Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1305: Barking dog, just kill it


The exclaiming voice burst out from Aofeng's mouth, and he widened his eyes, totally unexpected, that his own treasure would be out of his control!

I saw the rope that just flew towards Chen Yu's head, and under the control of Chen Yu, she turned around and put it on Aofeng's neck! The other end of the rope was caught by Chen Yu.

"Come over."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, with a little force on her hand, and suddenly Ao Feng was dragged directly and fell under Chen Yu's feet!

This rope is called Fengxian Rope. Anyone who is trapped will be blocked by the formation method attached to the rope. Therefore, the pride of the moment, as much as possible, is better than ordinary people.

"You, you wanton!"

Aofeng's face turned red, and he shouted.

He is anxious and angry, what is his identity? When you were here just now, which of the many big guys saw you not respectfully? But now, he was like a dog, kneeling in front of Chen Yu!

At the same time, his heart was extremely shocked. My family knows their business. The formation on this demon's rope was engraved by the proud master of the first formation, Ao Hong. How could it be so easy for Chen Yu to crack it?

What the **** is this kid?

"My Cao! Chen Yu's courage is really too big!"

When many Tianjiao saw this scene, they all widened their eyes and chilly in their hearts. That is the proud servant, Chen Yu took the other party without any scruples?

It ’s different from killing Aotian and sleeping in the palace. The previous things were secret, but now, in the presence of so many people, it ’s a real face, and it ’s crazy to be a proud face!

Many big brothers are also shocked. Chen Yu is so crazy! But Chen Yu's madness, they can understand.

Just in such a short time, Chen Yu directly broke the formation on the demon's rope. How strong is his accomplishment in the formation?

"I didn't expect that Chen Yu not only had a ruthless demeanor, but also had a high level of accomplishment even in the formation of the Fa! It's rare in the world!" Said the gangster with emotion.

"Yeah, it's no wonder why he's so crazy that he doesn't even look at the proud family! I am afraid that all the younger generations in the entire hundred domains can only hold him steady! If Pride is the first day of pride, then Chen Yu is the well-deserved second! "

At this moment, someone shook his head and said, "No, haven't you noticed, Ao Zixiao is now thirty-seven, but Chen Yu? He's less than 25! There is a big difference between the two. A teenager! "


As soon as this word came out, the big brothers on the side were all shrinking their pupils. They couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, horrified, and spread over the cheeks of several people!

"You, are you kidding me? Oh my god, this Chen Yu is so young? Is he practicing in the midst of being a mother? Otherwise, how could he be so perverted?"

"Extreme, terrible, if calculated according to this age, then Chen Yu's talents should even be above the proud heights! Although this Chen Yu is just a perfect accomplishment in a transcendent realm, but in Dan Dao Accomplishment with the formation method, I am afraid that it is no less than a hundred domains, any old monster! This, this is simply ... "

Everyone was a little verbal and could not find any adjectives to describe Chen Yu at the moment.

Because of such evils, they are the first time in their lives!

Dan Tao and formation methods are all roads other than spiritual practice! And in some respects, these two avenues are even more important than self-cultivation, because such masters are too rare, and if there is one, they will become guests of the major forces and the connections behind them. It's unimaginable terror!

Among the hundred domains, this has happened before. Some strong men self-relied as Wushuang, forced a daughter of a master of alchemy, and finally shamelessly killed the daughter of the master of alchemy, in the face of the other side, and completely angered the master.

Then the master directly launched all his own contacts, and sent out more than a dozen masters with the same level as the strong one. The total number was as high as 43!

When the strong man was found, the man was scared on the spot! It's a real scare! Then 43 people stubbornly abolished the man and repaired it. Ling was delayed by three thousand swords before letting him die. This incident has caused a great uproar in the hundred domains before, let people know again, the horror of the master of alchemy!

And now, Chen Yu is such a character!

"If this son is not dead, the future is boundless!"

Someone's voice was low and he couldn't hide his shock.

Several others nodded.

"Oh, unfortunately, even if he is wicked again, this time, he will surely die!"

Zhou Hong smiled, her smile was very cold, and she was full of murder.

Even if he hated Chen Yu, he had to admit that Chen Yu's talent was too demon! But it is exactly the same, her heart of killing Chen Yu is becoming more and more firm!

Now their relationship with Chen Yu has broken down. If Chen Yu really rises in the future, I am afraid that their four forces will be blown away!

Chen Yu, you're not dead, I'm upset!

Zhou Hong and Liu Yao looked at each other and nodded tacitly. This time, be sure to call this opportunity and kill this kid!

"Chen Yu, I'll give you a chance, let go of Aofeng, self-defeated limbs, come to plead guilty in front of me, I can consider not killing you. Even, I will let you be my dog.

The faint utterance came from the projection of Ao Zixiao, among which was the suppression of extreme anger.

Even if she was proud, she was shocked when she saw Chen Yu's performance just now. Before, he had to kill Chen Yu, but now he has changed his mind a bit, so that instead of killing such a talent, it is better to keep it beside him as a running dog of his own, more happily!

He even planned it out. After Chen Yu arrived at the proud house, he completely controlled Chen Yu with the secret method, and then slowly adjusted Chen Yu!

"Hear not! Hurry up and let me go! What kind of identity do you dare to treat me like this? I'm a proud family servant! Move me, your whole family will die!"

Aofeng's voice was sharp, and his face was vicious!

Chen Yu looked at Aofeng, grasped the rope's hand, and slowly let go. . .

Seeing this scene, everyone sighed deeply, but shook his head unfortunately.

Let your talents go against the sky, but unfortunately you have not grown up.

"Oh, that's right, no matter how terrible you are, in front of our proud family, it's just an ant, you ..."


A clear sound made Aofeng's words directly obliterated in his throat. That's the sound of proud wind neck!

Chen Yu held Aofeng's neck in his arms, holding him up, his expression cold.

"Barking dogs are still killed quietly."

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