Yeah, I know you must have dug up some relics, so you have made so many magic cores. Speaking of which, your luck is really good. It is indeed a king of luck."

"Hey, envy, we only got so many magic cores out of our lives. We didn't expect that you could get so many magic cores casually, but this was not achieved by your own strength. What do you mean? "

The crowd began.

Sun Ao smiled coldly and said, "Oh, just by luck, you can't go far."

Li Hong sneered and said, "Yes! The freshman, this is to test the strength of the new students. Elder Guo, I think these magic cores do not represent their strength, and they should cancel the results."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

. . . . . .

Hearing Li Hong's words, everyone echoed.


Guo Tao hesitated and hesitated. After all, according to the rules, the result is only determined by the number of magic cores, and there is no requirement for how these magic cores come.

But Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan came up with so many magic cores, which was really incredible and could not reflect their true strength.

So Guo Tao hesitated.

"Huh! Presumptuous! The rules set by the college, do you change it if you say it?"

Suddenly, a loud roar rang, so that all the people who had just been clamoring all jumped heartily!

Yin Shanqing spoke!

Many students saw Yin Shanqing opening her mouth, and immediately her heart was tight.

"Ms. Yin, Chen Yu and Jin Buhui are your students. We all know your current situation. I don't think you have the qualifications to say such things."

Sun Ao looked at Yin Shanqing and said coldly.

"My strength? Why, you want to try?"

Yin Shanqing's eyes were cold, and there was a trace of anger in her eyes. Was her dignified teacher challenged by a student?

Sun Ao smiled and said, "Yes! I really want to try it! Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan, I don't think they are qualified to compare with me, but you? Hehe, maybe it will make me slightly happy! If I am lucky If you win a half way, Chen Yu's results will be invalidated. What do you think? "


Everyone was shocked, eyes widened, and looked at Sun Ao.

This is really domineering! How dare you challenge Yin Shanqing? For a while, all the attention was focused on Sun Ao!

Jun stranger and Gu Yan were all frowning. They looked at Sun Ao by accident. This Sun Ao was very confident?

Sun Ao has both hands, his head high, full of confidence and pride.

That's right! His Sun Ao should be the focus of everyone! What Chen Yu and Jin didn't change and wanted to grab his limelight? It's just dreaming!

After your teachers have been defeated by me, what other faces do you think you have to become the first?

Sun Ao thought in this way that Chen Yu and Jin did not change. In his eyes, it was just luck, it was not worth him to do it at all! As long as Yin Shanqing is defeated, then he is the well-deserved first place!

As for Yin Shanqing's strength?

He knows it, too. And most of the time, it is not very good, so he has not always looked down on Yin Shanqing, even if Yin Shanqing won Jun stranger and Gu Yan before, in his eyes it is because of good luck.

But today?

He doesn't think Yin Shanqing's luck is still so good!

"Proud brother! Come on! You can do it!" Li Hong shouted excitedly, defiantly glancing at Chen Yu and Jin Buhua.

Seeing that, my proud brother, does not challenge you, but directly finds your teacher!

"Idiot ..." Jin Buhuan glanced at Sun Ao and said with some sympathy.

Chen Yu also shook her head and looked at this scene with interest.

"Mr. Yin, how about it, do you dare?" Sun Ao said lightly.

Yin Shanqing smiled, her smile was cold.

"Yes, but I start, it's a bit heavy. Are you ready to go to the clinic?"

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