Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1263: Gong Nian, I'll send you a souvenir

Dead silence, in the entire hall, there is a dead silence, everyone in the palace family looked at Chen Yu with a shocked look in their eyes.

Among the Baiyu Alchemy Association, a new vice president was created at the time, but many people were extremely surprised, many people went to find out the news, but! President Sun Wuya directly blocked the news, and only said that in the near future, a grand banquet will be held throughout Baiyuxing, so that everyone can see the vice chairman, so Chen Yu ’s identity is not much. People know.

But among them, Sima Pengtian is one of the insiders!

What never happened was that Chen Yu would become Gong Nian's boyfriend!

Gong Nian was trembling with excitement.

Chen Yu has such an identity? You know, when she heard that a vice chairman of the Alchemy Association appeared, she worshipped it. She always hoped that she could meet these people, and now this person is Chen Yu? He has a relationship with him?

It's almost like dreaming.

"This, is it fake? How is this possible? Uncle Sima, you must be kidding me, right? This kid is just a student of Bai Yu College, how could it be the vice chairman of Bai Yu Alchemist Association?"

Gong Siqi's eyes widened and shouted.

Vice president!

What a three-word word! This status is enough to compare with the palace water! Even, it has never happened before! After all, the friendship of the alchemist, but countless people want to obtain, not to mention the friendship of a vice chairman?

"Siqi, you must be rude! Mr. Chen, indeed, is the vice chairman of my Baiyu Alchemy Association! It is a six-star second-order alchemy master! You can't offend!"

Sima Pengtian immediately scolded Gong Siqi.


Gong Siqi drew a word directly into her throat. Sima Pengtian has already said so, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

For a moment, she looked at Chen Yu, her eyes were extremely complicated!

Just now, in her eyes, Chen Yu was nothing but a student. How could it be compared with Sima Kong? Finally, once, she won the palace idea, which made her extremely happy, but how long did it take?

The plot has turned so much?

Not to mention Sima Kong, even Sima Kong's father is so respectful to Chen Yu! Even Sima Kong was forced to kneel and apologize to Chen Yu, enough to imagine that Chen Yu's position in the Baiyu Alchemy Association was by no means false! It is real, so Sima Pengtian has to be afraid!

"Why! What the **** is this! Gong Nian, why do you have to beat me in every way! Even the man you are looking for is so horrible! I am not willing, I am not willing!"

Gong Siqi clenched her fist and gritted her teeth fiercely, her eyes full of inscrutable jealousy!

Gong Yunqi and Song Qiu looked at each other, but more than Gong Siqi thought!

Vice president! Six-star second-order alchemist! And it's just this age!

What a wicked talent this is, it is difficult for such a character to appear in one hundred domains even for ten thousand years! And now, such characters have appeared in front of them!

As an alchemist, contacts are extremely horrible. After all, as long as it is cultivation, you need elixir! Especially in the later stage, the required elixir is extremely demanding!

Many strong men will even become their slaves in order to get a medicine from the alchemist! As for the vice chairman, with this status, I don't even know how many people will come to sing!

In particular, this is still such a young six-star second-order alchemist!

"If this kid doesn't die, it will definitely be the existence that shakes the entire Hundred Stars! No! I am afraid that this Hundred Years will not be able to bear him!"

Miya Yunqi's eyes were full of shock. He has even imagined the future, and Chen Yu is standing on the top!

Gong Yunfeng looked at Chen Yu blankly, then glanced at his daughter, and suddenly found that it seemed to him that he didn't hate Chen Yu so much?

"Daughter, you, your vision, how good!"

In the heart of Gong Yunfeng, such a sentence came out.

What else can I say? What other requirements for such a son-in-law? At the same time, Gong Yunfeng was also embarrassed. He just wanted to kill Chen Yu just now? If this is the case, will the Baiyu Alchemist Association fight directly with their palace families?

Sitting at the top of the palace, the flowing water was watching Chen Yu deeply, his eyes shook incomparably.

Is this your confidence? Vice President of the Alchemist Association! I didn't expect you to have such an identity!

Just now, he felt that Chen Yu was definitely not ordinary, but now, the shock that Chen Yu brought him is no longer unusual, but absolute shock!

The arrogant boy in his eyes before, now he has turned into a big brother who is on an equal footing with him! The difference between them is really too great!

Among the crowd, the most aggrieved is Sima Kong! At this moment, he was already kneeling on the ground by Sima Pengtian, kicking his fist, his teeth biting.

shame! It is simply a great shame!

Thanks to myself just now, but also want to find the trouble of Chen Yu, but now my dear, let him kneel and apologize directly!

Sima Kong's face rose like pig liver and turned red.

"Oh, Vice President Gong, I didn't expect that your granddaughter had such a relationship with our vice chairman? Congratulations!"

Sima Pengtian laughed.

The palace flowed for a moment, and his face became weird.


Nima Chen Yu would not agree at all!

Now Gong Liushui is in a difficult position. If just now, Chen Yu dare to kill him with such an attitude, but now, Chen Yu is a person at the same level as him! One that is not handled well may even cause a war between the palace family and the alchemy association! He cannot afford this consequence.

But that's it? It seems very inappropriate. Especially when looking at Gong Nian's appearance, it was obvious that Chen Yu was completely devoted.

What's more, there was that matter, and he was pressed on the body of the palace, making him even more upset. Once it is not handled well, even the entire palace family may be wiped out!

Hey, what a **** fuck!

Rao is a self-cultivation in the palace, and can't help swearing at his mother.

And at this moment, the servant who just came in and hurried in again!

"Master, master! Here comes! Here comes!"

"What's the hurry? Come here, come here. What can be panic? Say, who is here?"

Gong Liushui waved his hand suddenly, impatiently.

"She said his name was Canghai, from the Cangshou Mountains." The servant immediately said.

I was still impatient with the flowing water of the palace just now, my body suddenly trembled, my eyes widened and I yelled.

"My Cao! What are you talking about? That evil star is here !!!"

At this moment, a hearty laughter passed straight in.

"Haha, Gong Nian, I'll send you a souvenir!"

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