Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1289: The martial arts battle begins!

Winged stuff!

As soon as Chen Yu said this, the scene was silent.

"You, what did you say?"

Song Ting's eyes widened and she looked at Chen Yu without any reaction.

In fact, no one has ever said that about her. Anyone who has seen herself in the past has praised her wings, and Song Ting is even more proud of it. No one has ever been so disrespectful to herself.

Especially among the Tianyu tribe, female wings are more attractive than their chests and thighs. Chen Yu's words are tantamount to saying that this chestless and ass-like thing looks so ugly, who is it?

So much so that Song Ting stayed completely. Later, I saw that Song Ting's wings began to tremble, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, full of anger!

Song Ting, already angry!


Ren Tai and others had a fierce jump in their hearts, and his face changed immediately. Song Ting's strength is the top Tianjiao in the whole hundred domains! It is on the same level as Liu Bei and Ren Tai.

Moreover, because Song Ting is a person of the Tianyu tribe, she is extremely talented, and based on the strongest kendo of the Tiannian Sword Palace, combined with her racial talents, she created her own 10,000-strength flying sword. Known as the contemporary head of the Tiannian Sword Palace, the most promising way to break through the condensed state!

With the strength of Chen Yu now, this kind of existence is intrigued.

A sudden flash, Ren Tai stood in front of Chen Yu, coldly staring at Song Ting.

"Song Ting, what do you want to do ?! Don't forget, this is a dinner hosted by the Alchemy Association, dare to start here, you must weigh the consequences!"

Yan Bao and others also came to Ren Tai's side, blocking Chen Yu behind him.

Chen Yu looked at the others, raised a brow, and smiled slightly. Although he didn't need protection, these people were not bad. Even if they had conflicts with each other in the college, they could come forward and protect him when they met outsiders.

After hearing Ren Tai's words, Song Ting's wings calmed down again, but she looked coldly in the eyes of Chen Yu.

"Today is the dinner of the Alchemy Association. I won't do it, but I'll wait to see the martial arts. I'd like to see if you can hide from it!"

The words came to an end, Liu Bei, San Deng, Feng Sudong and others all came over and looked at Ren Tai and others, all laughing, with a slight contempt in their smiles.

Behind the four, Tianjiao of many other forces also came over. Everyone's mouth had a faint smile, full of fun.

"Oh, I hope this performance of the martial arts war, you Baiyu College, do not become a joke again."

After speaking, these talents slowly dispersed. The faces of Rentai and others were all cloudy, fists clenched, and there was a strong anger.

"Joke? What's going on?"

Chen Yu asked curiously.

Rentai's fist was weak and he sighed and explained.

"Bai Yu College was previously the most powerful force in the entire Bai Yu. But in the last few hegemonies, the results of our Bai Yu College were the bottom of the five major forces. And the last time, it was the worst ever! "

Speaking of which, Yan Bao's face became unsightly.

"Last time, we at Baiyu College ranked only 25th in the battle for hegemony! And all of this is because these four forces are playing tricks! They combined many other forces to suppress our Baiyu College and made us The decline in performance has become a laughing stock for everyone. "


"Why do they suppress Baiyu College?" Chen Yu asked.

"Big schemes, our Bai Yu College is the biggest force in the entire Bai Yu! It has always been a hegemonic position, so that all the major forces can't afford to raise their heads. Naturally, they have become the target of criticism."

At the words of Ren Tai, Chen Yu understood.

"And in the last few hegemonies, we did not have any special genius at Baiyu College, and the other four forces are newcomers. This time, Song Ting and others have heard that they have surpassed the previous generation. The people who are fighting for the hegemony are very powerful! This time, I heard that the four major forces are even letting go, and we are to drive us out of the top 30. This time, we are in big trouble. "

Looking at Chen Yu, Ren Tai shook his head.

"Although you are very talented, for now, you are not strong enough to challenge them. Just now, you are too impulsive."

Chen Yu shrugged, his face didn't matter.

"If that's the case, then this time, I'll take the first place. As for Song Ting? Hehe, when there will be a martial arts battle, they will cry very rhythmically."


Everyone was surprised when they saw Chen Yu.

Ren Tai shook his head again. Chen Yu, really young and frivolous.

"During the battle of martial arts, it is not allowed to exert all efforts, otherwise it will be disqualified from participating in the hegemony."

"How does that compare?" Chen Yu asked in confusion.

"In the battle of martial arts, someone will host the battle of martial arts, he will ask questions, anyone can challenge, everyone is based on their own exercises, judged by the questioner."

"The topic is mainly to test the mastery of the true power in the body. If someone wants to compete with other people in other aspects, they can also come up with various methods such as alchemy, runes, formations, and exercises.

"But no matter what, during the battle of martial arts, no one will be allowed to fight each other directly. This is an iron rule set by the Baiyu Alchemy Association, and no one dares to violate it."

Is that so?

Chen Yu nodded. This method is indeed very elegant, and it can also see the strength of the other party from it. After all, this is a dinner. If it was really a fight and kill, what happened is not what the Baiyu Alchemist Association wants. See the results.

The entire banquet is still going on, and everyone's face is getting more and more anticipation.

Because the battle of martial arts is about to begin!

"You said, who can win this battle of martial arts?" Someone asked.

"I think it's Song Ting. Her Wan Fei Fei Huang Sword is extremely powerful, and she definitely has the power!"

"I think it's Liu Bei. Don't forget, he was a boxer, but he was injured even after being appointed to Taiwan."

"No, I think it will be three lights this time. After all, he is too mysterious. No one knows what his strength is."

. . . . . .

Everyone speculated, some people even speculated that unknown little people coming out somewhere will win, but without exception, no one thinks that the people of Baiyu College can achieve the final victory!

In the eyes of everyone, Bai Yu College is not working now!


Yan Bao's face turned red, and from the words of everyone, he could see that no one was optimistic about them.

Just then, someone exclaimed.

"Look, here's the man hosting the battle!"

The crowd looked at each other, and Song Ting looked happy.

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