Jun stranger and Gu Yan saw everyone look surprised.

They never expected that this person would say such a thing to them.

"Come with me. The master wants to see you."

The man said lightly.

The two of them stunned and said, "But we lost the bet, and the palace running water made us kneel here. He is the vice president. If we violate his meaning, we can ..."

"House water?"

The man smiled slightly, his expression very disdainful.

"Whether the river is flowing, what is it in front of my master? Let's go. With my master, he can't bully you."

Jun strangers looked at each other and nodded together.

Anyway, the reputation of the two of them is completely stinky, and many seniors do not like them very much. The road now is the only way!

At the moment, the two stood up without any hesitation, followed them, and left the square.

On the other side, Chen Yu and Gong Liushui were in the living room, shielding everyone.

"What's wrong? What do you do?"

Gong Liushui asked.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Do you know, who can control the ten kills in the trial palace?"

Gong Liushui was stunned, and then suddenly surprised.

"You mean, the Ten Kills were artificially started!"

"Yes, it was started by man." Chen Yu said, "He had found signs of activation in the Temple of Trials before."

Gong Liushui's complexion immediately gloomed down. Everyone thought that it was because Chen Yu broke through the tenth house, which touched the ten kills, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Someone wants to kill Chen Yu!

After thinking for a long time, Gong Liushui shook his head.

"When the Ten Kills were set up, they were destroyed by the founders and no one could start."


Chen Yu frowned. Her judgment would never be wrong, but no one could start? Why is that?

"However, the former Dean Huang Hongfeng has entered the Trial Hall and stayed there for a long time."

At this moment, Gong Liushui seemed to think of something, and suddenly spoke. But after saying this, Gong Liushui took a sip of air.

Is Huang Hongfeng going to kill Chen Yu?

Dean Huang Hongfeng?

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed.

Gong Liushui nodded and said, "Yes, Huang Hongfeng hasn't appeared for a long time in Baiyu College. Only me and another deputy dean Fang Zijin are in charge of the overall situation. Not long ago, Fang Zijin went out to travel I haven't returned yet. So now, I am almost in the whole college. "

"But how can it be? Lord Dean, he will never do anything to you. There is absolutely no reason for this."

Gong Liushui looked puzzled and shocked.

"Ignore him for the time being. After the battle for hegemony, I will meet with the dean, and see you again. At that time ..."

Chen Yu looked cold.

Gong Liushui shivered, eyes wide and said, "Do you think!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly, "If it weren't for him, nothing would happen, but if he was, then he wouldn't have to live."

In the room, suddenly fell into silence. Gong Liushui naturally knows how powerful Chen Yu's personality is. It is okay not to provoke him. Once he provokes it, it is an endless situation.

Dean, I hope you are not involved.

Gong Liushui sighed in his heart.

In the other room, Jun stranger and Gu Yan, looking at the person in front of them, were confused.

Because in front of them is the Dean, Huang Hongfeng!

But at the moment, Huang Hongfeng had a huge gap with Huang Hongfeng in their impression. At this time, Huang Hongfeng was surging with black mist around his body, like a tentacle, exuding a strong sense of evil and silence.

"pretty shocked?"

Huang Hongfeng smiled faintly. All the black mist suddenly flowed back into his body. The appearance of a fairy-like bone appeared in front of the two.

"Court, dean, you, how are you?"

Jun's unfamiliar speech stuttered, and a cold air came out in his heart. In front of Huang Hongfeng now, he felt deep fear.

"Oh, don't be surprised, I just accidentally got a step against the sky, and I haven't practiced successfully, so I will have such a performance."

"I already know what happened in the square before. Chen Yu is too arrogant and too wicked. I am afraid that after ten years, you two should kneel down when you see him."


What Huang Hongfeng said was what the two were most worried about. Once Chen Yu grew up, the two of them would never have any chance of turning over again.

"Now, I give you a chance to become my subordinates, to do things for me, I will give you better techniques than Tianhong Nine! I will also let you, be superior, and let you kill Chen Yu, how? "

Huang Hongfeng said, took out two volumes of ancient books from the ring, and threw them in front of them.

The two looked suspiciously, and they still didn't believe Huang Hongfeng's words. After all, the rainbow nine changes are arguably the most top-level exercises. How can you surpass two volumes at will?

But at the next moment, the hands of both men shivered involuntarily, their faces became pale, and even a large swath of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"Oh, how is this compared to the Rainbow Nine Changes?" Huang Hongfeng smiled, very confident.

how is it?

What else! With the eyesight of the two, they immediately saw it. Huang Junfeng's exercises for the two were really against the sky! Absolutely can directly reach the top of Ning Shen!

However, this is not the method of human race! It's alien!

The dean of Baiyu College unexpectedly came up with an alien practice! What an incredible thing!

"You, you, you are, interracial ?!"

Jun strange said with trembling.

"Interracial? Oh, as long as you have great power, what kind of race do you care about? What national justice, what is wrong and wrong, those are just false things. Your vision is too small."

"The opportunity is now in front of you, depending on whether you can grasp it. Submit to me, or die!"

Huang Hongfeng said indifferently.

The two shocked, looked at each other, gritted their teeth hard, and their knees softened, and they slammed on each other, and they fell on their knees!

"Master, I wait for submission!"

Huang Hongfeng laughed, and suddenly two black mists appeared in his body, which were severely stuck in the hearts of the two, and then the breath of the two skyrocketed, and the eyes became dark for an instant. It took more than ten seconds. This is back to normal.

"Hehehehe, go, go to the scene of hegemony, and wait for my order."

Jun stranger and Gu Yan picked up the exercises and left directly.

"Master, why do you care so much about hegemony?" The servant asked.

Huang Hongfeng smiled slightly.

"Because the earth and that secret are there!"

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