Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1290: Tricky exam questions

The person who came here is a middle-aged beautiful woman, dressed in elegant and luxurious clothes, is very dazzling, the most striking is that she has a pair of wings behind her, exactly like Song Ting !!

"Aunt! I didn't expect it to be you who presided over this demonstration!"

Song Tingxin rejoiced.

The visitor is not someone else, it is Song Ting's aunt, and also the alchemy wizard of the Tianyu tribe, Luo Hongfeng! Although most of the Baiyu Alchemy Association are human races, there are also many talented alchemists of other races, and Luo Hongfeng is one of them!

Luo Hongfeng smiled.

"Yeah, I've been travelling abroad before. I came back yesterday. I didn't expect to host this martial arts battle. This martial arts battle, you have to perform well. If you don't get the first, I will be fierce. Fix it for you. "

Luo Hongfeng joked halfway.

Song Ting smiled confidently: "That's natural, this time, I must be first!"

Nodded his head, Luo Hongfeng said: "The first place this time, I heard that the rewards are excellent, you can follow Master Chen, the new vice president of the Bailv Alchemist Association, to learn alchemy for three days. And if you perform well, Well, maybe Master Chen will make an elixir for you! I heard that the elixir he has made is Jiuwen! "


Hearing this, all of them jumped in their hearts, their pupils suddenly shrank, their faces shook.

Jiuwen Pill!

What a rare elixir of this medicine, even in previous battles of martial arts, has never been so attractive!

At the moment, everyone's eyes were reddish and their breathing was quick.

"Aunt rest assured, I will definitely be number one!"

Song Ting clenched his fists and said firmly.

A large number of Tianjiao, such as Liu Bei, Feng Sudong, San Deng, are all eager to try, and want to hit the throne of the first place!

"Unexpectedly, the conditions given by the Bailv Alchemist Association this time were so generous!"

Ren Tai shouted, his eyes were full of shock.

"Yes, that Master Chen is extremely mysterious, even if it was me, I only heard about it, I heard that he is a six-star second-order master alchemist! If he can learn by his side, this is really big Chance! "

The flame burst out, full of longing and longing.

Gong Nian looked at Chen Yu aside and looked very strange.

How do you know that this so-called Master Chen is right next to you?

Gong Nian didn't say much. She was very clever. Chen Yu didn't say anything. Naturally, she would not take the initiative to break the matter.

Chen Yu's face was also slightly surprised.

Luo Hongfeng just said these conditions, he was completely unaware!

It seems that all this was arranged by Sun Wuya without telling himself in advance.

"Hey, just this time, I'm afraid we are hopeless to win the first place. Song Ting's strength is very strong, and this time the host, even her aunt, the remaining three are also extremely powerful, we It ’s hard to win. "

Yan Bao said suddenly, a few others nodded, his face was ashamed.

"No matter what, we will do our best this time to get a better place!"

Although Ren Tai said so, in his tone, he had a taste of sorrow and defeat.


Chen Yu glanced at Song Ting and others, brow lightly.

"A bunch of black people, first place and reward, they don't even think about it!"

"You, what did you say?" Ren Tai looked at Chen Yu and said suddenly.

Chen Yu just sneered.

"As long as I'm there, the last reward is to miss them."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, all ten people were stunned, then shook his head with a bitter smile.

"It's good to have spirit, but still have to recognize the reality."

"Yes, if you want to stop them, you are a little too early."

"Recognize yourself, the future is yours, and now, theirs!"

Several people said in turn.

Ren Tai patted Chen Yu's shoulder and said with gratitude: "Your talent is against the sky, and you are not afraid of anything. This is a good thing, but you must also recognize the gap between each other and give up your arrogant temper. There is even greater development. Let us do this martial arts battle. "

Chen Yu shrugged indifferently without saying a word.

Gong Nian aside, looking at Rentai, couldn't help it.

"Chen Yu, he's amazing!"

Ren Tai smiled slightly, and some teased and said, "Yes, yes, how can Miss Gong's man not be great? Everyone is right?"

Several of them laughed, but no one took Gong Nian's words to heart. In their opinion, Gong Nian was just maintaining Chen Yu.

What's more, they also want to let Gong Nian know that although your man is powerful, now, it is still our world!

"Okay! Everyone knows the rules of martial arts. I don't stop talking nonsense. Your elders are in the room talking to the people of the Alchemist Association. Get started! "

After finishing speaking, Luo Hongfeng waved her hand suddenly, and in the most central area of ​​the courtyard, nearly a hundred high platforms were raised, a dozen meters high, and on each platform there was a round stone.

"This is Mo Yuanshi. Your task is to use true power to condense a carving knife and sculpt a statue within an hour. I will judge it."

Carving a statue from Mo Yuanshi?

Chen Yu frowned, with some surprises. I did not expect that Luo Hongfeng would use this method to test everyone.

Mo Yuanshi is a very strange stone. It has a characteristic that it will show a random enlargement or reduction of the true power of the material itself.

That is to say, if you use true power and cut it with one knife, it should have been just right, but it may become lighter or heavier.

Mo Yuanshi also has a nickname, which is called a non-engravable hard rock! Enough to see what he looks like.

So it seems that this thing is simple, but it is very difficult to really do it.

And this is exactly the ability to test the sculptor's control over his true power, because it is very difficult for the sculptor to adjust the true power in an instant.

Everyone heard Luo Luofeng's words.

"Now do any of you want to try it?"

Among the crowd, there was a moment of silence, and everyone was weighing their strength.

"I come!"

Someone shouted, then came out and leapt to the high platform.

With the emergence of this person, many others followed, and not long after, dozens of people were already standing on the high platform.

At this moment, everyone began to sculpt. Only the next moment, the problem appeared. Someone was directly enlarged by several times, and the whole Mo Yuan stone was cut into two halves. Some people were really zoomed. It was useless. No trace remains.

At present, all the people participating in the martial arts battle became flushed and embarrassed.

The crowd groaned endlessly. Those people are also Tianjiao! I did not expect a Mo Yuan stone, so they stopped them.

"Sure enough, this martial arts battle is not so easy."

Ren Tai solemnly spoke, and Yan Bao and others nodded heavily.

There was a smile on the corner of Song Ting's mouth.

"Aunt, I remember when you were a kid, you often asked me to take Mo rough to make sculptures! This is the first, I'm sure!

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