In a word, the whole scene suddenly became very tense.

Everyone held their breath, their eyes couldn't turn, after all, the students challenged the teacher, and it was under such circumstances that they could not always be seen.

"How do you think Sun Ao has a chance to win?"

Gu Yan looked at Jun strangely, and whispered.

Jun stranger frowned.

"It's hard to say. This Sun Ao was hidden in the mountains and hidden from the water before, but this time it suddenly broke out and made so many magic cores. Presumably he was planning and wanted a long time ago. In this newcomer comparison, it has become a prosperous figure! And with so many magic cores, its strength is probably far above He Hui and Li Changfeng! "

"And Yin Shanqing? We all know her health, sometimes good and bad, the last time we had bad luck, just in time for her recovery, but I don't believe that Yin Shanqing has such good luck every time, maybe today Yin Shanqing's strength is still insufficient! I think that Sun Ao's odds may be more than 80%! "

Gu Yan changed his face and nodded. There was also a look of expectation in his eyes.

If Sun Ao can really win, then Chen Yu, a few people, can really become a joke!

"Oh, Teacher Yin, don't show mercy under your hands, I also want to see, how strong are you?"

Sun Ao provoked, "I'm welcome, I'll shoot first!"

His eyes flickered, and Sun Ao started suddenly. The entire body suddenly burst into a thick green smoke, and these smoke turned into a variety of weapons. With Sun Ao, it slammed into Yin Shanqing.

"This boy turned out to be Xiaocheng's cultivation! No wonder he can get so many magic cores!"

Guo Tao's complexion changed, and he said in shock.

Concentrate on God!

This is definitely the first place in the new life! Even those teachers are only of this grade.

"No wonder this guy dared to challenge Yin Shanqing. It turns out that his strength has reached the point where he can condense his soul! This strength, in the freshman, is simply terror!"

Jun's strange eyes flickered, shocking.

Many students exclaimed, eyes widened. This kind of strength, even if it is their teacher!

Peerless Sinister!

For a while, these four words appeared in the hearts of everyone!

To the crowd's reaction, Li Hong had a panoramic view and looked extremely proud.

Ha ha, Qian Qian out of the abyss, the world is shocked, proud brother, let them see it, your invincible style!

Thinking about it that way, Li Hong glanced at Jin Buhuan and Chen Yu, and suddenly hesitated.

When I saw Jin Buhuan's face, there was a scornful smile?

"Small rubbish, condensed into a small state, dare to challenge our teacher? Find death."

Jin does not change the corner of his mouth, full of disdain.

How is this going? These two guys are not worried at all?

Li Hong just had this thought in his heart, and a scream made Li Hong's heart startle.

Looking around, Li Hong's pupils suddenly shrank!

The awe-inspiring Sun Ao just now suddenly made a terrible cry, and the whole person flew out! Opposite Sun Ao, Yin Shanqing stood there, raised a palm, and didn't move even a half step.

"This is impossible!"

Li Hong shouted, full of shock.

Sun Ao even shook his mind, widened his eyes, and looked at Yin Shanqing stubbornly, his mind was confused.

How could this be? I am a self-confidence of Xiaocheng! Even if Yin Shanqing's strength recovers, it's impossible to fly away with one hand?

"Come to challenge me with this strength? Who gives you courage? Give me a kneel!"

Yin Shanqing smiled coldly, Lianbu shifted lightly, and caught up with Sun Ao in an instant. At the same time, he raised his palm and pressed down hard!

"not good!"

Sun Ao's eyes flashed, his heart sank, and he roared, and his palms shot up suddenly, trying to resist Yin Shanqing's attack.

But useless!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yin Shanqing's mouth, and the five fingers trembled fiercely, and everyone saw a huge palm phantom, which appeared on top of Sun Ao's head and smashed it down!

"Do not!"

Sun Ao shouted, using all his strength to resist, but at the moment when they just touched each other, a huge force that could not be resisted fell directly and severely.

Sun Ao immediately coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's knees were soft, and they were directly photographed in the ground!


The dust rose, everyone looked, and the pupils shrank.

At this moment Sun Ao, the whole person was embedded in the ground, his two arms were twisted irregularly, and he was directly broken. His shirt was directly broken, which was miserable.

one move!

Sun Ao was defeated directly!

"I thought you were so capable, so dare to challenge me? You can't help it."

Yin Shanqing glanced at Sun Ao coldly, and spoke softly.

"This guy, why are you still in the strongest state?"

Jun stranger looked at Yin Shanqing with a complex look. At the same time he glanced at Sun Ao, full of sympathy.

Sun Ao is very strong. Among the freshmen, he is definitely top-notch, even if placed in this college, he can rank on the top, but in front of the strongest Yin Shanqing, it is not enough to look at!

Has Yin Shanqing recovered?

At this moment, Jun strange suddenly thought so.

Li Hong rushed to Sun Ao's side, anxiously looking.

Yin Shanqing glanced at Li Hong before she said, "Elder Guo, take this kid to the treatment center. It's too shameful here."

Taking a deep look at Yin Shanqing, Guo Tao suppressed the shock in his heart and nodded, "Send Sun Ao to the treatment center."

Suddenly, someone left Sun Ao directly.

"Well, now I announce that the first three new students are Chen Yu, Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan!"

In a word, everyone's gaze was fixed. Looking at the three Chen Yu, their eyes were full of envy.

so good! Is this the luck of the King of Luck? Nima has dug into the magic core pit, can get so many magic cores, and Yin Shanqing can also be used as a backer to suppress all dissatisfaction, now everyone is envious.

Chen Yu looked indifferent and didn't care.

No. 1 is not useful to him. Anyway, the reward for new students is better than No. 1 is not useful to him, and he has also been coveted by the beast. It can be said that the purpose of freshman comparison has been achieved.

Jun stranger and Gu Yan, both looking at Chen Yu's indifferent appearance, all hated their teeth. This time, their plan failed again!

"Well? Why is this magic core like He Hui they got?"

At this moment, someone picked up a magic core on the ground, and said in surprise.


Hearing this, the eyes of Jun stranger and Gu Yan suddenly flashed!

Here comes the chance to fight back!

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