At this moment, Gong Nianchi looked at Chen Yu, but did not expect that under such circumstances, Chen Yu would say such a thing.

Then, her face quickly became crimson.

Even if she knew that Chen Yu was trying to protect herself, and at the same time she was so proud of herself that she said such a thing, but she still couldn't stop the joy in her heart.

Even if it is fake, let this feel for a long time!

Gong Nian nestled in Chen Yu's arms, thinking sweetly.

"Gong Nian, what he said is true? Did you give him to your body?"

Proud Xiaoxiao looked at Gong Nian. In her voice, there was a huge anger, like a volcano about to erupt.

After biting her lip, Gong Nian raised her head and looked at Aozi Xiao without any avoidance.

"Yes! My body has already given Chen Yu! Your younger brother Ao Tianzong designed to give me medicine and wanted to defile my innocence. Chen Yu killed him to protect me. And I was there At that time, I gave my body to Chen Yu. All these things were done by your proud family! "

Gong Nian roared.

Everyone froze, eyes widened, and looked at Gong Nian. I never imagined that there was such a dog thing!

Pride's younger brother, gave the palace a prescription and was killed instead? This, this **** is too shameful.

Scandal, this is definitely a scandal!

Aozhuangxiao's face instantly turned black like the bottom of a pot.

"Gong Liushui, have you forgotten the palace family, and my proud marriage contract?"

Strikes of killings have emerged from the words of Pride!

"Proud of the sky, this is also no way to do it, my granddaughter is already Chen Yu's. And the marriage contract between you and Gong Nian was imposed on us by your proud family. None agreed. "

Gong Liushui said rather rogue. Anyway, this is the way it is now, but the palace water is released, let's love it.

"I, my Cao! Aojia, even a marriage contract with the palace?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Then everyone's complexion became strange.

This **** relationship is too complicated.

Pride's younger brother, Pride, wants to be his fiancee, but what happens? This Chen Yu killed Aotian Zongzi, but also took the blood of Gong Nian?

Speaking of which, all this seems to be the pot of proud days?

To be proud, is it to thank Chen Yu or to hate Chen Yu?

At this moment, everyone is more sympathetic. Why is this guy so tragedy? At the same time, they were full of admiration in the eyes of Chen Yu.


It's too strong!

This courage is not too much to say that Baiyu is the number one!

Kill Ao Tianzong, let alone a fiancee who's asleep! This life experience should not be too exciting. But, next, can he withstand the anger of Pride?

Everyone looked at Chen Yu with complicated eyes.

And Zhou Hong, Song Ting and others are ecstatic!

It's over!

Chen Yu is absolutely over! There is no longer any chance of surviving! That's pride! Do you dare to sleep with a woman like this?

To make it perish, it must make it crazy. The ancients don't bully me!

Chen Yu, let's die! You are not dead, what are the faces of my four forces?

Zhou Hong looked at Chen Yu, her body trembling with excitement.

Seeing him rise up, seeing his guests, but now? This building is about to collapse soon. How can we not be excited?

Aofeng was completely stupid, and looked at Chen Yu with a cloud of mud in his head. This guy, actually, did such a crazy thing? Does he know what Aojia stands for? He, did you know that the proud family crushed him, just like crushing an ant?

"OK! OK! OK!"

Three good words came out from the voice of Pride. The sound was cold, and there was no anger at all.

But the more this happened, the more the hearts of everyone became confused. Even if the pride of the moment is just a projection, it still has a strong sense of oppression!

At this moment, Ao Zongxiao's eyes are completely red in the projection, which is extremely scary.

this is!

Gong Liushui felt a shock in her heart.

Seeing the pride of the sky at this moment, Gong Liushui thought of the mysterious inheritance of the proud family, Wanao Tianjue!

Many other big brothers, when they saw Ao Tianzong like this, were also shocked, for no reason, and felt that their backs were cold and their hairs stood upside down.

Even if it is just a projection, they also feel a great crisis!

"Awesome! It's so amazing! Is this the first day of Aojia? It's the strength, even if I encountered it, only completely killed!"

Zhou Hong's expression shook incomparably, and the joy in her heart even more.

"Those who move me proud, your courage is very big! But the courage comes at a price!"

Sensen's words came and Ao Zixiao said, "Pride, bring him back."


Aofeng said, looking at Chen Yu.

"Don't resist, otherwise, it's not just you who died!"

Aofeng sneered, and took out a dazzling special rope from his cuffs, and put it on Chen Yu's neck, like that, like a wild dog.

The rope changed rapidly in the air, but it was just a moment when a matrix formed on it, emitting a dazzling light, there were as many as a dozen.

"This is a treasure with carved formations!"

Seeing this scene, some big guys exclaimed.

The sculpted treasures are equivalent to a moving array. Generally, powerful arrays require a long time to be arranged, and their positions are relatively fixed.

But now with this kind of treasure, it is tantamount to having a master of matrix formation, who can directly arrange the matrix formation. As long as the user wants to use it, it can be used instantly, which is extremely convenient.

These things are rare things, and some forces don't even have one. But Aofeng, as a servant of Aojia, even has such things, it is enough to imagine how terrifying Aojia is.

"His! What a shame! This kind of formation method is a powerful shot at first glance. I am afraid that those under the conquest of the gods have no chance to resist! Chen Yu is finished!"

"No wonder he is a man of great consummation, and dares to come here. It turns out that not only is he proud of his family, but he still has these treasures?"

Everyone was amazed. Such a treasure, many Tianjiao present, no one can be its opponent, it is definitely a spike.

Zhou Hong and others had their eyes brightened, and they could not wait to see it immediately. Chen Yu was dragged away like a dead dog.

Many gangsters shook their heads, lamenting that such a character as Chen Yu had offended his proud family.

Chen Yu looked at the rope with a cold smile, and then one-handedly, a complicated pattern emerged from his fingertips, which quickly coagulated in the air and imprinted on the rope!


Aofeng was stunned, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly, leaving only a deep horror.

He suddenly discovered that he had lost control of the rope? !!

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