"Yes, master, Chen Yu walked out of the Ten Kills intact. According to him, it was because the Ten Kills seemed to collapse in the middle, which was unsuccessful."

The servant trembled.

"That's the case? It's no wonder, Ten Kills was ruined by Li Tianhong a lot. Although I tried to repair it, I have never used it, and I don't know how it works. I can only say that this guy's luck is really good."

The black gas calmed down and no longer fluctuated violently.

"Forget it, that Chen Yu is just a small character. When the battle for hegemony takes place, I will take care of myself and solve him. You go."

"Yes ..." The servant bowed back.

The whole room fell into silence again.

Chen Yu knew nothing of this. At the moment in the square before the Trial Hall, Jun stranger and Gu Yan were kneeling on the ground, half of their cheeks had swollen!

They both stared at each other deadly, their fists clenched, and their teeth were almost bitten!

Strange shame, this is simply shame shame!

The two of them never put Chen Yu and Jin Buhua in their eyes, but never expected that the two would bring them such a shame!

"Chen Yu, what reward did you get after you cleared this time?"

Gong Liushui asked with a smile.

"Nothing, only a volume of exercises and a panacea."

Chen Yu shrugged and said indifferently. As for the mysterious ancient picture, Chen Yu did not say it.

After taking out the exercises and elixir obtained earlier, Chen Yu threw it to the palace indifferently.

With only one glance, Gong Liushui's pupils shrank fiercely, and his hands trembled.

"Here, this thing is !!!"


Seeing the reaction of the palace flowing water, everyone looked at it with curiosity. What was it that made the palace flowing water have such a big response?

"Vice President, is this?" Guo Tao asked in confusion.

"It's the founder's Tianhong Nine Transformation Method, and Tianwang Dan !!!"

The sound of the palace water was shaking.

"What ?! Tianhong Nine Changes Gongfa, the founder, has stayed? My God, this Gongfa can reach the level of confusion!"

Exclaimed, suddenly burst out from the crowd.

In the practice world, there are differences between high and low exercises, and naturally there are upper limits.

Some exercises can only be practiced to the transcendental realm at most, while others can only be condensed into the realm of realm, like Chen Yu's Emperor Dragon Promise, which can transcend the avenue and reach the Promise level directly!

Although Baiyu College is among the top forces among Baiyu Colleges, the best exercises can only be practiced to the extreme of condensed state. It is completely impossible to break through again. This is an inherent disadvantage.

The Tianhong Nine Transformation Method is a higher-level method that can break above the condensed state! At the beginning, the founder did not pass down, everyone thought that this method would never appear again, but never imagined that this turned out to be a reward for customs clearance!

As for the other Tianwang Dan, although it is also extremely rare, it is not so prominent in the face of this practice.

"Chen Yu, you, did you give me that?"

Chen Yu nodded and said: "Of course it is, this thing, I still don't look down on it."

The facts are just as Chen Yu said. In the previous life, he was a Celestial Master. He mastered the exercises, which is much better than that of the Rainbow Hongjiu. Not to mention that now he is also the Emperor Dragon Promise. Not catchy.

It's like you eat a full table every day, and occasionally tell you that Xiaomi porridge is the most delicious on earth, you are naturally not used to eating.

But when everyone heard this sentence, it was an uproar.

It's crazy! This is really crazy!

How many people have dreamed of the founder's methods, and some even went to the library building or abandoned warehouse in the college to try their luck. Imagine that one day, they can find the invincible power left by the founder. Law, flying from sky to sky.

But in the eyes of Chen Yu, they saw dislike!

The gap between them is really too big.

But after a while, everyone shook his head and smiled bitterly. Being able to break through the tenth house of the Temple of Trial does have such capital arrogance.

"What are you going to do with this thing?" Gong Liushui asked.

Chen Yu spread his hand.

"It's up to you to handle it, but no matter who you give it to, you must also give Jin Buhuan a pass."

Jin Bu changed his body and looked at Chen Yu, shocked in his eyes, then he began to cry.

"My Cao, Brother Yu, you are really my brother. I think of this kind of thing for my brother. I will never die if I go to the sword and fire in the mountains! Even if I go to find a lady, I will not rob you, let You pick first! "

Above Chen Yu's forehead, a black line suddenly appeared. On the side of Donglan, he twisted the gold and did not change the fat on his waist.

Above the square, everyone looked at Jin Buhua's eyes, full of envy. Who would have thought that this fat man who had come in through relationships only recognized Chen Yu as his elder brother, and now he has found the founder's method?

In the future, it is almost conceivable that even if Jin does not change his qualifications, even if he has such a skill in hand, as long as it takes time, he will definitely become a master.

So envious, so jealous.

A few people in Rentai are weird and inexplicable, but some want to be Chen Yu's younger brother?

No no no! We are personal disciples, and we must hold on, hold on!

After a while. . .

Fuck, can't hold it anymore, I want to be Chen Yu's younger brother!

All eight disciples were howling. Although in their hearts, Chen Yu's current strength is not as good as them, but in the future, they must be able to surpass them, so everyone can't help it.

But in the end, the eight people's skins were still a little thin and didn't say much.

"Chen Yu, you won, it was my Wei Zishan who was wrong, and I apologize to you." Wei Zishan arched his hands at Chen Yu and said, bowing his head.

"Before you were trapped in ten kills, Wei Zishan also tried his best to save you." Gong Liushui explained.

Chen Yu nodded and said nothing.

"Let's go, I want to ask you something." Along with Gong Liushui, several people left directly from the square.

The trial of the temple has passed, and all the people gathered here are slowly dispersed, except that everyone's face still has a strong look of excitement, even if they are chatting, their faces are flushed and red. one slice. These things that happened today are enough for them to discuss for a long time.

It's just that when everyone leaves, they will look at Jun stranger Gu Gu who kneels on the square intentionally or unintentionally, and make a slight smile.

The crowd cleared, Jun stranger and Gu Yan kneeling on the ground, his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Chen Yu, little hybrid! I want you to die! I want you to die !!!"

On the foreheads of the two men, blue tendons exploded.

"Oh, guys, do you want revenge?" A faint voice passed over, and the other two fluttered, and when they saw it, their eyes widened suddenly, "Is it you ?!"

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