Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1264: what exactly is it?

A beautiful woman, holding a parcel in her hand, walked in with a smile, regardless of the situation in the hall.

"Oh? Palace water, is your old man here? Are these people your little ones?"

Seeing what it looked like in the lobby, the sea froze, then said with a smile.

Gong Liushui looked terrified, but Gong Yunfeng and Gong Yunqi stood up and looked at the sea.

"Presumptuous! Who are you, dare to pretend at my palace!"

Gong Yunfeng stood up immediately, with a look of anger.

"Brother, shoot together and win this guy! How could my palace's door come in so easily!"

Gong Yunqi also stood up, looking cold.

Today, until now, there is a anger in their chests, especially after knowing Chen Yu ’s identity, the former proud attitude is even worse than being beaten. At this time, this woman dared to be so public in their palace. If they do not take it down, what will they look like in the future?

Right now, the two are about to rush out.


A roar rang out from Gong Liushui's mouth, letting the actions of the two people immediately.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Gong Yunfeng and Gong Yunqi looked at Gong Liushui behind them, and suddenly they were caught. They found that Gong Liushui was like a big enemy, and his whole body was tight and tight. A pair of eyes stared at the sea, full of vigilance.

Why is your father like this? What is the identity of this woman?

Seeing the flowing water of the palace, they both froze.

Sima Pengtian aside, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she looked at the palace water inconceivably.

As the Deputy Dean of Baiyu College, Gong Liushui's high status can already be said to be the part of the person standing at the top. With his strength and identity, no matter what people and things are, they are very indifferent. Sima Pengtian has never seen it, the palace water is so alert.

But now!

He can feel the dread of palace water!

Yes, extremely fearful!

"Canghai, you don't stay well in your burial beast valley, why did you come to my palace house! Is it because of this freshman comparison that you are dissatisfied with our Baiyu College?"

Gong Liushui said Shen Shen, others do not know the identity of the sea, but he is very clear!

Beast Emperor of the Beast Mountains, the best! Everyone has only known that this is the supreme hegemon of the entire Beast Mountain, but who knows that her real name is the sea? !!

And this matter, the entire Bai Yuxing, but only a few people know it.

"Hehe, the palace is flowing, don't be nervous. Your new students are not like a day or two. Have I ever come to trouble you because of these things? You want to hone your students with fierce beasts, I Why not, using your students to stimulate my beast? "

With a smile on the face of the sea, the palace flowed for a moment. Then he nodded, indeed. For a long time, the freshman was more like hunting and killing beasts as a trial project, but the sea did not react, because they were using each other and sharpening each other. stone.

But now, the sea comes here, I'm afraid it's not that simple, and he mentioned Gong Nian just now? Did she come for the palace read?

Gong Liushui thought of it this way, Gong Yunfeng and others on the side were widening their eyes and looked at Gong Nian.

From the conversation just now, they already know that the identity of the sea is never simple!

"Father, she, who is she?"

Gong Yunfeng had some conjectures in his mind, but that kind of thing was too crazy, and he was not sure.

Gong Liushui sighed a long time before he said: "The one in front of you is the king of the beast mountain range, the beast emperor who lives in the burial beast valley, the sea!"


In a word, a few people were completely stuck.

sea? Beast Emperor? This woman? !!

"Me, my God!"

Song Qiu stood aside, covering her mouth, eyes widened, and looked unbelievable.

Beast Emperor!

Turned out to be the Beast Emperor!

This status, even if it is a palace, is worse than it!

Gong Yunfeng and Gong Yunqi, each with big eyes and small eyes, were horrified in their eyes. The mysterious Beast Emperor never sees the end, but lives in the burial beast valley. They never thought that one day, they would be able to see the legendary Beast Emperor here!

"I didn't expect to be the Beast Emperor. It is a great honor! If the Beast Emperor has time, he must come to my Alchemy Association as a guest."

At this moment, Sima Pengtian smiled, looking at the sea full of knotted taste.

Sima Kong and Gong Siqi both looked at the sea, and their eyes were full of admiration!

They've heard since childhood that Baixu's Beast Mountain has the Jedi Burial Beast Valley, and the Beast Emperor lives in it. There is no strong person who can offend his dignity.

It can be said that in their hearts, the Beast Emperor is synonymous with invincibility.

How high is this existence, and now they are so lucky to see real people? !!

Glancing at Sima Pengtian, the sea waved his hand impatiently, "let's talk."

Sima Pengtian nodded again and again and aside.

Sima Kong and Gong Siqi, seeing this scene, worshipped even more. In a word, he dismissed his father, and his father was so respectful enough to imagine how high the status of the sea is!

"Chen Yu, I'd like to see, in the face of this existence, can you still be as arrogant as before!"

Looking at each other, Sima Kong and Gong Siqi both had an idea in their hearts.

That is to hope that Chen Yu can conflict with the sea!

"Canghai, what are you doing here today? If it's okay, hurry back to your burial beast valley!"

At this moment, Chen Yu frowned, and waved impatiently.

"Look for death!" Sima Kong's fist suddenly tightened, and both Gong Siqi's heart rate was a lot faster. Sure enough, this guy really matched the sea! Have a good show!

"Oh, why do you say that to me?"

The sea changed a moment ago when it was proud and unrestrained, and immediately pursed his lips with a look of grievance and mercy.

I Cao!

Seeing this scene, several people all widened their eyes and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Beastly emperor, are you selling Chen Yu?

"Father, she, is she really the Beast Emperor?" Gong Yunfeng froze.

"Yeah!" Gong Liushui stared at his eyes with the same expression of aggressiveness.

As for Sima Kong and Gong Siqi, they were completely stupid, and then took a hard breath.

Could this beast emperor know Chen Yu? !! Otherwise, how could the conversation between them be so casual?

"Well, what the **** are you doing here? Hurry up."

At this moment, Chen Yu said again.

The Canghai laughed and said, "I'm here to give a souvenir to the palace. Look!"

Speaking, the sea put down the things in their hands, everyone looked at it with curiosity, and Gong Nian was the same, but the next moment, she was dumb, and her face became flushed instantly!

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